The scimitar pressed forward step by step, using vicious and vicious killing moves without any delay.

Weapons for medium and long-range attacks can be easily suppressed once they are close to the body, let alone a master of close attack assassination like Bai Yi.

"I saw your post."

Bai Yi's hands were ruthless, and the blade cut Quan Heng's neck artery just a few millimeters away. "They said that you are fully capable of carrying the S sequence, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that. After all, in my opinion, those S's are just Rubbish!"

The scimitars were crossed, and with a "squealing" sound, teeth were grinding together, and they all attacked Quan Heng's heart at a tricky angle!

The sword flickered, like the cold and elegant thin wings of a butterfly, flung out from Quan Heng's fingertips, and then spun around after Bai Yi dodged, splitting in two in the void and stabbing Bai Yi at high speed!

At this speed, you either have to exchange one life for another, or you have to give up this good opportunity!

Bai Yi didn't have time to think about it, Quan Heng had already seized the opportunity he had just dodged and struck from the side again, and the two sides' attacks overlapped and surrounded him!

Bai Yi suddenly sheathed the knife and dodged to one side, the butterfly knife passing by his ear.

He only felt a heat behind his ears, and he reached out and touched blood on his hand. Bai Yi couldn't help gritting his teeth and said: "Damn! This is a brand weapon, how come you have two of them?!"

Quan Heng calmly retracted "Tianshu" and stretched out his hands to catch the spinning butterfly knife.

Hearing this, she raised her eyes lightly. She seemed to really think about it for a moment. She said softly and raised her eyebrows: "Why don't you give me the news in exchange?"

"You think I care?"

Bai Yi sneered and spun the scimitar flexibly in his hand, "There are still five minutes left. If you can survive these five minutes in close combat, I will give up the bounty from the Empire of Thorns. Likewise, don't take the initiative to interfere with me. Task."

"I really like to be friendly and make money," Quan Heng smiled, "but I have to think about this matter."

Bai Yi's eyes instantly turned cold: "You are really looking for death!"

After that, he attacked head-on, his speed was almost as fast as Song Jingyun!

Blade collision, butterfly knives and scimitars generally have similar advantages, both can bend the attack direction and increase the attack range.

The wrapped Buddha beads swayed with the rapid attack, and the Eighteen Sons made a sound in the collision. The clear and soft beads were splashed with blood, which smeared along the warm white jade-like wrist.

Quan Heng shook his hand, and the butterfly knife stabbed into Bai Yi's wrist at the same tricky angle, splattering blood!

[Oh my god, the melee attacks of these two people are as fast and powerful as the S sequence. ]

[Hiss, Quan Heng is too angry and will retaliate. The angle and position are completely consistent, so he returned it directly! ]

[It’s only been two minutes, and the HP of these two people has dropped below 60. Damn it, you don’t even need tetsuji and you can just pick them, right? ! ]

[Quan Heng and Bai Yi are evenly matched, let me knock it on. Is this still sequence B? ! ! ]

"That's a good fight," Bai Yi sneered. The ferocious centipede scars on his face overlapped and stitched the muscles together. "But you have to know that no one can challenge my close attack."

He retreated, and the scimitar and butterfly knife struck together diagonally, pressing down hard with force!

"No one can challenge your close attack?" Quan Heng chuckled and glanced at his face with unclear meaning, "Then where did you get this ugly scar on your face?"

Bai Yi was poked in a painful spot, and his pupils shrank suddenly. He was distracted by the butterfly knife and was swiped to avoid the attack. Then the butterfly knife swung flexibly and forced him hard. Even if he dodged quickly enough, he was still scratched. Neck!

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Bai Yi’s health value is -3, current health value: 53.]

"Psychological warfare?"

Bai Yi covered his bleeding neck and couldn't help tightening his cheeks. His words were squeezed out between his teeth, "It's so dirty, don't you feel disgusted?"

[Hey, trash talk is quite disgusting. No wonder I despise Quan Heng. This person is really ugly]

[Upstairs, you are quite good at shooting. You have the moral high ground, disgusting? nausea? ! Even if you live and die, do you still care about this? ? ]

[Laughing, you and this centipede face have double standards. Bai Yi's every move is so sinister, all directed towards Quan Heng's weak point, and he almost picks her hand muscles. Who is disgusting? ! ]

[The seventh level is for Nirvana, right? Aren’t all the bounty hunters they raised dirty? Whatever is good for you is good, and if others use it, you are sorry, ugh! ]

"It's quite disgusting."

Quan Heng did not deny it at all. He chuckled and raised his eyes. His eyes were clear but cold. It seemed that there was a trace of evil hidden under this clean skin. It was so thick that it was impossible to separate the body.

"——But aren't all the weaknesses exposed by human beings meant to be threatened and exploited?"

Bai Yi's spine went numb, as if he saw pure black in this look, and dangerous bloodstains spread throughout the space around him, entangling people's souls silently.

It was freezing cold.

"I thought all bounty hunters understood this. If you don't understand," Quan Heng chuckled, playfully, "It's no wonder the Mad Hatter can destroy your face so easily."

"You're looking for fucking death——!!"

Bai Yi was furious in an instant, and the two scimitar handles connected with each other with a "click". The two scimitars merged into a two-way scimitar with upper and lower edges. He grasped the center with both hands and rotated to chop down!

Quan Heng immediately threw out the butterfly knife, and Bai Yi's speed greatly increased. The double-edged knife turned around and swept away the butterfly knife. Before he could see the dark red thing clearly, it was already spinning and chopping at a high speed!


There was a sudden pain in his wrist, and electric current hit his body. Bai Yi's wrist was wrapped, and the two butterfly knives stabbed him at an unknown moment were already approaching!

when? !

Bai Yi didn't have time to be shocked. His body instinct had already prompted him to bend down and dodge the incoming butterfly knife. Electricity flowed around "Tianshu" again, and the butterfly knife instantly twisted and changed its direction to hit Bai Yi!

There is no way to avoid it!

The blade immediately pierced into the shoulder, and the other blade stabbed toward the eye. Bai Yi turned his head instantly, narrowly missing the fatal blow.

"Your butterfly knife can control the trajectory," Bai Yi gritted his teeth, "Have you been hiding your clumsiness?!"

There is something weird about these two butterfly knives, but that's not it.

"I'm just responsible for irritating you." Quan Heng said, "The rotating handle of the knife is used to block a lightning bolt that keeps cutting. It would be weird if I didn't get bitten."

"You——" Bai Yi was very angry, but had nothing to say.

He indeed lost his most accurate judgment after being provoked. This is also the most taboo thing about high-power duels.

"Ding dong! KP prompts: Twenty minutes are up for the dollhouse!"

Keeper's cold mechanical voice sounded——

"The "Reverse Cross" overlap is about to take place."

Quan Heng raised his hand, took back his weapon, and wiped the blood on the beads with his fingers.

"Ah, right."

The space fluctuated and the two stood apart.

Quan Heng raised his head and chuckled as if he suddenly remembered something, "I don't control the butterfly knife. It's just a energized coil and an iron core to form a strengthened electromagnet. The strong magnetic field attracts them."

"What?" Bai Yi's mind went blank and his face was distorted, "What did you just say?!"

Quan Heng had a smile in his eyes and teased: "Children, learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, so that there will be no magic in your life."

Bai Yi: "…………"

[Is that what I mean? I’m laughing so hard]

[Hahahaha, Quan Heng is really in trouble, I have never seen a human being look so bad hahahaha]

"Your uncle's——"

Bai Yi's face was twisted, he picked up the knife and stepped forward. The mirror behind him suddenly fluctuated, and a pair of silver eyes opened like a halo, and the fangs were ferocious.

Quan Heng's eyes moved slightly: "Bai——"


The evil beast in the mirror burst out of the mirror like lightning, opened its jagged fangs, and bit into Bai Yi's arm, blood spurting out!

The screams were mixed with blood, and the sudden change suddenly occurred!

"Ding dong!"

The reversal of the suspended cross was completed at this moment, and the cold mechanical sound echoed through the dollhouse——

"KP Tip: The "reverse cross" overlap is completed!"


The space is distorted, and the two forked roads overlap randomly.

The original scene in front of Quan Heng disappeared, and there were two identical forks in front of him.

"The space is distorted, and the beast's speed is too fast, and there is no time to see it clearly. Since it all comes out in the mirror, it has something to do with the dollhouse."

Quan Heng thought in his mind, lowered his eyes and peeled off the eighteen pieces tightly wrapped around his wrist, and moved them in his hand.

"The relative time flow rate of each map is different, and the time flow rate corresponding to the human world is also different. Tang Junyi should have already set off after getting the clue. After all, there are login and live broadcast prompts between friends, and he will probably come to watch the fun... Just Know that there is no such thing as unreasonable kindness.”

"I knew I would meet you this time."

The steady and leisurely tapping sound of stiletto heels approached, and a voice with a faint smile sounded from behind.

Quan Heng gathered his thoughts and looked at Irina who was walking towards him. Her body was still clean, not even a trace of blood could be seen, and her top was only slightly wrinkled, which was not eye-catching.

The dangers encountered during the two clue investigations were not worth mentioning to her, and perhaps they were not even considered "dangers".

"Huh?" Irina's eyes fell on the horrific wound on Quan Heng's wrist, "Are you injured?"

"Small injury."

Quan Heng glanced at it calmly. The wounds can heal automatically after the sequence is advanced, but it is not that fast at B level.

"This is not okay." Irina raised her eyebrows slightly and took out something, "Girls must cherish themselves very much. If you don't love yourself, others will bully you - give me your hand."

Quan Heng paused slightly: "I..."

"Don't be shy, I don't mean any harm."

Irina chuckled teasingly, placing her fingers on her lips to cover her smile. Her long silver-grey hair fell down her shoulders as smoothly as satin. Her eye color was a pure blue that is rare among Westerners, like the starry sky at night. The intoxicating and psychedelic ocean tears.

Quan Heng paused for a moment, unexpectedly not thinking of the wording of rejection.

"Too haggard," Irina reached out and gently held her wrist, wrapping the bandage twice around it, "Are you feeling poorly?"

She frowned slightly as she spoke, and put three fingers on Quan Heng's hand to feel her pulse. This face that didn't look superior was fake. Quan Heng looked at those eyes, but he always felt that it was not a Western-style face. .

Irina let go of her hand and said warmly: "You can't find out much about the physique in the border area. If there is a chance, we will talk about it when we meet in the human world."

Quan Heng raised his eyebrows: "The human world?"

"There will be a chance." Irina smiled vaguely, "I said so."

She didn't wait for Quan Heng to answer, and praised with a smile: "Eighteen tourmaline and emerald stones, the water head is top-notch, what a good eye."

"Thank you." Quan Heng said.

"Thank you for what?" Irina curled her lips, her eyes wandered on her wrist, her eyes darkened slightly, and she smiled again when she raised her eyes, "I will give you a set when you go out, as a replacement for the meeting gift."

Quan Heng smiled and said, "Then I have to think of a return gift."

"Think slowly," Irina tilted her head, her eyes like the ocean on the Norwegian peninsula, as blue as the loneliest tears on earth, but shining brightly when she smiles, "I'm not in a hurry."

"I went to the dollhouse you went to for the first time." Quan Heng returned to the topic and walked with her to the dollhouse in this corridor.

"What, you found a clue?" Irina pressed her right temple with two fingers, seeming to have a headache, "I didn't find any."

Quan Heng said roughly.

"Reverse fortune?" Irina pondered slightly, "Speaking of which, we do know a technique that can change fortune with the help of a cross."


"On the day of the birth of the Savior, reappear the death of our Lord and reverse the cross to obtain the turnover of wealth and luck."

Quan Heng raised his eyebrows in slight surprise: "You mean to kill the savior on the day of his birth, and then reverse the cross, turning death into vitality, and bad luck into good luck?"

"Yes, that's how we understand it." Irina nodded, "The savior was born on Christmas Eve and was crucified on the cross by the rebels. The ceremony can be completed by reversing the cross."

"Is this technique... related to children?"

"Child? That's driving piles."

Irina hesitated a little, frowned and said:

"It's an esoteric architectural technique.

"Before the construction project starts, children are used to lay the foundation of the construction site to ensure that the project goes smoothly. Lu Ban also elaborated on the theory of "driving piles". He believes that when people break ground in a place, it will destroy the feng shui of that place and also offend the place. Due to the ghosts and gods in the area, accidents often occurred during the construction period.

"But when a living person is buried on a construction site, the "live pile" buried alive becomes the patron saint of the building and maintains the stability of the building. It would be even better if it is a child. The transformation of the cross can not only protect the building, but also protect the building. It can bring fortune and good luck."

"The Beidou Ji family should be proficient in this kind of thing...but the Taoist school also has many records. You can ask Song Jingyun. He is a direct disciple of Heming Mountain after all."

The construction site and the children are all corresponding.

But Hokuto-hime's family... what is it?

Quan Heng nodded, decided not to continue this topic, and said instead:

"Did you see anything the second time?"

"There was no time," Irina sighed, "I just had to confront the wolf-dog."

"Wolfdog?" Quan Heng captured the information, "The wolfdog in the mirror?"

"Well," Irina casually pushed her hanging hair to the back of her neck, revealing her fair and slender neck, "there were so many of them that I couldn't finish them. I had no choice but to blow up all the mirrors. What do you think?"

Quan Heng was silent for a few seconds, and when he raised his eyes, his tone was calm and determined: "More things came out of the broken lenses."

"Why are you so smart?" Irina laughed, "You can't break the mirror, it will only get more and more."

"——But, you just said that the wolfdog in the mirror dragged away the bounty hunter, right?"

Irina raised her lips and smiled, with sincere joy hidden in her eyes: "Then I'm afraid he won't survive."


"Ah! Get out! Get out!!"

The wolf dog bit into pieces the arm in its mouth and swallowed the bones together. Bai Yi desperately used his remaining arm to hold the scimitar and drive him away.

Footsteps sounded in the mirror-filled corridor, and a jumping boy came humming Christmas carols and stopped in front of him.

"Did you accept my sister's reward?"

Mu Jing squatted down with her cheeks in hand, blinked innocently, and looked up at him.

"Your sister?" Bai Yi was alert, "Is your sister Quan Heng?"

"Yes, don't you envy me?" Mu Jing smiled, "I found my family myself. I went out quietly to see them. I was so lucky that I met them for the first time."

Bai Yi gasped quickly and opened his eyes angrily, "So that's it, you guys are uniting to kill me! So what if I accept her reward?! If I die, Quan Heng will be killed by the seventh layer, no! He will be killed by The whole pursuit of Nirvana..."

Mu Jing looked at him and saw countless thick blacks flowing out of his eyes. He pursed his lips, feeling a little disappointed.

"All things are under the mirror, and there will be evil and punishment, and good will be rewarded. Everything is as it was before."

He whispered, and half of his body turned into mercury gray. In front of the yellowed wall, it was like a withered old photo, where the dead person suddenly came back to life, but only half alive.

"Are there really souls in this world?"

The child asked, his pale and gray part still locked in the old time and space, while the vivid red struggled to pass into this life.

"You can pay back all the evil done by evil people, and repay kindness with kindness..."

Bai Yi felt horrified, swallowed his saliva and said: "Why...don't go crazy! You -"

"Kill him." Mu Jing said softly.

The child's innocence, the child's cruelty, the child's distress, the child's kindness.

He has both.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

The wolf-dog rushed forward with its bloody mouth open, screaming loudly, and only the remains were left.

Mu Jing waved and asked the wolfdog to come back to her.

"Be good."

Mu Jing touched the wolf dog's head and hugged its neck when it whimpered:

"I'm so envious... I spilled the milk and broke the cup without getting beaten. I'm so envious... I also want a family... I also want someone to hug me when I'm sad..."

Mu Jing closed her eyes, shrank into the big dog's neck, and whispered to herself:

"Sister, would you mind raising two puppies? We are very clean and won't cause any trouble to her."

"I hope she takes us in," Mu Jing hugged the big dog tightly, "I really want to go home with her."

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