"It turns out there is a Bagua Mirror hidden here."

Irina watched Quan Heng take off the Bagua Mirror and raised her eyebrows in surprise, "I am ignorant. I thought the Bagua Mirror only had copper mirrors, but I didn't expect that glass could be used as well - did Song Jingyun tell you?"

"Well," Quan Heng did not deny it, "there are specialties in the art."

"No wonder the mirrors in the four corners of the second room are gone." Irina smiled knowingly.

"Song Jingyun is indeed powerful, but he pursues the way of "joining the world" and "breaking the situation" and does not want to join any existing organizations in the border area. It has been nearly ten months since he first entered the border area in S18 - he can be said to be traveling alone without any companions or friends. Headhunters from major organizations have coerced and lured him, but he managed to reach the second place in the New God Sequence alone. "

She said, she also found it interesting, shook her head slightly and said with a smile: "Obviously you can take root and establish yourself with all the stars supporting you, but you have to stubbornly rebel against your bones."

"This is his avenue," Quan Heng chuckled, "it is also his practice."


Irina's heart moved slightly as she watched Quan Heng take out the newspaper folded into the shape of an ingot from behind the Bagua mirror, her blue eyes darkening slightly: "I'm still very curious, how did you get Song Jingyun to agree to team up with you and even participate in S18 of?"

Quan Heng shook the newspaper, pondered for a moment, and answered seriously: "Sell it miserably."


Irina was stunned. She really didn't expect this answer, so she couldn't help but repeat: "...Suffering a misfortune?"

"Yes, plus the charm of personality," Quan Heng smiled, "Sacrifice oneself for others to the utmost. Is it unreasonable not to be moved by such a noble personality and quality?"

Irina: "…………"

[Laughing to death, Mr. Quan, do you dare to be more shameless? What kind of personality charm do you have, can you deceive people and kick them into your pirate ship? ]

[Hahahahaha, I’m so moved. Can Song Jingyun not be moved? He’s so moved that he doesn’t dare to move. He’ll be killed if he touches you. ]

"It turns out...that's it."

Irina looked at her and smiled slowly, as if she had heard something very interesting: "You took advantage of the world he pursued, and also took advantage of his psychological weakness."

"If I'm not wrong, you still want to use yourself as a guide. Are you really not afraid of accidents?"

"If you don't let go of your children, you won't be able to trap the wolf," Quan Heng said in a gentle voice, "You will gain if you give up."

What's more, she also has a bottle of "pure blood" as a trump card, so she won't commit suicide without a plan.

"That's right," Irina approached, "What was written in the newspaper?"

Front page headlines:

[In 2013, there were over cases of missing children in the province, all of which became unsolved cases due to incomplete clues and were suspected of being committed by trafficking gangs. 】

"Case of missing children." Quan Heng read the content quickly, "Organized abduction cases, the children are concentrated in the age group of 3-8 years old. After comparing the data, the police found that these children have one thing in common."


"Birthday." Quan Heng's eyes fell on the bold clue report.

"——The birthdays of these missing children are all December 12th."

"Christmas Eve?" Irina's pupils moved slightly, slightly surprised.

"It should be said that it is the birth day of the savior." Quan Heng closed the newspaper.

"The clown said before that there is a group of children in the dollhouse who have been waiting for us for a long time, and they should be these missing children.

"Does the combination of driving piles and crosses require... mercury?"


"Mercury?" Nie Cang frowned, "You mean those children's infectious symptoms are mutated mercury poisoning?"


The researcher handed him the Bagua mirror that had been contained. "These Bagua mirrors have all detected excessive levels of mercury, that is, mercury."

"Mercury is no longer used in today's mirrors." Nie Cang took it and looked at it through a special transparent storage bag. "Is the mercury on these Bagua mirrors added to it, or is it part of itself?"

"In addition," the researcher replied, "just like Deputy Tang said, these Bagua mirrors are the transmission medium of pollution."

"So the xenobiotic contaminants are related to mercury?"

"If nothing else, that's the case," the researcher paused, "Captain, are there any relevant records in the bureau's containment notes?"

The Special Bureau's containment notes are summaries of completed containment projects by successive directors, as well as summaries of some containment techniques.

Nie Cang realized something was wrong: "You want to say that this is not a new containment project?"

"You know this better than I do. Mercury is a highly toxic substance for ordinary people, but it has special characteristics for those of us who study supernatural anomalies."

The researcher's voice was serious.

“Egyptian pharaoh priests would pour mercury over their altars and use it as a medium of communication with the gods.

"Medieval alchemy regarded mercury as one of the 'three elements'. They believed that this substance was a medium for the flow of special energy in the world. It could connect the unknown, achieve unimaginable effects, and reverse destiny.

"And there is also a large amount of mercury in the tomb of Qin Shihuang. The alchemists in the Spring and Autumn Period refined the elixir of immortality with mercury and soaked the corpse in mercury for long-term preservation. This is essentially a restriction on the flow of special energy, that is, Use mercury to seal the human soul and achieve immortality in the physical container.

"——This method is often used to preserve sacrifices, that is, in various alchemy rituals, to achieve the effect of reversing luck and attracting wealth."

Nie Cang pursed his lips into a straight line. When the researcher finished the last sentence, he stood up, grabbed the coat on the chair and walked out:

"Has the person in charge of Longcheng Amusement Park been under control? I will interrogate him personally and take him there immediately!"

"team leader!"

The researcher hurried forward and caught up with Nie Cang, who was striding away:

"The most important thing is to let him tell where the xenobiotics that are the source of contamination are. The mirrors in the dollhouse are all deceptions for contamination turnover, disrupting the detection - there is still one twelve-hour optimal treatment period for those children. It’s hour!”

Nie Cang nodded, "I know."

"Captain! Captain!"

Team members in uniforms hurried over with information, breathing heavily: "The survey results you requested are out!"

Nie Cang looked at him: "Say."


The team member opened the information and quickly said:

"We found that Dragon City Amusement Park secretly smuggled a large amount of mercury in the second half of 2014, two months before the amusement park reopened after bankruptcy."

"And it's not just today, there was an incident at the amusement park on December 22, 12. Thirteen children had food poisoning in the new park at that time, and the hospital's first diagnosis was mercury poisoning - ten of them were mild and two were moderate. Degree, there is still one rescue that is ineffective.

"But they were all resolved privately by the person in charge, and the medical certificates were changed and concealed. Since then, the new park has also made rectifications and banned the sale of all snacks.

"But within a week, the person in charge received another batch of mercury and made improvements to the dollhouse."

Nie Cang frowned: "What rectification?"

"The soil was turned over and the floor was renovated," the team member said. "We also asked Taoist priests from Qingmiao Temple to do the work. I heard it was to drive away bad luck."


Nie Cang whispered and suddenly connected the clues: "Immediately bring people to tear down the floor of the dollhouse and dig three feet down for me!"


The team members were solemn and immediately took the order to leave.

"Do you think it's underground? What's the basis?" "Because it's a driven pile, that's not right. It's a worse driven pile." Nie Cang said, "In 06, during the repair of a water conservancy project in the port area, Just like when a large number of children's skeletons were unearthed, the water conservancy project area was also formerly an amusement park, and mercury was also used, but I only made the connection now."

"The evil magic...is related to Beidou and those people?"

"As long as it affects the human world, it has nothing to do with them?" Nie Cang had a headache. "But their group and the New World... have made it impossible to eradicate them now. Instead, they have allowed Nirvana to grow and develop."

The researcher frowned and said: "But Captain, how can you dig out a dollhouse that is so big in an hour? Are you just trying your luck? It's too late! What's more, we don't have any storage materials available for this."

"I know, I will go to the interrogation with the person in charge right now."

"It's impossible for him to open his mouth. The impact of this incident is too great. If he really paid for murder to remove traces in the game, he should know the consequences!

"He will definitely try his best to wait for news in the game. This is the way out for him!"

The researcher lowered his voice, "If it doesn't work, we can open a "well" and use the alien body, so that we can directly..."

"Yan Su, have you forgotten the 'three taboos' of the Special Investigation Bureau? What are the first two?"

Nie Cang gave him a warning look:

"The things under the "well" should not be used except in extreme circumstances, and should not be used on humans unless the evidence is conclusive. The pollution they can cause is irreversible and will most likely kill the user directly. "

"The person in charge has crossed the line!"

Yan Su argued: "He smuggled mercury and was even suspected of cooperating with Nirvana's group - isn't this okay?!"

"Suspicion is not everything."

Nie Cang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Have you forgotten the tragedy six years ago?"

Yan Su's pupils suddenly shrank, he pursed his lips, lowered his head, and gritted his teeth: "...I know."

Nie Cang sighed, patted his shoulder, and strode towards the interrogation room.

In the empty corridor, Yan Su, who was wearing a researcher's white coat, was silent for a moment, then took out his special communication phone and dialed the number:

"Hey, Deputy Tang? The Keneq you are talking about is the newcomer named Quan Heng?"

"...Yes, we need to use her map to find the specific location of the alien body. Where is her viewing platform?"


"So, the combination of mercury and the cross can be used as a medium to reverse fortune, use evil to nourish good, and use blood to nourish wealth?"


Irina thought for a while and said, "But it is actually a special substance used to seal the soul of the sacrifice in the ritual - what can really achieve the mediating role in the ritual is the soul sealed in the dead body."


"Are there really souls in this world?" Quan Heng whispered.

Irina paused, and then said after a moment: "Are they the words of Mrs. Xianglin in "Blessing"?"

"Well, I just suddenly thought of it."

I long for the soul to live in another form, but I am afraid that the soul will continue to suffer from evil.

Quan Heng smiled and said, "It seems that the Bagua Mirror chose to use a concave mirror that absorbs evil spirits, just to prevent the souls of the sacrifices from escaping."

"I'm not sure about this," Irina shook her head, "I don't know much about Taoist things."

Quan Heng glanced at the ubiquitous mirrors around him, which shone coldly under the lights, and thought in his heart:

"In addition to camouflage, ordinary mirrors should also be able to disrupt some detection in the human world and serve as a channel for monsters to move. Those people in the mirror are most likely..."

The diagonally opposite mirror suddenly shook, and the light from the chandelier shone on Quan Heng's face after reflection, causing his eyes to dangle unpreparedly.

Thoughts are broken.

In just a blink of an eye, the mirror turned to be straight, and "Quan Heng" in the mirror fixed his gaze on her, his pupils were vivid, and he raised his lips and smiled maliciously.

"Quan Heng" dropped his hand, and the next moment, lightning flashing with dark red electricity burst out of the mirror!


Quan Heng reacted almost simultaneously, "Tianshu" was immediately drawn out and struck together with the weapon in the mirror!

A huge dark red electric current bursts out with the blow! !


At the same time, the mirror in front of Irina also changed——

"Is this a duplicate account login?"

Irina raised her eyebrows and looked at herself in the mirror with interest, "Interesting."

The next second, the woman in the mirror raised her hand and threw out a folding fan!

The ink fan outlines mountains and rivers, and the bamboo fan handle is carved with roses entwined with thorns. Wherever it passes, the sound of wind breaks sharply, seeming to cut through space and all nothingness.

The surrounding time slowed down at this moment, only the folding fan's attack speed was still unstoppable!

——The branded weapon comes with a buff that is relatively stagnant in time, and it is actually a regular weapon! !

Irina chuckled.

He raised his wrist lightly and held it into the void, and an identical bamboo fan fell into his hand.

She slid her fingers to unfold the folding fan, and the ink on the fan surface fluctuated, breaking the wind and breaking the time buff at the same time.

The void suddenly distorted, leaving only the black and white fairy charm, the ink mountains and rivers turned into nothingness in front of me, and it instantly swallowed up another folding fan that came in!

The woman in the mirror opened her eyes wide in disbelief and watched the weapon disappear.

"The ability to copy sequences? No wonder it's Keneq, but it's a pity..."

There was an imperceptible smile in Irina's eyes: "My brand and sequence cannot be copied by a small boss in Keneq."

The fan rotates, and the universe of nothingness flowing in the air unfolds again. The ink painting envelopes and spreads, just like a peerless painting reappearing in the world. Everything is integrated into the painting, and everything is covered with black and white ink.

The swallowed folding fan in the mirror swirls in the painting, and the edges of the fan tail seem to be smeared with ink in the water.

Like a stroke of a dragon, it bursts out of the painting!

At the moment when the mirror ghost retreated in panic——

Slap him, behead him!

"It was so bad, so fast."

Irina put her fan to her lips, the mirror ghost disappeared, and a cruel and regretful smile appeared in her eyes:

"it's a pity."

The barrage on the New World Channel stopped for a moment, and then erupted like an explosion!

[Who did I see! ! Who did I see! ! ! Tell me who this is? ! ! ]

[Ahhhhh! ! Ye Huang! ! It’s Ye Huang’s folding fan “painting”! ! ]

[Holy shit, holy shit, who just said that she is not from the empire, and the crackdown on counterfeiting is going to hit the chief executive, you! ! ]

[Why is Your Majesty here? ! Shouldn't she be at the birthday party? ! Why are you writing a book? Still peace! Heng! ]

"Fuck! Your Majesty?!!"

The connectors at the viewing platform were in an uproar again, and most of them even stood up excitedly.

"It's really your Majesty! Isn't it your birthday today? Why are you here?!"

"Oh my god, was the chief of the empire having sex with Quan Heng just now? The connector who placed a bounty on the club?!"

"You still don't understand. Look at His Majesty's attitude towards Quan Heng. There's no reward! It's clearly been placed privately!"

"Speaking of which, someone just said something wrong, saying that the woman who left with Quan Heng was not from the Empire of Thorns, and that such a person who cheated and cheated could not be from the club... Oops, this is too much People heard it.”

"Liu, Brother Liu..."

The follower looked at Liu Wuneng, who was bloodless and sweating coldly, with a pale face, and trembled:

"We, what should we... do?"

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