The reverse cross is completed, everything returns to its original state, and there are two forks in the road again.

Quan Heng touched his face thoughtfully, a little confused.

cute? Describe her? ?

What are small briquettes? A small animal? It sounded like a little black briquette cat. She seemed to have been seen on the Forbidden Queen's support video.

"Hey, look who is this? Quan Heng?!"

Surprise mixed with slight suspicion, Quan Heng turned back to look at Song Jingyun, who was rushing towards him and then suddenly arrived.

The other party held Tang Hengdao in his hand and looked her up and down seriously: "Quickly say something to prove that you are true!"

Quan Heng saw the signs of damage at the hem of his Taoist priest's uniform, his messy hair, and the yellow paper scrawled in his Qiankun bag. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "You went to collect the garbage, are you in such a mess? "

Song Jingyun: "..." His fist hardened.

Damn, this needs a beating, it should be genuine.

"You just went to collect the garbage, you heartless one!"

Song Jingyun fell down and sat on the ground:

"This is not the second time someone is pretending to be you in the mirror. Fortunately, Mr. Dao has been careful, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see me! And it doesn't matter if my equipment brand can't be used, this place doesn't even allow me to occupy the road.

"The four positions are all messed up and cannot be occupied at all!"

Quan Heng: "The fourth set is also in chaos?"

"Ah! There used to be Taoist priests in the game. They were always looking for things, paths and bosses. It was as if they were cheating. Later, even this job was banned and it couldn't even be counted!"

"It's not me," Song Jingyun was really convinced, "Why can you with a Sequence B defeat me with a Sequence S? And that's a pirated copy of your thinking! Pirated copy!!"

"——Tell me, what kind of monster are you that jumped out of the cracks in the rocks? Do you want to wholesale by the ton?"

[Oh, we also want to know the question you mentioned]

[I always wonder if the system’s indicators are wrong. If Quan Heng reaches sequence S, wouldn’t he be able to take over the top sequence? ! ]

[Are you crazy? What superstition are you doing? You don’t understand exponential growth, do you? Players with Sequence SS and above are almost at a disadvantage. You have watched so many games, don’t you understand? ! ]

Just as Quan Heng was about to say something, the lights above his head flickered for a moment, and the mirrors around the corridor flickered.

Soon, it seemed that it was just an illusion caused by Quan Heng's blink of an eye.

"Have you finished venting your anger?"

There was nothing strange in the mirror. Quan Heng looked away, patiently waiting for him to finish venting, and said in a calm tone:

"I still have to complete the mission after I pee, so I don't have much time."

"Forget it, I knew you came in because something happened in the human world."

"Hey, by the way. What on earth is that weapon of yours?"

Song Jingyun looked up at her:

"You can control the discharge of electric current when you keep cutting. It's like a bolt of lightning. You can hold it back as long as you want. Even if you try to grab it with isolating gloves, you can't catch it. Take it out and let me see what kind of monster this slaps me with." thing."

Quan Heng pondered for a moment, and when he stretched out his hand, Tianshu cut through the air like lightning, and the current disappeared under Quan Heng's will:


"Nonsense," Song Jingyun reached out to pick it up, "Why are you talking about this if I don't care? You -"

Quan Heng instantly backhanded, and when Song Jingyun tried to hold the "Tianshu", he raised his hand and used his strength to break the wind!

Song Jingyun's eyes reflected the bloody lightning from "Tian Shu". The next second his pupils shrank suddenly, and severe pain instantly fell on his body! !

The situation suddenly changed in just a few seconds!

"You really dare to answer it."

Quan Heng smiled lowly and raised his hand to restrain "Tianshu".

Song Jingyun was knocked several meters away. His already worn Taoist uniform was even more shabby. When he stood up, there was no blood.

"what happened to you?!"

He covered his waist, hissed, and said angrily: "Are you lying too?!!"

"In a sense, I am indeed 'fake' to you. After all, truth and falsehood are a relative concept."

Quan Heng moved his fingers, and "Tianshu" retracted again: "Do you want to continue pretending? Role-playing or something, it sounds quite interesting."

"Song Jingyun"'s expression changed and he gave up his disguise: "Why?"

"It's true that Song Jingyun is a very undisciplined person, but as long as you don't mess with him, Taoist Song has a sense of proportion, especially ladies - he won't tell me to look at my branded weapons.

"For a player, this is no different than the browser search history of a new generation in the 21st century."

Quan Heng found it interesting, "You have his memory, so you shouldn't recklessly use this as an excuse to take away my weapon. It's very transgressive and very presumptuous."

"But you two have a tacit understanding when working together, and you have a lot of trust."

"Song Jingyun" was puzzled, "Is it an overstep if he and you ask for weapons? Is it just that he trusts you unilaterally?"

“We have a strong relationship in another sense.”

The employment relationship is one of the strongest relationships in the world, and Song Jingyun has even unilaterally superimposed a "father-son" relationship.

"But if he threatens me with his trust, I will not cooperate with him." Quan Heng said, "What's more, this incident itself will not happen."

"In his memory, you have not known each other for a long time." "Song Jingyun" said.

"It doesn't take long to get to know someone." Quan Heng chuckled, "I don't cultivate predestined relationships, they just work themselves out. There are some people in this world who are destined to become friends."

"He is your friend?"

"Perhaps," Quan Heng thought, "I have never had friends, only partners."

"What you said conflicted!"

"I'm just talking about some people, but I'm not necessarily included." Quan Heng smiled, "Kid, do you have any friends?"

"Song Jingyun" was stunned for a moment, then became alert: "What did you say?"

"Let me ask," Quan Heng looked at him and spoke slowly and clearly, "did you make any friends before you were abducted here?"

"I originally thought that you were directly using memories to absorb emotions and thoughts, and then imitating and copying them. It seems that you can still retain your own thinking and act - it may have something to do with your age."

"Children aged 3-8 years old are missing..."

Quan Heng flicked the beads on his wrist, "So the human soul will have improved cognitive abilities like normal humans?"

Mirror Ghost was stunned for a moment: "You... know who I am?"

"I know," Quan Heng said, "Children who were trafficked to the amusement park in 2013."

There are only mirror ghosts and players in this toy house. You can imagine who those dead children are.

Mirror Ghost was silent for a moment, and his appearance changed - from a Taoist priest's outfit to an ordinary plaid shirt and black student pants.

She has a very delicate face and looks to be about five or six years old.

"Is the clown NPC in front of the dollhouse a monster from your camp?" Her tone was not questioning. "……right."

"The reason why we haven't found a map for so long is because there is no map in this dollhouse. In other words, the 'maps' we have collected are actually clues pointing to the ritual of the Reverse Cross Paradise."

"...Yes." The boy nodded.

"What are the consequences of pollution caused by those who hurt you?" Quan Heng asked.

"The image of our death will be reflected in the mirror on children of similar age."

The boy paused and answered frankly, "Back then, we were filled with mercury and poisoned to death in the living pile. If someone is projected to have a death image, it is also a phenomenon of mercury poisoning."

"So, as long as I clear the game, I can completely let your souls go." Quan Heng pondered briefly, "All the spread of pollution will disappear."

The boy moved his lips, remained silent for a while and said, "If the game is cleared, we can leave, but Xiao Wu may not be able to."

Quan Heng: "Because Mu Jing is the most suitable 'savior'?"

The boy raised his head suddenly: "——You already knew Xiao Wu's identity?!"

Quan Heng said "Yeah": "He is a child after all."

It's full of holes and not enough to look at.

"...That's the reason." The child nodded and said after being quiet for a few seconds, "But there is also a way to take him out, that is...way3."

After he finished speaking, he took a careful look at Quan Heng's expression.

Maps generally have three ways to end the plot——

way1-Dead way, collapse path, map exploration ends, player dies;

way2-Daybreak way, the dawn way, the map exploration is completed, the player successfully logs out, including the ghost card killing game;

way3-Crepuscular way, dusk way, map exploration is interrupted, players abstain and log out.

Quan Heng didn't respond and nodded: "This should be in the mirror. Let me go back."

The mirror couldn't be physically entered. If it was a little later, Song Jingyun would have offered her incense.

What's more, the mirror ghost can't trap her.

"...Okay, just go through the mirror behind you."

When Quan Heng was about to take a step forward, he suddenly turned back: "By the way, are you from the Su Province area?"

"No, no," said the boy, "I'm from Lu."

"Do you know much about Xiao Wu?"

"He didn't say anything about himself. He only liked to stay with his big dog, but he was very powerful and helped us a lot after we woke up."

The boy whispered: "He went out a few days ago. When he came back, he happily told us that he had met a very good person and hoped to become a family with him.

"I only know that if you are good to him, he will be good to you; if you are bad to him, he will repay you twice as much.

"He may be a mirror, but he is definitely not a bad boy."


Song Jingyun walked back and forth anxiously for a few times before squatting in front of Quan Heng.

The other party was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and had not responded since just now.

"Damn," Song Jingyun said angrily, "He looks quite peaceful. Fortunately, he is still alive."

After Song Jingyun finished speaking, he turned his head, waited very patiently for less than three seconds, pulled out a few pieces of yellow paper, shook it in front of Quan Heng, and shouted to the soul in a loud voice:

"Quan Heng——!! Are you dead——"

Quan Heng slowly opened his eyes.

"——You're scaring me if you can't die. I'll go!"

Song Jingyun was startled and made a 180-degree turn on his words. He was so frightened that he threw away the burning yellow paper. He was in a hurry and touched his nose guiltily under Quan Heng's gaze.

"Ahem...what happened to you? As soon as the light flickered, you fell down."

It's always right to strike first.

"It's nothing, I was pulled into the mirror by the mirror ghost." Quan Heng explained.

"Then you should have said it earlier, weren't you just being ghosted in the mirror - what did you just say?!" Song Jingyun was coaxed by Quan Heng's indifferent tone, and when he realized it, a chill ran down his spine, and he wanted to hit her with a wine gourd.

Little bastard, can you not say it as easily as "I went to the roadside to pick a little flower"!

You picked a man-eating king flower for me!

"Were you pulled into the mirror by the mirror ghost?!"


"Then why is the body still outside?"

"The only thing that can enter the mirror is the human soul. Isn't there a folk legend that mirrors can absorb people's souls? You should know better than me."

"I don't know anything!" Song Jingyun was so angry that he said, "If you catch a zombie, the traffic law won't let Yu Jian fly. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wong Tai Sin was not allowed to become a spirit. Don't tell me to go into science! If you die, I will go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Sue you for unpaid wages!"

Quan Heng: “…………”

[Hahahahahahaha Song Jingyun’s ability to antagonize people has not diminished at all, that is, he was holding back and not antagonizing Quan Heng before]

[I just said that you have to pretend even if you just met, I am just waiting for the day when Song Jingyun can't help it anymore, I know it will be funny hahaha]

"Are you feeling comfortable after the fight?" Quan Heng laughed, "Have a good time and follow me to the terminal."

Song Jingyun: "Do you know how to get there?"

"Yeah," Quan Heng nodded, "down."

"Downward?" Song Jingyun thought, "You mean those beings bound by the Bagua Mirror are hidden underground."

"It's not 'hiding'," Quan Heng corrected, "it's 'burying'. This ceremony is about driving piles, you should understand."

"Driving a living stake...and a reverse cross?" Song Jingyun immediately understood, "Recruiting wealth, transporting people, and offering living sacrifices? No wonder..."

As he spoke, he rummaged through the Qiankun bag and took out a silver needle with a blackened head, which was as big as a palm:

"Look, this thing is called the Soul-Eating Needle, and it's the clue I found.

"It is passed down from the Beidou line of cultivation. Different seal characters carved on the needle have different effects. It can make the evil spirit lose the memory of being killed in life. Even if it is freed from the bondage, it cannot seek revenge."

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