"Cultivation Beidou?"

"A practicing family... is a bit complicated. When I go out to explain it to you, my worldview will probably be shattered and I will have to sort it out again."

Song Jingyun sighed and said again:

"By the way, I haven't seen anyone else besides you and Mirror Ghost until now. Have you seen this kid?"

"No," Quan Heng put away the needle, "but he should be waiting for us at the place where the stakes were driven."

"Then let's leave quickly."

Quan Heng nodded, turned around and walked back without taking the side road.

"Hey, why are you walking back?"

Song Jingyun hurriedly caught up and said helplessly: "You just said go down, so where do you go down? We can't turn over such a big toy house.

"The main reason is that we don't even have any clues about the secret entrance. We have been refreshed over and over again..."

"It's not infinite refresh." Quan Heng glanced at him, "Are there any traces of others looking for you in the places you searched for?"

"It seems...there really is."

Song Jingyun recalled for a moment and nodded: "Yes, it happened during the first transformation, and judging from the traces of embarrassment, it should be the scar face on the seventh floor.

"The second transition seemed...I was constantly besieged and couldn't find any clues. I almost didn't even enter the room. I was kicked out as soon as I entered. But...I remember there were traces of bombing on the mirror."

Being bombed should be a taboo act.

"I have it too."

Quan Heng said: "It was also the first change, but the second change was not. And the first time Irina changed into the room we searched, the second time she was with me, and we chose a direction.

"This actually takes advantage of the psychological implications of ghost-free cards to encourage players to 'huddle together for warmth' for various reasons."

"If I'm not mistaken, the fork in the road we switch to each time is actually the end of the road we chose last time, connecting the other two forks, forming a circle that extends in all directions but loops in and out.

"Everyone is in the blind spot around the corner. No one can see other players after the refresh, and everyone will move forward - so we will search the room that has been searched."

"But you found a new room," Song Jingyun couldn't connect the logical chain, "didn't you?"

"It's not that I found a new room, but someone died and the room was refreshed," Quan Heng dismissed with a calm look, "Have you forgotten what the clown said when you entered the dollhouse?"

Song Jingyun's expression changed and he repeated the clown's words:

"Friendly reminder, cherish every player in the team, because the difficulty of the maze will increase if a player dies."

Song Jingyun reacted instantly and opened his eyes wide to connect clues:

"You are saying that if a player dies, the room will be refreshed, creating the illusion of countless maze rooms to confuse players.

"So we have to go back so we don't waste time searching the room again. We may even be attacked more and more fiercely by the Mirror Ghost and we won't have time to search carefully. It will be refreshed again within twenty minutes and waste game time."

After Song Jingyun finished speaking, he remembered something was wrong: "But why do we have to go back? Wouldn't we go back to the entrance?"

"Because of the two prompts from the NPC."

Quan Heng said: "'The Cross of Reversal', players have to think backwards to find the right path - the exit is the entrance, the end point is the starting point, and you need to go back to move forward."

"So every time the cross is reversed, we will return to the fork in the road. Another meaning is 'start over again, in the wrong direction.'" Song Jingyun understood, "What about the second tip?"

"The second tip is the most obvious."

Quan Heng said calmly: "It is impossible for players to find an exit from this dollhouse where even the soul cannot escape."


"Damn, Keneq exploration is killing me."

"Is this a circle? Yes, yes, I remember saying when I first came here that round apples take up more space. Oh my god, it turns out there are hints for this!"

The viewing platform was noisy and wailing.

"How did you analyze this? The clues are all sparse. Why can't I understand anything?"

"You still listen. As soon as I listen to the analysis, it's like listening to advanced mathematics. I almost fall asleep."

"It turns out it's at the starting point," Yan Su took out his cell phone, "Is it the entrance to the dollhouse? I have the coordinates."

"By the way, you just said someone died."

Song Jingyun calmed down slightly, then remembered that there was something important that he hadn't asked, "Who died?"

"The one on the seventh floor, Bai Yi."

"Did you kill him?" Song Jingyun blurted out, his first reaction.

He is very familiar with Quan Heng's vengeful character. When he was criticized on the last map, he always looked for opportunities to retaliate. It was obvious that he was just being generous in appearance, but in fact, he held a grudge more than anyone else.

"Although I have this plan, it is indeed not me," Quan Heng paused, "Mu Jing moved his hand."

"Ah?" Song Jingyun really didn't expect it, "Why?"

What else could it be because of?

Quan Heng glanced at Song Jingyun.

"No, you two are still pretending to be real?!"

Song Jingyun wondered what this look meant and was shocked, "If he calls you sister, you don't really want to take him away, do you?! Then you can't take him with you!"

Quan Heng didn't answer.

"Quan Heng, don't forget." Song Jingyun said seriously, "If he is really the BOSS, you can only pass the level by killing him."

"Not necessarily." Quan Heng considered, "How much do you know about how the game ends?"

"Why do you ask this suddenly?" Song Jingyun noticed something was wrong.

Quan Heng didn't answer. "What are you holding back?"

Song Jingyun frowned, but still organized his thoughts and said what he knew: "The conventional Dead way, which is the "collapse way, exploration failure", there are also Daybreak way and Crepuscular way."

"The dawn way, the dusk way."

Quan Heng thought of the sky where there were only dusk and dawn in the border between day and night.

"Yes, the criterion is the pollution of the human world by the map." Song Jingyun thought for a while, "Your last ancient town was Liming Road. I saw the news about the salvage of cultural relics."

If it is the "Daybreak way", it can prevent pollution from invading the human world. If it is the "Crepuscular way", pollution erosion cannot be suppressed.

"Quan Heng, if the pollution from the toy house completely invades the human world, the contaminated children will not be able to be saved, and the surrounding areas of the toy house will continue to be contaminated."

Song Jingyun reminded:

"The mediator of pollution is a mirror. So as long as there are mirrors or reflective objects around in the future, children will continue to be polluted, and it will be difficult to treat them."

Quan Heng said nothing.

"I know that the little monster Mu Jing calls you sister every time, and looks at you like a puppy looking at its owner, but he is a monster after all. I have never seen a sincere and kind-hearted game in this place. Monsters are good at pretending, and they are also very good at taking advantage of people's emotional weaknesses.

"You haven't known each other for long, and you don't know Mu Jing - you can enter Keneq for the people in the human world, but do you have to give up the people you want to save for a monster you just met in the end?"

Song Jingyun paused, turned his eyes, and lowered his voice like a sigh:

"If you do this, you will regret your choice, Quan Heng."


"What's going on? Why is there suddenly no sound?"

"No, does anyone know how to read lips? What does this say? And it says so much?!"

"Hey, I feel like the plot doesn't connect. Is it folded or blurred by memory?"

Yan Su recognized the conversation between the two people on the screen and frowned slightly: "The trolley problem...?"

"What trolley problem?"

There was a sudden voice next to him, and Tang Junyi sat down next to him.

"Mr. Tang," Yan Su was slightly surprised, "Why are you back?"

"Captain, that can't be of much help," Tang Junyi said. "They dug down at the door of the dollhouse based on the clues you sent back. I just happened to come back to see what new clues they could get from the map."

Yan Su nodded.

"By the way, you haven't said anything yet, what's the tram problem?"

"Does Deputy Tang know about the tram problem?"

"A very famous moral dilemma in philosophy." Tang Junyi answered.

"That's easy." Yan Su smiled.

"The original trolley problem refers to '5 people are tied to a trolley track, and 1 person is tied to its alternate track. At this time, an out-of-control trolley is speeding towards you, and there happens to be a joystick next to you. You can push the joystick to move the trolley onto the alternate track, killing 1 person and saving 5 people. You can also do nothing, killing 5 people and saving 1.'

"——Vice Tang has been in contact with Quan Heng, what do you think Quan Heng will choose?"

"Are you talking about... Quan Heng?"

Tang Junyi looked at Yan Su and nodded, somewhat speechless:

"I think if Quan Heng encounters something like this and doesn't recognize it, she will most likely not even bother with it. If you ask again and again, she will tease you with beads while laughing, and then kick you down and use her as a human body. "

Yan Su: "..."

This answer is really, there are hundreds of millions of images.

"The problem is that what Quan Heng encountered was not the original tram problem."

Yan Su was strangely quiet for a while, and then continued:

"She controls the 'joystick', but on both sides of the track are ten innocent children and one innocent child, and they are all related to her, and it is difficult to let go of any of them.

"Even if Quan Heng doesn't choose, the speeding tram will let her 'choose' - because the tram will inevitably drive towards a railway track.

"The wheel will mercilessly crush a child, or ten children, and these eleven children are all very important to her, or should be said, they all love her and need her. But Quan Heng must kill a child on the railway. child, with my own hands.”

Tang Junyi watched part of the channel content, and after listening to it, his expression changed slightly: "You mean way3?"

Yan Suning nodded: "Yes, she is not the only possibility to choose the "Daybreak way". "

"I never regret it."

A voice came from the screen, and everyone's eyes were drawn back.

"I always think that regret is bullying my past self. If I make a choice, it must be a good choice that I can make after considering all the information at that time."

Quan Heng smiled and ignored Song Jingyun's question lightly:

"I regretted something before, but I later let it go."

She stopped, the door into the dollhouse in front of her was closed, and the two-meter-high mirror on the back of the door faced the two of them.

"He's really back." Song Jingyun glanced at his hands and suddenly focused on Santa Claus by the mirror.

"Huh?" Song Jingyun lifted up his robe and squatted down, reaching out to touch Santa Claus, "I remember I made this Santa Claus crooked..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

A cold, pale hand stretched out from the mirror and grabbed him. Song Jingyun froze, and his eyes slowly moved upward——

A silver-grey face with bleeding from all its orifices was pressed tightly against the mirror, with the facial features squeezed together, looking at him in the mirror with a smile:

"Don't move, brother."

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