"The Cross Sacrifice..."

On the viewing platform, Tang Junyi whispered: "If I remember correctly, this kind of evil spell does require a willing soul to absorb the resentment generated by the dead. But it can last for four to five years at most. How can it last for ten years? .”

"If those people want to deceive a child who had a miserable childhood into paying, it's not easy to say, they don't even have to move a finger." Yan Su pursed his lips, "The focus now is whether the captain has dug up the alien body."

Dragon City Amusement Park-Dollhouse


The excavator beeped, and a six- to seven-meter-long pit had been dug at the door of the dollhouse.

"Be careful and dig again!"

The members of the task force directed the digging, and when the shovel was pressed down, something silvery gray suddenly came out.

"Dig it out! Dig it out! Captain, this is-"

The team members' voices stopped suddenly, and the silver-gray shriveled flesh exposed by the upper hook of the shovel turned out to be a skinny and mercury corpse!

Only a thin layer of skin was left, without a trace of flesh, and some bones had penetrated the mercury skin.

One after another, silver-gray corpses were dug out of the deep pit. The excavation team members couldn't help but feel chills running down their spines, as if they felt like iron brushes scraping their bodies.

"Captain," the team member looked back at the livid Nie Cang with a trembling voice, "The bottom of this dollhouse is full of human bones."

"The number...nearly a hundred."

The neon lights of the Ferris wheel were still brightly lit in the dark night, and the ugliness that had been buried under the dollhouses in the new park for ten years came to light again.

Countless clown dolls stained with soil fell into the pit and rested on the dusty bones. Their grinned lips were bright and sarcastic.

"...the big case of 13."

Nie Cang pursed his lips tightly, clenched his palms tightly until they crackled, and his eyes burned with shock and anger:

"When the relevant departments made the announcement back then, I always thought it was some well-organized criminal gang, but it was actually an amusement park driving stakes to make money, and it was under my nose. How dare they..."

How dare you sacrifice such a life and so many innocent families for profit, use it as the cornerstone of the prosperity of the amusement park, and even imprison and squeeze your soul!

"Send all non-confidential evidence to the relevant departments."

Nie Cang exhaled a trembling breath, "dig out the remains and test for contamination to see if they can be handed over. More than half of the parents of these children are still looking for them, and we must give them an explanation. Let those parents at least..."

At least what, at least receive the ashes of your child?

Nie Cang fell silent, and even though the team members opened their mouths, they couldn't say anything.

"Keep digging," Nie Cang said in a hoarse voice, "Researcher Yan said that the alien body this time is the skeleton tied to the cross, and it is still going down."


Reverse Cross Paradise.

Mu Jing waved the jumping wolf dog back, touched its head, and turned it into an ugly puppy doll.

"Xiao Liu is too noisy, I just need to take it back."

Mu Jing and Quan Heng sat on the edge of the sacrifice pit together, rubbing the bald head of the puppy toy sheepishly:

"Actually, there is no bald one. It's just that they wanted to nail me to the cross during the sacrifice. They couldn't hold the anxious Xiaoliu away. When I died, he also died on the cross."

He wanted to smile but didn't raise his lips. The corners of his eyes that were reluctantly curved hid sadness in the joy.

"I'm like an ugly monster. Even if I'm not dangerous and won't hurt them, people around me will hate me - only Xiaoliu is willing to be friends with me."

"They see me like this too." Quan Heng responded calmly, "They are desperately asking for my things, even if they want to squeeze out my life, but they don't want to acknowledge my contribution, so they suppress me in various ways to regain my poor self-esteem. .”

Mu Jing was startled.

He thought that Quan Heng would not take the initiative to mention these things, but when she killed the mirror ghost, she could mention them without changing her expression, as if no matter what she had experienced, she could face these sufferings head-on, and even talk and laugh about them.

No one should try to use her pain as food and drink.

"Don't you know?" Quan Heng looked at him and got straight to the point, "You know everything in this dollhouse, including the memories they obtained, right?"


Mu Jing bit her lip awkwardly and twisted her hands holding the puppy toy together.

"The one who copied you is my partner. He, did he say very bad things to my sister?"

"No." Quan Heng shook his head slightly, "Can these mirrors see all parts of the dollhouse?"

"Yes!" Mu Jing nodded quickly, "Everything is fine."

Quan Heng raised his eyes and scanned all the mirrors, and his eyes stopped on the side of Song Jingyun and the Forbidden Queen——

There is a constant stream of mirror ghosts, but they are kept at a level that is not harmful but difficult to deal with.

"Mirror Ghost's speed is faster than Song Jingyun's," Quan Heng noticed something was wrong, "What is the function of your exclusive brand 'Reverse Cross'?"

"Weaken the enemy's sequence buff by 20% and feed it back to our own side." Mu Jing answered honestly.

"Ignore the sequence differences?"


It is actually a control-type imprint that ignores sequence, and all data includes health and sanity.

"Do you have a player status? Or a professional player." Quan Heng said, "Who gave it to you?"

According to what the mirror ghost said before, Mu Jing had already woken up when they woke up, and could even enter and leave the map. But professional players have to pass the review, but no one has seen him, so he probably went through the back door.

"Hmm...a sister...no, maybe a brother...like the soul, he has no gender, and he may not be a human being. Anyway, he said that since he is bored and can't get out, he just gave me something."

"He also said that there is no need to worry about it, just treat it as something that the world owes me... He also said that I will definitely meet a very good person. He has seen it and has seen the future, so I must be hopeful."

Mu Jing was silent for a while, then suddenly pointed to another mirror, with the excitement of sharing:

"Sister, look, you can see outside in that mirror!"

Quan Heng looked in the direction he pointed. The mirror was tied with the Christmas balloons that Quan Heng had brought for Mu Jing. The angle of view was facing the bell tower of the Ferris wheel. It seemed to be a semi-overlooking height. The lively festive atmosphere could be seen everywhere.

The tune of "Ode to Joy" could be faintly heard.

"I can receive some sounds," Mu Jing held her face in her hands and said with a smile, "Although I woke up before, I never went out. I can only stay here and watch, just like watching TV."

He held his face like this, his eyes full of longing, and his thin wrists were exposed with the movement.

The scars are extremely eye-catching.

"Sacrifice," Quan Heng said in a steady voice but very softly, "Doesn't it hurt? Don't you regret it?"

"It hurts, but it's okay."

Mu Jing touched the scar on her wrist, lowered her head and said:

"Growing up, humans have always looked at me. But they looked at me but couldn't see me. It was as if I was just a mirror, not a person. All they could see were their own fears and desires. In order to defend themselves , and treat me as a terrible alien."

Memories were like a revolving door. Mu Jing suddenly remembered the disgust of his parents, the curses of his peers, and the iron nails that were driven into his limbs again and again during his lifetime.

So much blood flowed out of his body, it was so painful, and it was all blood marks that penetrated deep into his soul.


"But, there is nothing more worthwhile in this world than this." He lowered his eyes, and his long eyelashes looked like silly butterflies.

"I have never regretted it." Mu Jing answered while suppressing her sobs.

Quan Heng's fingers curled up slightly.

The wet eyes of the puppy deep in the memory emerged from the bottom of her heart through the deep darkness, like a ridiculous drama that was repeated, and fate forced her to make another choice.

Suffering has no sound, but it is deafening.

*"Silent night Holy night"

christmas eve holy night

"Christ the Savior is born"

The savior is born tonight

The song coming out of the mirror has turned into a peaceful Christmas Eve song, clearly spreading throughout the empty underground memorial pit——

The countdown to the Christmas Eve game begins.


Dragon City Amusement Park-Dollhouse

"What sound?" "Did you hear anything?"

The members of the task force who were digging deeper looked around and frowned: "I heard it, it seemed like a Christmas Eve song, where did it come from?"

Countless pale corpses were buried in the empty pit. They stood in the sacrifice pit, and their peaceful singing seemed to come from the deep night.

"It's broken, the map is anchored!" Nie Cang's expression suddenly changed.

If a map in the restricted area has "Crepuscular way" or "Dead way", then this map will concentrate the pollution on a designated area that serves as the prototype.

It’s too late to find the alien body!

"Evacuate the sacrifice pit immediately!" Nie Cang shouted, "Isolate the contaminated children in the first aid shed!"

If they cannot be rescued, those contaminated children will become corpses and new alien bodies!


Fujiang City-Hospital

"Talk about doctors! Talk about doctors! It's not good!! There's something wrong with the kids!"

Lu Lin opened the emergency room door in a panic.

"Isolation ward! Go to the isolation ward quickly!"

The doctor in a white coat immediately got up and ran quickly to the isolation ward.

Silvery white covered the whole body, and the faces of more than a dozen children were vaguely black, their lips were purple, and they were coughing up blood unconsciously.

The moment you touch it, you feel as cold as the body temperature of a dead person.

"Talk about doctors!" the nurse choked in collapse, "the children's heartbeat rates are dropping!"

On more than a dozen electrocardiographs, the heartbeats on the screen gradually became fainter——

"Prepare for pacemaker shock!" The attending doctor took back his hand and immediately ordered, "Increase the input of sodium dimercaptosuccinate! Quick!"


"This is the Christmas Eve map. Christmas Eve is the time limit, and the countdown has begun."

Yan Su pursed his lips and couldn't help but feel worried, "The timing of this map is similar to that of the human world. If Quan Heng doesn't find a way to dawn, those children in the human world will not be saved, and the pollution will also increase!"

"Quan Heng already has a choice."

Tang Junyi sighed and said: "If she really entered the map to save people, then no one can stop her final decision. And no matter how innocent the child is, he is already dead. He is just a monster."


Quan Heng closed his eyes.

The songs on Christmas Eve are so beautiful. Thousands of people are looking forward to the large fluorescent screen on the bell tower. In the mirror are the warm joys on the ground, but outside the mirror are the unknown tragedies underground.

"elder sister……?"

Mu Jing's voice trembled, and she watched Quan Heng take a long breath while singing, and stood up with calm eyes.

The sharp butterfly knife gradually tightened in her hand.

"Sister," Mu Jing's tears couldn't stop falling, and she showed a smile that was uglier than crying, "Are you going to kill me?"

Silent night Holy night

christmas eve holy night

Christ the Savior is born

The savior is born tonight

Do people who are having fun on Christmas Eve know how many cold bones are buried deep underground where they step, and how many sleepless souls are imprisoned?

Mu Jing touched the edge of the sacrificial pit with her hand and watched with collapse as Quan Heng approached, the puppy doll in her arms whimpering sadly.

"Sister," Mu Jing choked and backed away, begging, "Sister..."

As soon as he retreated, he lost his center of gravity and fell into the sacrifice pit. Quan Heng's pupils shrank, and he took a step forward and jumped down without hesitation.

Silent night Holy night

christmas eve holy night

Son of God love's pure light

The love of the Son of God is bright and clear

Quan Heng took Mu Jing into his arms, turned him upside down, and resisted the fall!

There were corpses everywhere at the bottom of the pit, and every skeleton seemed to be crying and wailing, deafening.

Quan Heng's health dropped sharply, and he lost control as the children's cries filled his mind.

"Sister..." Mu Jing stood up hurriedly.

"Don't look at me, look at the sky." Quan Heng touched his head, but the butterfly knife in his hand flashed with cold light and was buried in his chest during the hug.

Mu Jing opened her eyes wide, her eyelashes trembled, and tears fell from her eyes, dripping on Quan Heng's clear beads.

Silent night Holy night

christmas eve holy night

Christ the Savior is born

The savior is born tonight

The low magnetism turns to the high-pitched male voice, which becomes more peaceful and magnificent, praising the dedication of the Son of God and the birth of the savior.

The atmosphere of Christmas Eve turns to an expectant countdown at this moment.

A sharp whistle resounded in the void, and the rolling tram came from afar, like an arrow that had been shot from a bow, unable to turn back and crush the children waiting alone on the abandoned track.

Everything seems to be destined, and fate deceives the hopeful children, and their hopes turn into a bloody tragedy under the giant wheel of the tram.

The butterfly knife was bleeding like a weeping butterfly.

There was deathly silence both inside and outside the screen. In the underground memorial pit where corpses were strewn, Quan Heng knelt down beside Mu Jing, his arms resting behind his shoulders.


Mu Jing spasmed in pain, gasping and coughing out blood. She looked at Quan Heng with tear-filled eyes, and the silver reverse cross faded in the tears.

The soreness and pain were like a gushing cold flood, overwhelming, crushing his helpless soul. He was like a person trapped at the bottom of a river, watching the water slowly rise and almost flood his mouth.


The tears accumulated in his eyes were like broken beads, and his voice was trembling uncontrollably: "Did I...do something wrong?"

He was so sad, his sadness and confusion were like a lonely night that was so oppressive.

Quan Heng was silent for a long time, bright red blood flowing from the wound that could not heal, and her hands were covered with warmth.

"No." She replied softly, almost inaudibly, with her eyes lowered.

"You did nothing wrong."

The beings who really coaxed him to sacrifice stood idly by, and the human beings who really benefited stood by and watched the tram run over the ignorant children, but he just sat obediently on the abandoned railway track and waited for his family to arrive.

It's like a puppy that has been wandering for too long. It was coaxed to have a home, so it stupidly let it go.

"Yes, is it hard to tell?"

His red eyelids blinked very slowly, and suddenly he smiled reluctantly and expectantly in the pool of blood. Tears silently crossed the smile, and his voice was hoarse:

"Then it's good that you are happy, sister. As long as sister is happy...I can do anything."

Stray puppies are all idiots. If you touch their heads, they will wag their tails happily. If they become a family member, they will be willing to give everything for you.

Radiant beams from thy holy face

The dawn of redemption of Hungen has come

All is calm, all is bright

Light shines in the darkness

Mu Jing slowly stretched out his hand. He really wanted to touch his long-awaited family, but his eyelids closed tiredly and he gradually lost his voice:

"but I……"

He moved his lips with difficulty, and the choked tears drowned in his sore throat, "I really want to go home with... and my sister."

Sleep in heavenly peace——

静享 天赐 安眠

The Christmas Eve song comes to an end, the countdown to Christmas jumps to the last number in the calm and peaceful rhyme of the saxophone, and the weak pulse finally becomes silent——

"Ding dong! KP prompt: Congratulations on successfully killing the Boss and winning the MVP of this game!"

Quan Heng closed his eyes, protected the back of the child's head with his hands, and gently held him in his arms.

Sleep in heavenly peace——

The peaceful and compassionate songs of the void are scattered in every lonely element of the night, and everything returns to silence.


At the end of the Christmas Eve hymn, the bright and gorgeous Christmas fireworks exploded in the dark night.

The joy of the festival reaches its climax at this moment, with the excited screams of children echoing in the amusement park, the tender kiss of lovers on the Ferris wheel, and the lavish dinner parties in the office. Happiness seems to shine in every corner and seems to warm everyone. Dark place.

There was laughter and laughter everywhere, and no tears could be seen* that were hidden from the eyes of the world under the cover of laughter.

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