"Dear fellow citizens, here is an urgent piece of news——"

The host's serious and professional voice came from the built-in TV in the car.

"This morning, a sudden influenza transmission event occurred in Longcheng Amusement Park in our city, and many tourists developed infectious diseases. According to the diagnosis of the attending doctor, the virus is likely to be parasitic in flies and mosquitoes and spread through saliva. The first twelve hours were The best period of treatment. In the early stage, there will be symptoms such as acute fever, rapid whitening of the skin, sudden drop in body temperature, etc. Citizens in the relevant situation are asked to isolate themselves at home and call the emergency hotline immediately..."

Amidst the host's serious announcement, the real-time picture of the live broadcast was transmitted back——

An isolation cordon was set up outside the toy house at Longcheng Amusement Park. Doctors wearing protective suits came and went in the makeshift medical tent. The patients on the stretchers had grayish-white to silvery skin that was almost faded.

The skin was almost silver-white, and the side exposed to light quickly turned black. The nurse exclaimed and covered it up.

And places like amusement parks are basically full of children.

"Mercury." Sang Ting said suddenly.

"What?" Quan Heng was stunned for a moment, "What mercury?"

"The symptoms of these children are very similar to mercury poisoning, but if mercury poisoning is easy to detect, it cannot be an infection." Sang Ting hesitated, his thoughts were wandering, and what he said was strange, "The skin color is very similar to the last time I went shopping. The ancient mirror Zhan saw, the kind made of mercury..."

Mirror... Quan Heng instinctively lowered his eyes to cover up his darkening eyes.

Sang Ting paused and immediately said:

"I'm not a doctor, so it's useless to say anything! Don't worry, boss, we'll be at the hospital soon."


"Boss, I'm sorry."

The teacher in charge, Lu Lin, looked apologetic and anxious, bowing and apologizing repeatedly. The other kindergarten teachers behind her were also bending down with nervous expressions on their faces.

In the isolation room, six or seven-year-old children were lying on the hospital bed, their faces were gray and had a strange silver sheen.

Through the observation glass, doctors wearing protective suits were anxiously checking the data.

Quan Heng said nothing, his attitude was unclear, he just moved his prayer beads and looked at the dying child inside through the window.

Like the suffocating silence before the storm.

"What the hell, I...!" Sang Ting swallowed the curse words, but he was so anxious that he jumped to his feet and said irritably, "Have you taken the children to eat anything? Especially non-sealed snacks!"

"No no."

Lu Lin waved her hands repeatedly and said nervously: "We came out just after breakfast. It's not lunch time yet, so we didn't dare to let them eat randomly. Moreover, the toy house has an independent entrance, and there are no snack shops nearby due to renovations."

"Open the door." Quan Heng suddenly spoke and ordered.

"...No, boss, this is contagious!"

Sang Ting tried to dissuade her without thinking, "We'll wait for the doctor's test report, or I'll go in and take a look..."

"It's not safe for you to go in." Quan Heng raised his finger to stop him and turned his head to look at Lu Lin, "You have also been in contact with children. Do you have any relevant symptoms?"

Lu Lin was startled, shook her head, and looked behind her: "What about you? Do you have any relevant symptoms?"


"I do not have either."


The teachers shook their heads.

"You have been in contact with children, but there is nothing abnormal." Quan Heng said calmly, "It is contagious, but it only infects children and is not useful to adults."

The teachers were stunned.

"There are no adults in the news. Doctors wearing protective clothing are just precautions in unknown situations." Quan Heng raised his chin slightly and ordered, "Open the door."

Sang Ting pursed her lips nervously. Just as he was about to take a step forward, Quan Heng stopped him with his eyes and had to stop.

The doctors watched Quan Heng enter without wearing protective clothing. They were panicked for a moment, and the next second they were signaled by Quan Heng to continue.

This hospital belongs entirely to Quan Heng. The doctors did not dare to speak and quickly lowered their heads and continued to do their own things.

The children were lying on the bed in deathly silence. If it weren't for their slight breathing and fluctuating electrocardiogram, people would think it was a room full of dead bodies.

"It's not a virus." Quan Heng reached out and touched the forehead of one of the children. His hand felt cold and slightly stiff. "This is not a symptom that can be defined by existing science."

Her words were not deliberately lowered, and the people behind the protective glass could hear her clearly.

"Isn't it existing science?" Sang Ting whispered, slightly puzzled. Then he thought of recent events sensitively: "...that organization?"

Quan Heng can basically judge that this is pollution caused by the game, but it is not clear what it is.


A weak voice sounded, and the hand that Quan Heng was about to take back was gently held by the child.

The child's eyes can only open a very small slit, exuding an inorganic silver color, like two small silver mirrors.

"Xiao Jin, what's wrong?" Quan Heng remembered that this child was a survivor of the fire that year, and both his parents died.

When people reach a certain height, they must always find ways to retain their humanity and prevent themselves from being addicted to profit. If this voyage is like a lonely sail on the waves, then this is the anchor chosen by Quan Heng. She funded and controlled many welfare homes and relief charities, and would take time to teach these children to read.

"Will I die...?" Xiao Jin asked very softly, "Will I become... a star like my parents?"

"No." Quan Heng touched Xiaojin's head and said warmly, "Just take a nap and you'll be fine. When you wake up, the teacher will take you to buy marshmallows."

"Well..." The child closed his eyes tiredly, and his lips that had turned gray and silver moved slightly, "It's a deal..."

"Go to sleep."

Quan Heng tucked the quilt for him, and when he lowered his eyes, he became cold again and said silently: "I need clues."

After a few seconds of silence, a mechanical sound sounded in my ears:

"It is a mirror made of flesh and blood. It gathers luck and wealth. After awakening, it uses the soul and flesh of a young child as a sacrifice to expand."

Out of the isolation room.

"Boss," Sang Ting knew that Quan Heng was in a bad mood, so he hesitated, "I have already sent for an expert, but you still..."

"Have you ever seen a mirror in the place where you played?" Quan Heng asked.

"Mirrors, ah, I've seen them before!" Lu Lin was startled, then nodded repeatedly, "I've seen them before, that dollhouse has a lot of funny mirrors."

"Even on the roof." Other teachers echoed.

"That dollhouse featured a kaleidoscope and a magic mirror, so we took the children in."


Quan Heng tapped his fingers on the wheelchair, his thoughts racing.

"Boss, is there something wrong with those mirrors?" Sang Ting frowned, "I need to deal with it..."

"You don't want to get involved in this matter," Quan Heng raised his hand and said in a calm voice, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"But boss, I——"

"Sang Ting," Quan Heng's tone became slightly more serious, "Do you need me to say it a second time?"

Sang Ting lowered his head: "...Yes."

"Send someone to check the Dragon City Amusement Park and dig deeper."

Quan Heng tapped on the side of the chair, and the blood tourmaline on the beads swayed lightly, with flowing blood red: "Especially to confirm whether anyone has died in this amusement park."

Ah Cheng accepted the order: "Yes, I'll go now."

"I'm tired."

Quan Heng raised his head and closed his eyes tiredly, "If there is any situation, just ask Ah Cheng to handle it. If anyone wants to see the child, just ask someone to drive him out. If there is any mistake..."

Her voice was calmer, and the nursing teachers' hearts were pounding, and they nodded quickly.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, we will keep an eye on you."

"I won't let outsiders take them away, no, I won't even let outsiders take a look."

"We will definitely make up for our mistakes and nothing will happen again..."

The sound is guaranteed for a while.

"Boss," Sang Ting pushed the wheelchair and said worriedly, "You haven't slept much since last night. I'll push you to the family room upstairs to get some sleep first."

Since this is a private hospital, the family room is also a large VIP room, and the conditions are not much worse than at home.

"Yeah." Quan Heng didn't refuse. She needed some alone time now.

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