"Sister, Taoist brother seems to be autistic."

Mu Jing looked curiously at Song Jingyun, who was squatting in the corner, with the hem of his Taoist robe piled on his lap, and he was pouring wine into his mouth while talking.

The emotional clouds thundering and raining overhead seem to have substance.

"Huh?" Quan Heng glanced at Song Jingyun's mouth shape, "Probably not. It will be fine after he finishes reciting the Calming Mantra."

Song Jingyun, who was indeed reciting the Calming Mantra: "..."

No more! I really can't stand it anymore, I have to quickly kill this little bastard who is spreading hatred everywhere!

Song Jingyun turned around and glared at Quan Heng: "You can bet on ordinary PK and find a way to kill him. Why do you have to bet on life and death?"

There is something special about life-and-death gambling, that is, only one group of players can survive, and if they fail to complete the character tasks within the specified time, they will die directly without even a chance to give up!

"And you also use foul language to criticize people on the forum. Where is your demeanor and self-cultivation? Have they been eaten by dogs?!"

Mu Jing immediately retorted with disapproval on her face: "Dogs don't eat this!"

Song Jingyun: "..." OK.

"Just referring to the tone of people around me," Quan Heng said, "But if I don't provoke, how could he agree to my life-and-death bet?"

"Okay!" Song Jingyun took a deep breath, "Then tell me the reason why you engage in hatred and engage in a life-and-death bet."

"Because the bet amounts are different."

Quan Heng explained while entering the "PK Special Map" of "Liu Li Bagua Xiang":

"The amount of game currency for ordinary PK is 30 million, but the bet for life and death can be as high as 100 million."

"Are you short of game currency?"

"There is no shortage, but I lack organization."

In other words, a suitable one, used to exchange blood and fill one's own shell.

Quan Heng looked at Song Jingyun, whose expression changed slightly, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Didn't you say that a club must be established for a full season before you can sign up for the competition?"

"Do you want to use the large amount of bets to directly ask the seventh-level chief to use the club to pay off the debt?"


Quan Heng nodded: "Bianyu will automatically mortgage the loser's property to the winner if it cannot pay the bet. The chief is the legal person of the club and can directly pay the club's funds.

"But it is impossible for a club that does not participate in the competition to get 100 million in mobile game currency."

Song Jingyun nodded: "If you can't get it, and the difference is too big, Bianyu will directly mortgage the club to you!"

Quan Heng nodded: "That's the plan."

"Oh~ cow, cow!"

Song Jingyun sat down and seemed to be resurrected with full health, "Listening to your deceptive marketing and exaggerated pie, I have already seen the dawn of victory."

"??" Mu Jing, who heard something in his words, was confused, "Brother Taoist Master, why are you still so weird after seeing the dawn?"

"Who's so weird? I'm telling the truth."

Song Jingyun didn't accept this trick at all and said soberly:

"Although PK has certain sequence restrictions - that is to say, comparing the sequences of the three of us, the opponent's SS sequence can only add one more player, but the deputy chairman Haosi on the seventh floor is a sequence S, and he is just shy of SS. !

"A Sequence B, a Sequence S, and a Sequence A for you - this high-end game is still a life and death game."

"But I'm not afraid of danger." Mu Jing pursed her lips and tilted her head to look at him quietly, "Brother Dao Chang, do you want to withdraw?"

Song Jingyun choked.

After hearing this, Quan Heng also moved his eyes away from the map at coordinates (3, 8) and looked at Song Jingyun quietly.

"...I don't know about your sister Heng's brand, but I went to rob the buffer period with her."

Song Jingyun looked away from the two men uncomfortably, and muttered: "I've become so crazy, am I still worse than what I am now?"

Mu Jing's eyes lit up, she raised her lips and smiled brightly: "Brother Dao Chang is so brave! Brother Dao Chang is the best and most handsome!"

"...Stop flattering me."

Song Jingyun touched his nose, his eyes wandered, and he pursed the corners of his mouth, "I'm a Taoist who pays attention to calmness and calmness, and I won't do this!" "Then you, a Taoist, still curse others." Mu Jing complained in a low voice.

"...Don't learn from Quan Heng! Don't you know if you are close to Heng?" Song Jingyun looked at Quan Heng, "Have you made your choice?"

"Well," Quan Heng looked at the glazed door, but his expression was unclear, "Only one map was opened today."

Song Jingyun looked over and saw a woman wearing a red wedding dress and a red hijab projected on top, with darkness behind her.

[Map name: "Yinyuan Pendant"]

Song Jingyun's scalp went numb for a moment, and his spine felt chilly: "The PK phase only has this map? How is it possible?!"

The PK phase of "Liu Li Ba Gua Xiang" has a rule, that is, there is a limited number of maps open every day, and the number varies.

But there is only one map... Quan Heng said one is one.

"Don't worry," Quan Heng said warmly, "I'll be fine if I'm here."

She said and walked into the Liuli Gate, Mu Jing followed closely, and turned around to urge: "Brother Taoist Master, hurry up!"

Song Jingyun: ┗(T﹏T)┛

It can't be done quickly, it can't be done quickly, your Taoist brother is so scared of the female ghost!

Especially the fierce ghost in red.

"Ding dong! The life-and-death bet "Yin Yuan Pendant" has been locked and can only be opened to specific connecters."

Announcement of "Liu Li Ba Gua Xiang":

"Ding dong! The PK list of the life-and-death bet "Yinyuan Pendant" has been updated. Neither side is in place. Please enter the map as soon as possible."

The 3D imaging shows a small town filled with clouds, with strange bright red silks hanging all over the streets and alleys, and the faint sound of suona coming out.

Song Jingyun clenched his molar teeth, closed his eyes and rushed in: "I really owe you in my previous life, and I'm in trouble for eight lifetimes! This requires extra money, Quan Heng!"

The figure disappeared, and KP issued another prompt:

"Ding dong! The list of contestants in the life-and-death battle "Yin Yuan Pendant" has been updated. The challengers are in place. After the challengers are in place, the map can be opened!"

After a while, "Liu Li Bagua Xiang" walked in with two people——

"That's the prompt." The curly yellow-haired man tutted, "You really dare to make a life-and-death bet."

"You have to cut them into pieces," another connector snorted, "You bitch who doesn't know your own abilities."

"No, that girl is so pretty, her eyes are drawn to my heart," Huang Curly said with a smile, "Let me have enough fun first."

"The word "sex" has a knife on your head. You'd better take care of your two ounces of flesh for me this time!"

The other party snorted coldly, and then walked into the projection imaging.

"A sequence five, level B, is it necessary?" Huang Curly curled his lips and followed up.

[Ding Ding Dang, the list of life and death bet "Yin Yuan Pei" has been updated, both sides are in place, and the hostile PK has officially begun——]

"This time the KP (host) is personally served by this system, providing you with 360° humanized services and piously reporting on your death progress~"


[Channel News: The professional player you are following - Quan Heng has opened a new map and organized a group to start! You can click to check the coordinates of the transmission port of the viewing platform! 】

"Viewing platform coordinates: District 3-No. "

"Ah! I finally caught up!"

Lu Xiaoman excitedly pushed open the door of the chief's office and shook the sleeping man:

"Chief! Sister Heng's channel has been opened!! You won't be able to get the front row!!"

The man who felt like he was about to die of sleep suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes dark and clear.

He frowned and sat up, shook his sore arms, and asked lazily: "Where are you?"

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