[? ! Is it a scam? Can I get in? ! ]

[Compatriots upstairs, please use your brain. If Quan Heng doesn't go in, where else can he go? Even if this is a set, it still needs to be drilled! ]

[Help, these two doors are so depressing, like a big man-eating mouth! ]

Quan Heng narrowed his eyes and stepped across the threshold of Mu Mansion.

Only then did Master Mu smile completely, and walked quickly in front of Quan Heng: "I will lead the way for Miss Quan, everyone else is in the inner courtyard."

There were no decorations in the yard. It looked empty, but when I walked in, I saw the red satin at the door of each house.

It had been a beautiful and festive time, but in this dusk it seemed a bit sinister and evil.

"Is there any happy event in Mu Mansion?"

"It's coming soon, everything is ready."

Master Mu smiled and turned his gaze, landing on Quan Heng's clean and delicate cheeks. His eyes were also filled with a smile, "But we have to wait for a good day tomorrow."

Quan Heng raised his eyes as if aware, and smiled slowly under the gaze of Master Mu: "Really? Then I'm looking forward to it too."

[Hiss, Quan Heng, this smile... is really suitable for being a ghost card]

[Ah ah ah, stay away! This NPC looks so ugly! ! ]

[What are you doing at a distance? I just like to watch NPC monsters tormenting humans. You, a monster, remember to stand in line, okay? ]

"I'm not telling you who painted your faces. Why are they so ugly? Your faces look like monkey butts. I'm so stupid. Hahahaha..."

Before he even got close to the inner courtyard, Quan Heng heard Song Jingyun's laughter.

When they got closer, they saw a man wearing a Taoist robe, with his long hair casually spread out, squatting at the door. While eating melon seeds, he chatted with the two red-faced paper figures guarding the door, chatting enthusiastically:

"Well, I won't charge you more. Each of you, uh, give me a thousand game coins for a piece of paper, and I'll give you a 99% discount. How about you draw a new face?"

"Master Tao, I do business with absolute integrity, and I don't bully children or old men! Of course, paper people don't bully me either."

Mu Jing sat on the threshold, putting the puppy doll on her knees, watching Song Jingyun chatting with the NPC with saliva flying around.

Still unilateral.

[Laughing to death, I paid you a thousand game coins. You can obviously grab it directly, but you still draw a face for me! ]

[Hey, hey, damn! Look at that kid! Who is the kid next to Song Jingyun? ]

[grass! The boss of the previous game "Reverse Cross Amusement Park"! ! Quan Heng said he would use the buffer period to save him! ]

[Alive? I remember he died in Quan Heng’s hands! real or fake? Was Quan Heng really saved? ! ]


Frontier of Day and Night-Viewing Deck

"Isn't this the boss of Quan Heng's last map?!"

Moviegoers recognized Mu Jing as soon as the camera panned over it, and they became noisy for a moment.

"Yes, it's him! Once you see these strange eyes, you'll never forget them!"

"Damn it, I thought Quan Heng didn't die because he didn't go crazy to stop the death buffer period. Did she save the person?!"

"Chief," Lu Xiaoman whispered to the person next to him, "Is it difficult to intercept during the death buffer period?"

"Well, it's difficult."

The night watchman raised his head slightly and looked at Mu Jing running towards Quan Heng on the screen - the child was obviously devoted to his family, with bright silver eyes and a smile, well-behaved and sensible.

The most important thing is to be alive.

"When it comes to changing the rules," he sighed deeply and quickly calmed down his emotions, "Quan Heng has the ability."

"Sister is super awesome!" Lu Xiaoman praised without hesitation, "She appeared on the dual screen and even broke your record!"

"..." The night watchman tilted his head, speechless, "No, who is your chief?"

"You." Lu Xiaoman blinked, suddenly nervous, "Chief, you can't even remember that you are my chief, right?"

As he spoke, tears welled up in his eyes: "Isn't the water from the Wugou River flowing out yet?!"

"Lu Xiaoman, don't mention the matter of me falling into the river again!"

The chief was furious and lowered his voice to warn.

"The entire first border area will know that I caught a duck and fell into the river! It's just a matter of spreading to other areas. And I didn't even eat a bite of the duck I managed to catch. You shared them all! And my eggs. !

"Don't you know this is what your opponent said in yesterday's game? He actually said that I couldn't even save my eggs!! I obviously caught all the ducks alive!"

"...This is all Song Jingyun's fault."

Lu Xiaoman poked his finger and muttered: "And I haven't found our egg yet. I've searched all over the place! The system warned me not to open the floor and look at it, saying it would be considered damaging public facilities."

You've been scratching the floor, haven't you ever thought that you were being cheated?

"Because Song Jingyun lied to you," the night watchman said with a numb face, "In addition to being polite to the Heavenly Lord and the lady, that Taoist priest always talks nonsense to everyone else."

"What!" Lu Xiaoman was shocked, "How could he be so bad? But he swore so much at the time."

The night watchman rubbed his face with his hands and broke down and said: "Forget it, I don't want that item anymore. Just watch the channel - Quan Heng should have unlocked the mission."

[KP tip: Congratulations on unlocking the invitational mission! 】

As soon as he finished speaking, a notification tone sounded on the channel——

[Quest for the inviting party: Please explore and complete the map plot before the time ends, complete the team mission, and kill the PK opponent]

Song Jingyun frowned and listened to KP's prompt:

[This team is on a ghost mission: destroy all the weddings in the town tomorrow and get the marriage token from Mu Mansion]

"Token? What token?"

Song Jingyun was puzzled and looked at Quan Heng, "No, why did you unlock it as soon as you came?"

"I already unlocked the mission on the way here."

Quan Heng looked at him, "It's just that PK's mission announcement requires the team to meet up."

Song Jingyun was silent for a few seconds and said sincerely: "...Please skip Versailles and tell the reason directly. Thank you."

"But Brother Taoist Master, you were the one who asked why he was 'unlocked as soon as he came'." Mu Jing frowned and retorted.

Song Jingyun: "..."

Okay, okay, it’s my fault, my fault, anyway, in your eyes Quan Heng is perfect.

"Because the young master of the Mu family introduced me to what will happen in the town tomorrow."

Quan Heng explained: "We are ghosts, and our identity is a bride-snatcher. This identity itself reveals the content of the mission. In addition, the name of the map is generally related to the mission location or even the core of the mission.

"I think the 'Yinyuan Pendant' should be some kind of token of the Mu family, the main NPC family, and it is also related to the 'Yinyuan' of this town - I will connect these things and tell the Keeper, and the mission will naturally be unlocked."

Song Jingyun: "..."

Song Jingyun was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly turned his head to look at Mu Jing and said sadly:

"Well, I'll never talk about her Versailles again."

He wanted to ask if this brain could be rented out.

"This is because I got a lot of clues, and you can guess it too."

Quan Heng quietly dismissed the matter, "What did you find?"

"No, those two pieces of paper didn't let me out before you came." Song Jingyun pursed his lips and motioned to the two ugly red-faced flower girls outside the door who followed the Mu family's young master.

"I'm holding you back - if you hadn't brought that man with kidney deficiency, how could it be so easy to leave? You can ask Little Mirror, he was brought here by an old lady."

"Well, she is a kind-hearted old lady. She said that she is the mother of Young Master Mu." Mu Jing thought for a while, "And today is her birthday, she is eighty years old!"

"Today is the old lady's birthday?"

"Yes, yes, and she is very happy today."

Mu Jing nodded and carefully thought about what he heard:

"The old lady said that she had dressed up specially today because she always wanted to eat at the table - she had never been able to eat at the table before. This has been a custom in the village for hundreds of years: only men can serve at the table, and women can only stand. Eat after arriving at the hall. She wants to fulfill her wish before her eightieth birthday, which is tomorrow’s happy day.”

Song Jingyun was stunned for a moment: "Can't you come to the table to eat?"

Mu Jing blinked, confused: "That's what you said, I don't know why."

"Double world framing is a common way of forming borderland maps."

Quan Heng reached out and rubbed Mu Jing's hair, "Don't listen to this bad habit - are there any others?"

"Yes." Mu Jing said, "She told me that I can play anywhere, but don't go to the house in the north."

"The young lady over there estimates that she will give birth to a little brother tonight, and if I go there it will affect the midwife's delivery.

"Don't go to the southernmost hut either. It's a house where people have died. You will be affected if you go in."

"There are three locations in total. We will split up." Quan Heng looked at Song Jingyun, "Song Jingyun, you take Xiaowu to the south cabin with you, and I will go to the birthday banquet to search for information."

"Aren't you going to search the house in the north?" Song Jingyun asked.

"Save that until the evening," Quan Heng said, "Since the NPC specifically mentioned the evening——it's good that we go together at night."

"That's right. Then it's better to let Mu Jing follow you," Song Jingyun hesitated, "Your sequence is B, Mu Jing is A, and I'm at least an S - We don't know anything about our PK opponents now, so don't really bump into us. ”

"No need," Quan Heng shook his head, "We can't meet them during the day today."


"Because the young master of the Mu family said: I was taken out today and you two are the only ones left in the courtyard. The other team will not arrive until evening." Quan Heng explained, "Who else can be in the other team besides Lu Manghaosi? ? Seize this time difference."

"Okay," Song Jingyun frowned and nodded, "Mu Jing, come with me."

"Sister, be careful." Mu Jing glanced at Quan Heng worriedly, then turned to follow Song Jingyun.

Quan Heng also set off immediately.

The game emphasizes the survival of the fittest, and "sequence balance" is already the only friendly existence in the PK game. Keeper cannot let go of players just because the ghost card task is difficult——

Quan Heng and the others were able to conduct a search at Mu's house in the town in advance only because Lu Manghaosi was able to obtain plot-related information on the way to the town.

And underestimating your opponent is a taboo in PK.


"We and Quan Heng collected information separately first, and we should be able to get clues along the way."

Lu Mang and Haosi were sitting on a rickety oxcart. The middle-aged driver with his back to them in front was driving the oxcart. The wooden pole painted in yellow in front of the oxcart was staggering forward, and the papered horns were worn and crooked. .

Lu Mang looked at his own plot prompt:

You are now the second group of tourists visiting Yinyuan Town. Please arrive at the town smoothly.

"You have drawn the character card: Exorcist"

"The Exterminator is very good at guessing. He helps the owner and the village clear away the filth - I have seen maps for this kind of mission more than a dozen times before."

The decryption ability is limited. Lu Mang has played the game hundreds of times and can automatically guess it based on the game routines and map names.

"As for the Yin Yuan Pendant, it is most likely the special item we want to get."

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Congratulations to player Lu Mang for unlocking the Challenger mission! 】

[This team is a normal character card mission: unlock the plot and obtain Mu Mansion’s marriage token "Yinyuan Pendant"]

"I read the analysis data of Quan Heng and Song Jingyun before I came here. Both of them have bounty records on the seventh floor." Lu Mang sneered, "Birds of a feather really flock together, and two psychopaths who attract hatred get together. seek death."

Haoshi covered his nose and turned his head when he heard the words:

"So, the last time Quan Heng interfered with the traffic of the Taboo Queen, the Taboo Queen politely talked about self-cultivation and did not argue with her face - alas, in fact, the Taboo is just a house of women. No matter how high you climb, you can't You have to act coquettishly to warm up the man's bed. She is just a little woman at heart, and she is kind-hearted and soft-hearted and dare not directly break her face.

"Just saying that the reward of 40,000 game coins has not been withdrawn secretly, and half of the deposit is still in our club. I am afraid the empire has wanted to kill Quan Heng and Song Jingyun."

Haoshi clicked his tongue, "But this person named Quan is really overestimating his abilities. 100 million game coins... give yourself to me? Even if you play badly, it won't be enough."

"I've said it many times, don't underestimate your opponent in PK. You can also arrange taboos?!"

Lu Mang warned again. Fortunately, they were not professional players and never broadcast live broadcasts in the border areas. Otherwise, I don’t know how much trouble these uncontrollable bullshit would cause.

"I don't care if you talk about it, you'd better not delay me! If you can't take care of yourself, just get rid of your two ounces of meat. I won't bother to care about you when the PK is completed!"

"Okay, okay, I got it. The mission is clear, and the opponents are pretty much the same... Ha, to be honest, do they deserve to be called our opponents?"

Haosi was still disdainful. He suddenly covered his nose as he spoke, frowning and feeling a little nauseous: "Holy shit, what does this car smell like? It smells like a stink! I just want to ask, why are we wandering around in the bullock cart?"

Haosi looked at the paper ox pulling the cart and couldn't help but reject it: "These are not cows, they are all made of paper - they are too ugly."

The paper cow pulling the cart suddenly turned its head——

There was a little bit of cinnabar in each of the pure white eyeballs, and both points were tilted to the sides of the eyeballs like needles. He looked at Haoshi who was speaking faintly, and stopped suddenly!

The bullock cart suddenly swayed, and Haosi and Lu Mang each reacted quickly and grabbed one side of the cart to steady themselves.

"What's going on?" Lu Mang asked warily.

"Ouch, my bullock cart is going to break down again."

The old man driving the cart frowned and looked at the old cow that was unwilling to move. He whipped it several times with a bullwhip and scolded: "Huangzi! Old Huang! Why don't you leave?!"

Lao Huang looked meaningfully at the man in the car with two small eyes, and shook his head pretending to be deep.

He raised his stiff front hooves and pointed arrogantly at the sign in front of him——

"Young BB, give me more money!"

Haosi/Lu Mang: “…………”

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