[Hahahaha, I laughed so hard, this bull—Old Huang shook his head and said NoNoNo! That's another price! ]

[Oh, these two people are really having fun. Playing games is really interesting. They are full of fun and have distinctive styles. ]

[I just wanted to take a look at the situation of the PK challengers. It’s not me who said: these two people are not professionals, that is, they have channels for New World... but it seems that you have all watched their programs? ? ]

[It’s up to you to judge, no one is better than Quan! Someone named Quan dared to tear down the poster of my goddess Alice! She deserves to lose 90% of the PK bets! ]

[Laughing, these are all fans of Alice, right? There are so many unfavorable little black people who are brainless fans of the female ghost. I said the comparison between the two parties is so tragic that it caused Quan Heng’s channel to drop a barrage. It’s so smoky—it turns out it’s causing traffic]

"Oh, it seems like this is the only way."

The old man driving the car suddenly turned his head, his papery face flashing, and he grinned a "kind" smile.

"You have to pay money, and then there is another price."

Lu Mang/Haosi: "??"

Still money, you are quite good at combining Chinese and Western things!

"We seem to..."

Lu Mang rummaged through his backpack and showed an awkward smile, "We don't seem to have any money."

The paper man smiled and disappeared at the speed of light, staring at the two players in the car.

"We were invited by the Mu family in your town," Lu Mang considered, "I can give you money when the time comes. He should be a rich and powerful person in your town. Aren't you afraid of offending them and not being able to get along?"

The lines on the paper man's face were messed up for a moment, and Haosi couldn't help but feel proud after hearing his words. This powerful man is easy to do.

Whoever wanted to drive the old man suddenly stood up, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, his eyes were filled with anger, he pinched his waist and shouted:

"Get the hell out of here! I've already died and become a game NPC, and I'm so afraid of exploiting capitalists!"

Lu Mang: "???"

Haoshi: "!!!"

The old man driving the car was angry and pointed the whip at the two people's faces: "You look like scum that exploits the masses, and you dare to talk about lesbians behind their backs!! It's true that your rectum is connected to the brain, and you can spray when you open your mouth. If you are shitting like this, get out of here!" !”

Lu Mang/Haosi: “…………”

Half a minute later, the bullock cart swayed away, leaving only two players in place.

"Little turtle grandson, you are so embarrassing to Chinese players!"

The paper man turned around and vomited in disgust, "Bah!"


Haosi turned his head and held it in for a long time before asking with a twisted expression: "Chief, what should we do now?"

"What else can I do? Who told you to talk too much!"

Lu Mang sneered, "Follow the wheels of the ox cart to Yinyuan Town, and you can still find clues on the road! Hurry up and hurry up! If you can't go back at night, you don't know what common clues you will miss, so hurry up!"


Mu Family Courtyard

"Grandma, it looks great already."

"Does it look good? Grandma is very nervous today. She has been preparing for a long time. Is my makeup okay?"

"It's beautiful! Especially these flowers, it makes you look more than ten years younger. Don't worry, my father will definitely allow you to serve it on your 80th birthday."

Quan Heng walked steadily on the house, paused when he heard the words, and turned his head to look at the grandfather and grandson walking side by side on the path.

The girl kept encouraging the well-dressed old lady and stopped at the door of the banquet: "Grandma, I can't be too public when I'm not married, otherwise I will be thrown into the pond if my integrity is broken."

The girl smiled carefully, feeling a little sad: "You can go by yourself, what a wonderful day, it will definitely work."

The old lady was silent, slowly patted the back of her granddaughter's hand, and walked towards the lively banquet hall.

Quan Heng quietly looked at the girl standing with her back to her, her thoughts wandering slightly - *The rule that women cannot serve at the table was a bad habit in the old days, but the reality today is not without it.

When carrying goods from Lanzhuang, they had to pass through remote mountainous areas. Quan Heng saw too many poor girls there, and even took some away to be placed as caregivers in welfare homes. Women can't serve at the table to show the dignity of men. After cooking, they just Being able to retreat to the kitchen and squat with the family’s old dog to eat leftovers.

Quan Heng looked at the young girl who suddenly turned her head and wiped the corners of her eyes, her eyes turning red.

These girls in the courtyard are worse than canaries, more like sparrows with broken wings that will be abandoned and replaced at any time.

Can't get out anywhere.

The sound of laughter interrupted his thoughts.

Quan Heng looked up together with the girl who was wiping tears——

"Is there any rule in our town that women should eat at the table?"

In the banquet hall, the paper figurine guests laughed one after another.

The old lady stood in front of them in embarrassment. They looked at her as if she were a funny object, an old dog trying to be in the same position as its owner.

"Old madam, are you becoming more confused as you get older?"

"It's incredible. There is no reason for a woman to come to the table. You will be laughed at if you say such a thing at such an old age."

The paper people's clothes are neat and bright, but their appearance cannot be clearly seen on their faces. Only the reproachful smiles on the corners of their mouths can be seen, like sarcastic symbols painted on them. The crooked lines form many faces——

Like him and like him.

The pair of strangely lined eyes moved, their gazes firmly fixed on the pleading old lady, revealing doubts, disdain and ridicule.

Table after table of men seemed to blend into the red banquet hall, turning into a dark painting. A mountain pressed down on the old lady's shoulders, making her bend down. The red flower was specially pinned on her head. Withered and blown away by the wind.

"I, I..." The old lady's lips trembled and she was speechless, and tears accumulated in her eyes.

"Let's go, let's go," her son frowned tightly, showing disgust, "Mom, my son will rely on you for everything, but this woman can only eat in the back of the room. She has to eat standing and squatting, how can she be with you? How about eating together as the breadwinner of the family?”

The old lady turned her head and looked blankly at the dozen or so tables of guests, looking at the paper people celebrating at her birthday banquet. Her eyes swept over the half-grown boy, biting her lips tightly, but her eyes were covered with tears. Blurred, he turned around with lowered eyebrows.

She clenched her hands nervously and walked step by step towards the square courtyard, her neck lowered by the countless tangible sights behind her.

Quan Heng watched quietly in the room as the rickety figure was supported by the twenty-eight-year-old girl in front of the door. The grandfather and grandson just supported each other and walked slowly along the path built with high walls. .

Behind them, countless male guests whose faces could not be seen clearly started to make a scene again. Their laughter passed through the banquet hall and circled into the red lantern hung high at the door.

Quan Heng put his hands in his pockets, his profile looked even more indifferent in the sunset, and no emotion could be seen.

"Quan Heng——"

Suddenly, a voice came from below the room, which was a little low. Quan Heng turned around to see Song Jingyun waving to her from below.

"Hey, it's the most annoying thing to show off. Standing so tall, you have to drink the wind. Don't worry about being blown away."

Song Jingyun covered his eyebrows with one hand, raised his head and squinted his eyes, then raised his voice slightly after muttering in a low voice.

"I found something, come down quickly."

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