Chapter 12
"That kid has grown up."

A ray of sunshine in the early morning shines on Di Ying's face through the window, and the Liu family knocks anxiously on the door.

"Boom boom boom"

"Doctor Li! How is Chang'an? Can we come in?"

Diying woke up, tidied herself up, and put on her coat.

When she opened the door, she felt a little tired.

"Master Xie is safe and sound."

When Mrs. Liu heard the good news, the sadness on her face instantly disappeared.

She walked quickly to her grandson and held his hand, waiting for him to wake up with eyes filled with distress.

"Sir, why doesn't Chang'an wake up?"

Doctor Li returns

"His body needs time to recover, and he will wake up in the afternoon at most. Madam, please send me a car to take me back."

Liu Jinsheng drove Dr. Li back to the hospital

I haven't been to the hospital for a long time in the past few months, and I don't know how Xiao Kun is doing?
After Zhi Diying was away from the behind-the-curtain auscultation, the medical clinic's business dropped a lot.

There were no patients in the hospital at this time, so Yang Liu brought meals prepared from home and gave them to Xiao Kun.

Although they say they are made casually, they are actually Xiao Kun's favorite food.

Xiao Kun has always been diligent and studious, and he always studies medical books in his spare time.

Yang Liuer has a straightforward and lively personality. She does whatever she wants and never hides what she wants to say.

This is what Diying likes and envies about her.You can always see your past figure in Yangliu.

Yang Liu'er called Xiao Kun to eat several times, but his slender head was always obsessed with medical books and couldn't extricate himself.

Xiao Kun muttered perfunctorily.
Yang Liuer had nothing to do with him, so he just sulked and ate his meal.

After seeing "Doctor Li" Diying come in, Yang Liuer welcomed her in with a smile and took the medicine box.

"Sir, you asked me to replace the tea set for you last time. I specially asked the best craftsman to make a new purple sand tea set. Go and try it."

Xiao Kun was willing to put down his books only when he saw his master coming back.

"Master, you are back. Are you busy with the Liu family?"

Diying "Doctor Li" shook his head.
"Akun, I will stay at Liu's house from now on until Master Xie's illness is completely cured. Therefore, the hospital will be left to you from now on."

Xiao Kun asked worriedly

"Master, is Master Xie's illness very difficult? Do you want my help?"

Di Ying returns
"Only I can cure his illness, but you, who are busy with affairs all day long, don't even have good food. Don't let this girl's efforts go to waste."

At this time, Yang Liuer used a newly made purple sand tea set to make a pot of tea for Diying "Doctor Li". Hearing that Xiao Kun was scolded, he happily agreed.

"Sir, during your absence, Dr. Xiao never eats well. He also doesn't take a good rest."

After saying that, he made a face at Xiao Kun.
Xiao Kun argued

"The master is not here, so I take the lead alone and have to treat every patient more seriously and responsibly. That's why I have to keep learning and enrich myself."

Diying laughed
"You just love to get into trouble and accept death. No matter how big a thing is, you have to eat before you do it. Taking care of your body is the most important thing. This is the most basic principle for a doctor."

After hearing this, Xiao Kun went to eat obediently, and Yang Liuer happily handed him the chopsticks.

Seeing the two of them getting along well, Diying was pleased. If she could see Xiao Kun get married and start a business in her lifetime, it would be a waste to have this child by her side for more than ten years.

A Kun is now 20 years old this year. As a woman, she has already seen through Yang Liu's thoughts.

Diying "Doctor Li" talks to Yangliu alone
Sitting in a familiar wing, an exquisite tea set was placed on the table, and Yang Liu was making tea for "Doctor Li".

"Yang Liu'er, you are thoughtful. Someone made me this tea set. I like it very much."

Yang Liuer smiled happily

"As long as you like it, sir, I'm happy that I can do something for you."

Looking at her smile and being happy every day, this is what a girl should look like.

Diying asked tentatively
"Yang Liu'er, what do you think of our A-kun?"

The girl paused the tea in her hand, buried her head and whispered shyly, returning
"Dr. Xiao, he is young and promising, and he is full of passion for his medical skills."

Diying secretly laughed
"Ahem. I mean, if Akun is chosen as a husband, do you think he is suitable?" After all, Yang Liuer was only twenty-nine years old. Her cheeks suddenly turned red, and she held her face in her hands and felt embarrassed.

"Sir, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Doctor Li" said with sincerity and sincerity

"Akun's parents died in the war when he was five years old. Since then, he has been following me, a teacher for one day and a father for life. I watched him grow from an immature child to a mature and steady adult."

"And I, who am old, will one day pass away before him. If you don't want to, I would like to grow up to be beautiful. If you don't want to, just pretend that I didn't say this."

When Yang Liu'er heard these sincere words, she no longer concealed them and began to think about them carefully.

"Sir, you have good intentions, Yang Liu'er understands. But, I have never thought about marriage. Besides, it's not something I can decide if I want to."

"I wonder what Dr. Xiao's intention is?"

Diying smiled with her eyes, she knew the girl's thoughts clearly.She shouldn't have interfered in their affairs, she was too impatient.

"Yang Liu'er, you are getting old and rude. When I am no longer here, I will bother you to help Dr. Xiao manage the medical clinic. Just treat the medical clinic as your home, and you can stay as long as you want."

Yang Liu didn't understand why Dr. Li said this. From the bottom of her heart, she hoped that Dr. Li could live a long life.Her father saved his life because of meeting Dr. Li and allowed her to settle down in this medical clinic.

"Sir, a good person like you will live a long life. I will try my best to run the medical clinic and live up to your instructions."

"Okay, okay, I hope you are all well"

Di Ying really kept the fictional character Doctor Li alive in her heart and returned home alone.

She was sitting in the rocking chair on the balcony, her mind filled with things about Xie Changan, his pale and handsome face, his melancholy and deep eyes, and the blood oozing from the corners of his mouth.

The threads were tugging at her heart, what should she do?Only then can this wrong fate be corrected.

Xiao Kun came back and saw Sister A sitting quietly on the balcony.He also sat next to her.

"Sister, do you have to go to the Liu family's business?"

Di Ying returns
"Xie Changan is the person I'm looking for. So I will stay at Liu's house in the future."

Xiao Kun knew that he could not stop what his sister had decided, so he just silently chatted with her about daily life.

"Don't worry, sister, I will take good care of myself and make the medical center prosperous."

Di Ying returns
"Akun, this small bungalow will be left to you from now on. If you want to marry a wife and have children in the future, you can do it in this house."

After speaking, he handed over all the deeds to the small bungalow and the medical center to Xiao Kun.A few pieces of yellow croaker were also delivered to him.

Xiao Kun choked up and said when he saw his sister like this.

"Sister, what do you want? Do you want to leave and never come back? Is it worth it? Sister, why don't we live well?"

Diying was unmoved in her heart. This was the path she should take and the debt she should repay.

"Akun, each of us has something to do in this world. We can't stop the passage of time, we can only drift along the road."

Xiao Kun has always regarded Di Ying as a relative, but now he has to separate from him because of Xie Changan.He really can't understand
"Sister, I don't understand what you are saying. I only know that you are my sister. I don't want you to do anything to hurt yourself."

Di Ying was also in pain and tangled in her heart.

"Akun, do you think it's normal for me to be like this? I'm immortal, never shed tears, and live like a monster. I shouldn't exist in this world!"

Xiao Kun was shocked, the calm and gentle sister in the past.This is how he sees himself.He hugged Diying, just like his sister comforted him when he was a child.

"Sister, you are the best person in the world. It is precisely because of you that the old, weak, women and children in the village were able to survive that year. It is precisely because of you that I can survive in this world. It is precisely because of you that in this world, Only the poor people in the Bund can seek medical treatment."

Diying felt even more worried. Yes, if it weren't for her, so many innocent people wouldn't have died tragically.How can you erase past sins just because you did something good?

"Akun. I'm not as good as you said. I'm a sinner."

Xiao Kun comforted his sister

"Sister, if people like you who have a kind heart and do good deeds are guilty, then this world will be hell!"

"Sister, don't punish yourself with your past mistakes."

Xiao Kun's words were like a crisp slap on Di Ying's face. The child back then had really grown up.

The authorities are fascinated by the onlookers, but Xiao Kun can see it more clearly than himself.

She lives in pain that is sober
If she does what she needs to do, her mind will be at peace.

She stopped arguing with Xiao Kun and went back to her room to rest alone.

(End of this chapter)

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