The Miao girl in his heart

Chapter 13 Staying at Liu’s House

Chapter 13 Staying at Liu’s House
"Eat and live together"

Before dawn, Diying packed her things and went to the medicinal materials market to collect some medicinal materials she needed.

Then go to Liu's house and leave a letter for Xiao Kun.Then he set off carrying the medicine box.

In fact, Xiao Kun stayed up all night, knowing that he could not stop Ajie.He watched his sister leave upstairs.I hope my sister will get what she wants.
Diying arrived at Liu's house by car today and was greeted by Mrs. Liu with a smile.He also blamed Liu Jinsheng for not picking up Dr. Li in person.

When they arrived at the attic, Xie Changan was having lunch.I saw that his face was quite rosy today, and Mrs. Liu was in a good mood.

Diying "Li Dada" took his pulse. Sure enough, his pulse was stable and his energy and blood were restored.

Just as she expected, she was the antidote to saving Xie Changan.

After making up his mind, he spoke to Mrs. Liu.

"Ma'am, I."

She didn’t want Xie Changan to speak at the same time as her


Mrs. Liu was confused for a moment, not knowing who to agree to first.

Diying "Doctor Li" asked Xie Changan to speak first

"Grandma, my husband's illness is mostly healed when he is by my side. It would be great if I could keep my husband by my side. If I feel uncomfortable, I can communicate with him in time. What do you think, sir?"

Mrs. Liu looked at Di Ying and said, "Doctor Li."

"Actually, that's what I meant. Now that the medicine has been changed, I need to observe the young master's reaction at all times."

Of course Mrs. Liu is happy, having a miracle doctor closely guarding her grandson is something she could never wish for.

So he immediately ordered his servants to clean out the empty room next to Xie Changan so that "Doctor Li" could stay.

Xie Changan was secretly happy that it would not go so smoothly.

After settling everything, Diying "Doctor Li" settled in Liu's house. He did so despite the risk of being discovered at any time.

There was not much time left for her, and Xie Changan's body could no longer bear the torment.

Diying "Doctor Li" was arranging things in the new room, and Xie Changan was lying at the door looking at her.

After all the servants had left, Xie Changan sat on Di Ying's "Doctor Li"'s new bed.

While looking at "his" figure, I played with the sheets.
"Sir, I thought you wouldn't agree to my stay."

Di Ying returns
"Madam is right. Running back and forth like this is really too much for me. Besides, I don't want the danger like that night to happen again."

Xie Changan returns

"Oh? Yes, I almost died that night. Thank you sir for saving me. It feels so good to be alive."

"He probably didn't remember anything, right?"

Diying watched Xie Changan sitting on the edge of the bed with his head down, as he passed the line between life and death.Will you still be full of hope for this world?
"Thank you, Master. As long as I am here, you will be safe and sound."

After a while, he raised his eyes and stared at Diying, with an unfathomable gloom in his eyes.

"Sir, why do you always wear this mask?"

Diying raised her hand to touch her mask, unable to think of a better explanation for the moment.

"When I was young, I escaped from a fire and left many terrible scars on my face. I didn't want to disturb the patients who came to see me. So, I always wore this mask."

Xie Changan asked back
"Sir, your medical skills are so good, why can't you heal the scar on your face?"

As he spoke, he moved closer to Diying's face and stretched out his hand as a gesture to take off her mask.

Diying avoided him and explained again.

"Master, I have grown old, and my skin is meaningless to me. What is the use of trying to treat it in vain? People are mortal, and after a hundred years, they will turn into dust. Everything will return to nothingness."

Xie Changan put down his doubts and felt ashamed for his transgression just now. "Sir, you are open-minded, but Chang'an is narrow-minded."

"It's just that in the past two days, I can't tell the difference between dreams and reality. In my dreams, I saw you. You."

Xie Changan hesitated to speak
Di Ying took his pulse and gave him some soothing medicine on the pretext of taking it.

"Master Xie, your body is weak, so you feel restless. I will add some soothing herbs for you in the past few days. Take it for a few days, and the situation will gradually improve."

Xie Changan returns

"Thank you sir, you don't have to be polite to me. You can just call me Chang'an like your grandmother."

Di Ying is not used to being addressed like this, but she always uses honorifics, which makes her seem strange.

"Ahem. Okay then, Chang'an."

Although servants do many things in the Liu family, Xie Changan's medicine is cooked by Di Ying himself.From today on, she will use blood as medicine every day, so no one can find out.

With her blood used as medicine, Xie Changan recovered quickly.

But every time blood was drained, Diying felt that her body was as weak as a cocoon.

She goes in and out of Liu's house with Xie Changan every day. Except when she eats vegetarian food, which is specially prepared and delivered to her room, she spends the rest of the time with Xie Changan.

This continued for half a year, and Xie Changan's body recovered like a normal person.Mrs. Liu also feels that her grandson is really well.

On Xie Changan's 19th birthday, Mrs. Liu wanted to hold a grand banquet in the manor.

At that time, you can also invite the daughters of Shanghai's famous aristocrats to the banquet, and select a blind grandson's wife from them.

Xie Changan himself did not know this.He just thought that his grandmother was happy that he was recovering from his illness and wanted to have some fun.That’s why he entertained everyone in such a grand manner.

There was still half a month before his birthday, and the whole manor began to be decorated.

The whole Liu family's house is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, which is comparable to the Chinese New Year.

Xie Changan developed the habit of reading because of his illness. Even after he recovered, he still didn't like to go out and play.

Perhaps the strange illness had tempered his mind. No matter how busy it was outside, he had no desire to participate.

However, his grandmother was very interested and insisted on dragging him to order a suit.

"Chang'an, the weather is really nice today. Would you like to go for a walk with grandma?"

Xie Changan looked at the book dully

"Grandma, I can't think of anywhere. Let the housekeeper accompany you."

Mrs. Liu was a little discouraged and disappointed.
"You child, you have finally recovered from your illness. Grandma wants you to accompany me, but you are unwilling to wait for the day when I am buried. Even if you want to, you can't."

Xie Changan was a filial child, and he was afraid of spoiling his grandmother's interest, so he changed his clothes and went out.

It’s been a long time since I went out shopping in formal clothes, so I looked at myself in the mirror.With a haggard face, he shaved off his beard and took care of his overly long hair.

After changing into his old suit and leather shoes, he made his figure slim and straight, and after a simple tidy up, his handsome and deep handsome face added a touch of vicissitudes of life and death.

He is no longer the sunny boy he used to be, but has the charm of a mature man.

Xie Changan helped Mrs. Liu go downstairs, and happened to meet Diying "Doctor Li" making medicine.

Mrs. Liu happily asked "him" if he wanted to go with her
Di Ying refused without thinking, using the excuse that she still had to cook the medicine.

However, Xie Changan stopped her, intending to travel with him, and also said that she would prepare a generous gift for him.

Unable to resist Diying's unnecessary refusal, Xie Changan put his arm around "his" shoulders and directly invited him to get in the car.

Mrs. Liu sat in the front, and he and Xie Changan sat in the back seat together.

(End of this chapter)

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