Chapter 2 Just a weed
Entering the yard, I heard the sounds of quarrels in the house.

"Shen Yu, what do you mean?"

"Brother, you promised me not to touch her..."

Shen Yu?This name is a bit familiar, there is nothing good about people named Shen!

"Miss, it's the second young master... Why don't we go back first!" Lian'er looked a little embarrassed.

Second son?
Lian'er looked at the young lady with a puzzled look on her face.

"You have forgotten that the murderer of the Shen family has been at the border and has come back for some reason. We'd better not go in!"


The door was thrown open, and a man came out. His temperament was completely different from Shen Yi's. If Shen Yi was the arrogant Jin Zhu in Lonely Wind, then he was a wolf in the desert. He looked like he had that kind of experience all around him. The battlefield is ruthless.

For some reason, she, the majestic princess, was avoiding his gaze at this moment. It must be that Song Yu's body was too weak, which caused her aura to weaken.


His voice was also calm with a hint of hoarseness, and he raised his eyelids slightly, looking at Song Yu doubtfully.

"Second...cousin, I am the cousin of the Song family!"

Shen Er?She remembered, the unfeminine Shen Er!

She also wanted to grant him a marriage, but he refused with a stern face. He was still a little immature at that time, but now he is much more mature and stable, and he has the title of a lone wolf on the frontier.

Shen Yu didn't speak.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

"Second cousin, when did you come back?"

Song Yu's voice was filled with such tenderness, she really felt that she was a little weaker again.

The other party still didn't answer, but when his eyes glanced over, she felt even more uncomfortable.

"You're not afraid of me anymore?"

What?Song Yu couldn't react to the word that had no beginning or end.

"Second cousin is joking, why should I be afraid of you?"

After Song Yu said this, Lian'er hurriedly tugged on her sleeve. This tug brought out a corner of the knife she had hidden in her sleeve, and she hurriedly hid it.

But Shen Yu still saw that this cousin, who was as delicate as a dodder flower, was really extraordinary today!

"Miss, you have forgotten that you met the Second Young Master two years ago. When he came home at night, you happened to be wandering in the yard, and you were frightened and fainted by the Second Young Master!"

ah?There is such a thing!

This Song Yu is too careless, a big living person can be so scared!

"Isn't this... when you grow up? When you grow up, you will naturally become bolder."

Shen Yu sneered.

"why are you laughing?"

After speaking in a questioning tone, Song Yu felt regretful. She was no longer the eldest princess, so this tone of voice was not right.

"Cousin, you have really grown up!"

Shen Yu's voice was cold. After speaking, he walked around her and strode out.

"Swords have no eyes, cousin, you should play less with these things on weekdays!"

Shen Yu turned his back to Song Yu and sneered, then left the yard.Song Yu clenched the knife tightly. It was because she was careless. The Shen family was not that easy to deal with. She was afraid that she had to hide it well, otherwise they would find out something was wrong before the revenge was even avenged.

Song Yu looked at the door in front of her and suddenly didn't want to go in. Shen Yi was even more thoughtful. Song Yu was so abnormal now. Meeting him today would probably make him suspicious!

"Lian'er, let's go back!"

She had to calm down. Now she was no longer the powerful eldest princess of Yong'an. If she wanted to bury the entire Shen family, she had to plan carefully. Now she could only lie dormant.

"Miss, have you not seen the eldest son?"

Lian'er chased to the door and asked behind Song Yu.

"I don't want to see you anymore!"

Lian'er didn't understand. The young lady used to come to the eldest son every now and then, but why was she acting so strange today?

"Miss, I have put away the notebooks you read before, otherwise you can read them again!"

Lian'er felt that her young lady must have forgotten how those young ladies in the storybook were obsessed with the young master, so she had to let her remember it!
Song Yu's mind was not here and she responded casually.


As soon as their master and servant entered the courtyard, the eldest lady of the Shen family sent someone to send a message asking Song Yu to come over.

"Miss, the eldest madam must be unhappy with you again. Every time you go to see the eldest young master, she will definitely ridicule you openly or secretly!"

It's really strange. It seems that Mrs. Shen doesn't like this cousin anymore. So what is the reason for keeping her in Shen Mansion for so many years?
Song Yu took Lian'er and followed the messenger to the eldest lady. As soon as she entered the house, she saw the eldest lady playing with a pot of delicate peonies. The flowers were in a large flowerpot and were taken care of very carefully. .

Song Yu sneered. When she was in the palace, peonies of this kind were all inferior. She didn't even bother to look at them. Mrs. Shen actually thought she was a treasure.

"Ayan, are you here?"

Ayan?It should be Song Yu's nickname.

"Auntie!" Song Yu saluted.

"Ayan, what do you think of my peony?"

She had met Mrs. Shen a few times, but it was always at palace banquets. Mrs. Shen sat demurely below. At that time, she was curious about what kind of person Shen Yi's mother was, and even looked at her secretly.

She was not that graceful and luxurious, but had a beautiful and refined appearance. She was really different among other ladies. At that time, she thought it was no wonder that she could give birth to such an outstanding son as Shen Yi.

At that time, Mrs. Shen realized that she was looking at her, and she responded with a very respectful and meek response. She also felt that Mrs. Shen must be a gentle and kind person.

Looking at it again today, something is actually different. There is a kind of suppression in her eyes, a kind of superior attitude. I guess so, the person standing in front of her now is not the eldest princess, but a little Miss Shen Jiabiao. .

"Ayan, look, there is a weed growing in this flower pot. It's really out of place. This weed should be in the wild, don't you think?"

After Mrs. Shen finished speaking, she gently pulled up the weed with her slender fingers and placed it beside the table.

Song Yu took one look at the weed and immediately understood in her heart, this must be for Song Yu.

"Auntie, I think these peonies are just for people to watch when they are kept in a flower pot, which is very boring. It is better to grow weeds in the wild and feel the different seasons of the year and see all kinds of people's hearts!"

She can't bear this grievance!

Mrs. Shen suddenly raised her head and looked at this girl. She still had the same foxy face, but why did she feel different today? She usually sarcastically said something to her, but she just wanted to be a little low-key. What happened today?
"I don't know, why did my aunt call me here?"

Since Mrs. Shen hasn't chased this girl away for so many years, that's why she can't chase her away, so it probably doesn't matter if she lets her go a bit wildly. Anyway, she can't stand this cowardice.

"Nothing's wrong, it's just that your eldest cousin is getting engaged to the Su family's legitimate daughter, Su Jin'er!"

Su Jin'er?How can it be?

Su Jin'er is obviously her and Shen Yi's matchmaker, and she is also Princess Yong'an's only close friend!
(End of this chapter)

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