Chapter 3 On the Tower
"Princess, come with me quickly!"

"Jin'er? Why did you enter the palace?"

Su Jin'er picked up the eldest princess, who was wearing a bright red wedding dress, and ran out.

"Princess, it's too late. The Shen family has invaded with troops. Your father, the emperor, and your mother have been killed. They are still massacring you in the palace. I will take you out of here!"

The princess shook off Su Jin'er's hand and asked doubtfully: "What are you talking about?"

Su Jin'er didn't speak anymore, but took her hand again and dragged her all the way up to the tower. The harem was relatively calm, but when she got to the tower, she was stunned.

She saw the Imperial Guards being massacred by the Royal Guards brought by Shen Yi. The scene below was full of mourning, and the palace maids and eunuchs were all killed and injured.

"They said you are the princess who has brought disaster to the country, and they will definitely get rid of you today, so you..."

"Princess causing trouble to the country? Why?"

"Don't you understand yet? Shen Yi just lied to you, just to attack the palace and seize power when he enters the palace to marry you!"

"Seize power?"

Su Jin'er nodded.

Suddenly the scene flashed, and she was standing on the eaves of the city tower. Large snowflakes began to fall from the sky, seeming to be mourning for her.

"Princess, no..."

Song Yu woke up from her dream. She looked at the light pink bed curtains and slowly woke up. This was the Shen Mansion.

So why did she jump off the tower?This is not her style. She has never been afraid of trouble. If Shen Yi treats her like this, she will only choose to drag him to be buried with him. There is no way she can jump off the tower by herself.

"Jade pendant..." A picture of her handing the jade pendant to a person appeared in her mind.

"Hiss..." My head hurts again. Thinking about what happened that night makes me have an unbearable headache. So what else happened that night?
Su Jin'er must know that she should be on the tower, and she must find an opportunity to test her.

"Miss, someone from the old lady is here and wants you to come!"

Lian'er opened the curtain and came in with a happy face.

She already knew almost everything about Song Yu. The reason why she was able to live in the Shen family was all because of this old lady.

Song Yu's mother was Mrs. Shen's legitimate daughter, and the head of the Shen family, General Shen Zhuoqing, was a concubine back then. The old lady had no children, so she took her as her legitimate son and raised him.

"Yanyan, there are no good people in the Shen family. Just listen to your grandmother's advice and stop working on Shen Yi!"

Mrs. Shen held one of her hands and stroked it gently, with a look of doting and concern on her face.

Song Yu looked at Mrs. Shen's body. She was no longer strong, her face was full of wrinkles, and she had to use a cane to walk.

But she still felt the love in her eyes and heart.

When she was the eldest princess, no one looked at her with such loving eyes except the late princess' aunt who loved her for five years. Her father was devoted to seeking immortality, and her mother was a queen, but she only wanted to He pounced on her brother and didn't care about her at all. He only pretended to care when he was using her!
Now that a strange old lady was so caring and full of love for her, she felt a little awkward.

"I see!"

"Okay, Magu, hurry up and bring over all the food that Yanyan likes that she has sent from the front yard in the past few days. She is recovering from her illness, so she must have been hungry for it!"

The person who was called Magu was the old man who was following the old lady. Seeing that the old lady was happy, she went out quickly.

Not only did Song Yu eat, but Lian'er also carried a lot of delicious food in her hands when she left.

No wonder Lian'er was so happy when she heard the old lady's message to come over. It turned out that she could eat and take it.

"Old madam, I think the young lady didn't refute you this time. She must have given up on the eldest son. Just relax!"

"Ma Gu, I think what you said makes sense. When Shen Yi was mentioned today, I saw her reaction was indifferent. The Shen family members are all heartless and unjust people, and they are not worth it!"

The old lady looked at the crutch in her hand with a cold look in her eyes.Magu has been with the old lady in the Shen family for so many years. The people in the Shen family are indeed as the old lady said, from top to bottom, they are all heartless and unjust people.

Song Yu's mind was not here. If she wanted to see Su Jin'er, she had to find out what happened on the tower.

And a jade pendant!

Her herring tail jade pendant was an important item for her to communicate with her secret guards. Who did she give it to?And something else must have happened on the tower that night.

So now Su Jin'er is the most important key.

"Miss? What are you thinking about?"

Lian'er looked at Song Yu with a puzzled look on her face. She called her miss several times, but she didn't respond.

"what happened?"

"Look, we've all gone the wrong way, and we've already reached the south courtyard!"

Song Yu glanced at Lian'er, with the dregs of pastries still hanging from the corners of her mouth. She must have been eating them secretly along the way and not looking at the road!
She still had the nerve to blame her young lady. She was a girl who messed up things, and she really had no rules.

Song Yu took a look and saw that the south courtyard was really desolate, overgrown with weeds and it seemed that no one was taking care of it.

"Miss Su, I brought you here because I want to ask you a few questions!" A male voice with an indifferent and low voice said.

"Shen Yu...are you crazy? You are a lonely man and a widow, but you don't follow any rules?"

Su Jin'er's voice?

Song Yu hurriedly pulled Lian'er to squat down and made a silent gesture to Lian'er.

"On that day, you and the princess were the only ones on the tower. Why did the princess jump off the tower?"

Shen Yu's voice was always indifferent and distant, but for some reason this time there was a hint of sadness in it.

"Only Mr. Shen knows what happened to me on the tower. I just said it in Mr. Shen's study. The princess saw that the situation was over, well... and she couldn't bear the blow, so she chose to jump!"

Su Jin'er's voice was soft and soft, with no emotion in her tone.

wrong?Su Jin'er was lying. When she lied, she would unconsciously add a modal particle.

"Miss Su, the princess and you are old and close friends. Now that her body is still cold, you are still discussing marriage with her lover. Aren't you afraid of being criticized behind your back?"

"Second Young Master Shen, please don't lie. Marriage is all what my parents want. I... am just obeying my parents' wishes!"

Shen Yu sneered.

"Miss Su, I've heard that I'm stubborn. If I don't get the answer I want, I might even pester you!"

"You...Second Master Shen, don't you care about Master Shen too?"

Shen Yu looked at her coldly and smiled.

"Miss Su, do you think I will take it into consideration?"

Su Jin'er was stunned for a moment, and when she spoke again, her tone was helpless.

"Second Young Master Shen, I have a last letter from the princess here. I gave it to you. Can you promise not to look for me again in the future?"

"The last letter?" Shen Yu asked back. He didn't believe that the princess would jump from the tower. When he heard the last letter, his tone was full of disappointment.

Why did Shen Yu want to investigate her jumping off the tower?And the last letter Su Jin'er mentioned, was it really written by her?

(End of this chapter)

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