Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 186 Tracking

"How long do you think it will take these elves to accurately control this warship!"
Tang Hong and others leaned on the cabin, looked at the scattered room, and said helplessly.
"God knows!"
His teammate said with a pale face.
Although the physical fitness of the cultivators is far superior to that of ordinary people, they cannot withstand such frequent and irregular violent vibrations. Some team members actually suffered from seasickness.
"I didn't expect that I would be vomited by the shock!"
In another room, Tang Wei was lying on a pool, wiping the foam around his mouth and saying with a wry smile.
"Forget it," one of his team members lay next to him, looking even uglier than him, and sighed helplessly: "It's getting better now. At least, there will only be such a violent vibration once every half-quarter of an hour."
"It's harder to adapt than I thought!"
Ling Feng was also in the control room at this time, staring at the situation outside the magic circle and said.
He knew that the elves had done a good enough job. In the monitoring light and shadow of the magic circle, he could roughly see many different undercurrents, some were rapid and some were slow. Moreover, these undercurrents had no rules and changed from time to time.Of course, there are no rules at all, because they don't understand the environment to a certain extent, otherwise they can still find some rules.
"I'm going to lie down in the cabin for a while!"
Tang Yan, who had always been tired of him, finally couldn't bear it anymore. With a sallow face, she slowly supported the cabin and groped towards her room.
"Everyone is doing great, don't worry!"
Ling Feng clapped his hands and said to the elves.
"Yes! Your lord!"
The elves responded in unison. As pilots, they were mentally prepared for possible shocks. At this time, they were the only ones on the ship who were in good condition.
Of course, they were a little impatient. They had been driving the warship for more than three days, and they still couldn't control the warship stably. They felt guilty.
"It seems that we have finally figured out the difficulties!"
Tang Feng said with a grimace, no one on the ship looked good now.
They were worried about adapting to the warship, but they didn't know that there were people behind them who were also worried about the same.
"Are you sure the information is accurate?"
Yin Jian stood in the control room of a warship and said irritably.
"Of course, at least for now, it seems that they are only swimming at a moderate depth and have no signs of continuing to dive deeper!"
The man in black stood beside him, his eyes were very sure, but his tone was not so confident.
In fact, he was a little anxious.
His warship is a small warship. It may be faster than Ling Feng's warship, but its combat effectiveness is far behind. At least his warship does not have a large crystal cannon. If the two warships If there is a battle between ships, as long as they hit each other, the warship will be blown into rubbish.
Fortunately, his warship was specially designed for tracking and reconnaissance. All the dynamic arrays and detection arrays were still very powerful. This was one of the reasons why they could follow up outside the detection range of Lingfeng's warship.
But his warship is small after all, and the strength of these specially strengthened magic circles is still limited. Once Ling Feng and the others get rid of the surveillance, they can't guarantee that they can still track it.
"Are these guys really planning to go directly to the next city level?"
The man in black felt uneasy.
For three days, Ling Feng's warship kept moving. There was no sign of deep dive, but there was also no sign of letting people go to practice, which made him not anxious.
If the opponent goes straight in, his warships may not be able to withstand the pressure.
"You know what it means to keep following!"
Looking at the man in black who was not ready to give up, Yin Jian asked.
"Of course!" The man in black nodded with a livid face.
"We are lucky enough!" Yin Jian continued.
"I know!"
The man in black took a deep breath. Biyouquan is an extremely dangerous place. The soul beasts here are actually much stronger than those outside. Once they are accidentally surrounded by a group of soul beasts, a small warship like them will also withstand It can't afford the repeated attacks from the spirit beasts.
This is why City Lord Yu said that Ling Feng was lucky and could get a regular warship as soon as he came to Biyouquan.
"Sir! They dived more than ten meters again!"
While the two were talking to each other, the observers who sent surveillance and tracking came up to report.
"Just follow along!"
The man in black said without thinking.
"Sir, at this level, the speed of our warship and the monitoring circle are the best places to play. Once we follow, the spiritual power distribution of the warship will be mainly to enhance the warship's resistance to the pressure of Biyouquan. Our Speed ​​and monitoring capabilities will be greatly limited."
"How could this happen? Did they discover our tracking and change the depth?"
The man in black asked accusingly.
In the past few days, Ling Feng's warships have basically been sailing at such a depth. Sometimes if it is deeper, it will go up, and if it is shallower, it will go down. The transfer of the ship is basically up and down.But this time, it obviously went to a deeper level, which made him wonder if their tracking had been discovered.
"Sir, according to my judgment," the subordinate explained, "they should be adapting to the operation of the warship. They have been adapting the warship to the undercurrent in the past few days. Now that they have achieved their goal, they changed the depth."
Nodding calmly, the subordinate's explanation was still reasonable. If they were really discovered, the other party would probably speed up.
"What advice do you have?"
Yin Jian asked, compared to the man in black, this was still his territory and he seemed more sophisticated.
"Sir, the best way now is to follow him from above. This way, even if he is discovered, the other party won't care too much."
The subordinate analyzed.
"Make sure they don't go any deeper?"
The man in black asked worriedly.
"Sir, even if they want to go deep, there is nothing we can do," the subordinate explained helplessly, "We can only pray for good luck now. They will not adapt to the deeper undercurrent so quickly and will stay not far away for a relatively long time. ."
The man in black and Yin Jian looked at each other and nodded. This was the only option they had now.
The two warships sailed in this way, one deep and one shallow.
I don't know whether it was the man in black's good tone or Ling Feng's luck, but the other party's analysis was very accurate.
"Brother Feng, we have tried our best!"
In the control room, Bing Xin was sweating profusely and said that her clothes were soaked with sweat. If it weren't for the Lingbao underwear inside, she would have been seen out long ago.
Even so, she was very embarrassed to be stared at by Ling Feng. Fortunately, the other men had already turned their gaze elsewhere in order to avoid her embarrassment, otherwise she would really have to find a crack in the ground to get in.
"I know, you've done a great job!"
Ling Feng stretched out his hand, gently wiped the sweat on her face, and said lovingly.
Bing Xin's face became even better, and she spoke softly, with a happy smile on her face.
"Just stay in this undercurrent and let them relax a bit!"
The warship travels through different undercurrents, which puts a heavy burden on the elves who control it. Especially for this dive, even in an unchanging undercurrent, they still have to spend a lot of energy.
After trying to cross several undercurrents, all the elves, including Bing Xin, were exhausted. If they tried again, they would be mentally traumatized.
"It is also necessary to refine some elixirs to strengthen mental recovery!"
In order to thank Ling Feng for his help, Xue Jin also secretly gave him many prescriptions unique to Biyou Spring, some of which were used to cultivate and restore mental power.
You must know that it is very difficult to cultivate and restore mental power. In the outside world, except for some very high-quality elixirs, there are no such medicines in low-level elixirs.
Xue Jin also specifically stated in the elixir prescriptions given to him that the refining of these elixirs must be done in Biyouquan, and the materials in Biyouquan must be used, otherwise they will be ineffective.
Xue Jin didn't understand this either. Not only him, but many alchemists also didn't know.
But Ling Feng could guess the reason. Why did they come to Biyou Spring to solve the problem of the Spring of Youth? There must be secrets related to life in Biyou Spring, and spirit is also part of the vitality.
"If it only runs in the undercurrent, we can implement a rotation system!"
Sailing in an undercurrent, the burden on the elves is also much lighter. It is just right to follow the previous plan, let the elves become familiar with the control of the warship, and rotate at the same time, so that everyone can get full training.
"You go ahead and make the arrangements, I won't have to worry about anything else here!"
Ling Feng said confidently.
Although everyone is a cultivator, the more than three days of sailing is still too much for the elves, and now some of them can finally rest first.
As the navigation stabilized, the vibrations of the warship also stopped, and it was time for the people of the 'Dragon Group' to practice.
"Call the team members outside!"
Ling Feng was the first to teleport outside the cabin.
As soon as he arrived outside, Ling Feng's body trembled slightly before he stood still. It was calm outside. The undercurrents that could be discerned from the control circle were not visible to the naked eye, but Ling Feng was already quite familiar with the surrounding undercurrents.
“It’s really different”
When he reached this depth, he also felt a slight obstruction, and his body filled with spiritual energy did not move as if it was immersed in sticky liquid.
His arms were moving in the void, but his eyes were full of playfulness. Tang Feng, who was following him, looked at this scene and was touched in his heart. Even he had almost forgotten that Ling Feng was actually just a child. That’s all.
"My lord! My lord!"
In the small warship above the warship, a soldier rushed to the man in black and Yin Jian, and said breathlessly, "Someone is coming out, someone is coming out."
Upon hearing this, Yin Jian and the man in black's eyes lit up, and they quickly walked towards the magic circle.

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