Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 187 Sinking

The team members who had just been teleported out were all happy. After holding it in the cabin for three days, they were finally able to come out and take a breath.
But as soon as they came out, their bodies trembled and they almost sat on the hull.
"What a lot of pressure!"
They all took no precautions and did not take away the protective spiritual power from their whole bodies. They immediately felt huge pressure, and some people quickly removed the protective spiritual power.
"What are you doing, looking for death!"
Black Dragon's face darkened and he scolded sternly.
"grown ups!"
Several people instinctively wanted to explain, but looking at the stern look on the black dragon's face, they swallowed their words again.
"If there are enemies nearby at this time, will they listen to your explanation of why the protective spiritual power has been removed?" Black Dragon naturally knew what the team members wanted to argue, and said directly with a dark face.
Everyone looked solemn and did not dare to say anything more.
Looking at this scene, Ling Feng just smiled slightly and didn't say anything. A well-trained team cannot relax its vigilance at any time, not to mention turning on the spiritual power of body protection, which is also a kind of exercise at this time.
"You should stop using your body-protecting spiritual power for the time being!"
Seeing that the confused Tang Yan also turned on her body-protecting spiritual power, Ling Feng quickly stopped her.
"Now you are the guardian of the entire team. If you also start to consume, what will they do?"
Ling Feng pointed at the team members who were fully spiritual and already in training state.
Tang Yan nodded. This time he didn't refute, but was very happy. Ling Feng said that she was also the guardian of the team, which made her very happy.
"Okay, Black Dragon and I are ready to go down!"
Ling Feng put away his protective spiritual power and said to the remaining Bing Xin, Tang Fen and Tang Yan.
"Don't worry, I'm here!" Tang Yan said carelessly, patting her raised chest.
"Well, be careful!"
Bing Xin had some worry in her eyes.
"The control of the warship will be left to you. You must pay attention, the girls in the 'Spirit Group' are already very tired!"
Ling Feng was most worried about the warship now, so he specifically told Bing Xin.
"I will!"
Bing Xin nodded seriously and agreed seriously.
After taking one last look at Tang Feng, Ling Feng said nothing more. The one who reassured him the most in the entire team was Tang Feng.
Take out a piece of Ice Snow Spider silk. This kind of spider silk was specially purchased for this training. Ice Snow Spider is also a unique creature of Biyouquan. It itself is not harmful, it is just the spider silk it spits out. It is unusually tough in Biyouquan, and even people in the Fusion Realm would find it difficult to break it.
"Okay! Let's go!"
With their bodies tightly bound by the ice-condensed snow spider silk, Ling Feng and Heilong leapt forward and jumped into the depths of the Biyou Spring.
Biyouquan will only hinder spiritual power.
In the earliest times, people often used ordinary people to explore the depths of Biyouquan, but ordinary people had no resistance to soul beasts, and the number of soul beasts increased the further down, so this method failed several times. No one tries anymore.
All the spiritual power in their bodies was restrained, and the two of them sank quickly.
[-] meters!
The two of them led the spider silk towards the depths of Biyou Spring.
"Thanks to this spider silk, otherwise this method wouldn't work!"
Looking at the spider silk that had been released for 600 meters, Tang Yan said with some boredom.
"Bing Xin, you go in first, Tang Yan and I can just watch here!"
Tang Feng said to Bing Xin that now the warship is their greatest guarantee, and letting Bing Xin stay in the control room is naturally the safest way.
"I see!"
Bing Xin understood immediately, nodded and entered the warship from the magic circle.
"Master Black Dragon's line has slowed down!"
The current training of the team members is very simple, which is to release the spiritual power of the whole body to the maximum, and then walk around the ship. The captains like Tang Xing still have some strength left, but they only use the most common skills to attack. If they use the special skills now, even if They are already in the Qiao Yuan realm, and if their spiritual power is fully activated, they will not be able to withstand the damage that bounces back.
Just walking-like adaptation training, the team members will naturally pay attention to the situation of the two sinking people. When they see that Ling Feng's line is still moving downward quickly, and Heilong's line has obviously slowed down, the team members are also concerned about it. Discussing with interest.
"Of course, our boss can kill even the masters of the Jie Yuan Realm instantly!"
The two people who had experienced that battle were talking with joy.
Although they have strong personalities, they have higher respect for the strong.
"You guys are talking about blackheads behind your back, be careful I'll give you something good to eat when I come back!" a voice whispered.
"Master Feng, we are just talking casually, don't tell Master Hei!"
The team members looked back and saw Tang Feng standing behind them with a faint smile on his face and couldn't help but stick out his tongue.
Tang Feng does not manage the team, and he is usually kind to the team members, especially the captains, who are nominally his nephews. Everyone is not really afraid of him.
"Okay, hurry up and get used to it, they're back, but it's your turn too!"
Tang Feng said with a smile.
The Black Dragon is the commander of the team's battle. He must keep the team members in fear of the Black Dragon. Only in this way will his orders be carried out by the soldiers without thinking if they encounter a crisis situation during the battle.
Although it sounds a bit Machiavellian, soldiers must obey orders unconditionally, even if sometimes the orders are wrong. Too much thinking is the key, sometimes it is a drag on the rhythm of the entire team, and too much thinking will make people want to He lost his courage to fight bravely by looking forward and backward.
"Yes, Master Feng!"
The warriors stood up straight and answered loudly.
Looking at the warriors who started training hard again, Tang Feng smiled slightly. Looking at the two ice-condensed snow spider silks with completely different speeds, Tang Feng secretly marveled in his heart.
For this training, everyone is very well prepared. According to general standards, the length that people in the Fusion Realm can sink here is probably more than a thousand feet.
In fact, this is just a theory. According to what I know, seven,800 meters is actually pretty good.
Now the two black dragons' spider silks are more than 900 feet long, which is much stronger than the ordinary Fusion Realm. However, according to the speed of his spider silks, it is impossible to sink a thousand meters.But now, Ling Feng's spider silk has sunk more than 300 meters. Although he has expectations for Ling Feng's potential, the speed of his sinking has not changed, which is very scary.
the other side!
"how is this possible!"
The men in black and Yin Jian on the warship looked at the situation on Tang Feng's side with shock on their faces.
"We must deal with him once and for all this time!"
The man in black gave the death order with a dark face.
All the people responded loudly.
"If we don't succeed this time, I'm afraid we will never have a chance again!" Yin Jian exhaled and said, he was already a little lost!
Although Ling Feng was said to have killed Hui Pao, he had personally fought with Ling Feng and did not think Ling Feng could have killed him if he was sufficiently prepared.
This is also the feeling of most people who have watched that battle. Ling Feng has been trapped by Gray Robe. Although Gray Robe was unable to break through Ling Feng's defense for a while, Gray Robe obviously did not fight with all his strength.
If Gray Robe fights with all his strength, the strength of the water prison is definitely not something that Ling Feng can break through in one go. Moreover, if Gray Robe uses all his strength to defend, Ling Feng cannot kill him with one blow. In the end, Gray Robe doesn't even need to use his hands. Ling Feng estimates I can't hold on anymore.
Yin Jian and Hui Pao often hook up, and he knows Hui Pao's situation very well. He even knows that Hui Pao has a level 5 defensive spirit treasure. Because he wanted to buy this warship, he happened to sell it to collect the crystals. If it hadn't been like this , with the fifth-grade spiritual treasure protecting him, Ling Feng couldn't break the gray robe's defense.
He had also made sufficient preparations for this sneak attack. Ling Feng could only attack with one strike, and he was confident that his preparations were enough to withstand the attack, otherwise he would really not dare to come.
Although everything was ready, he was still a little scared when he saw how fast Ling Feng was sinking.
As an original resident of the Biyou Spring, he naturally understands this situation very well. Although the Biyou Spring will only hinder spiritual power, the monks can sink with their introverted spiritual power. However, as the sinking becomes deeper, the monk's hidden spiritual power will be lost. The force will be sensed by Biyouquan.
At that time, the pressure on his body would suddenly come like a landslide. He had tried that feeling before and almost fainted. However, Ling Feng, a person in the Fusion Realm, had now sunk almost two thousand feet. This was a world Only the Yuan realm can sink to a depth, and it is the depth of the limit of the Yuan realm.
Yin Jian asked himself, even if he reached that depth, he would probably be unable to bear it.
He is very violent and can still block a block, but if his continuous fighting ability is comparable to that of the Jie Yuan realm, he has no confidence at all.
"Go down now?"
Yin Jian took a deep breath to calm himself down and asked.
"hold on!"
The man in black shook his head, staring at the speed at which the spider silk was sinking, and replied with a somewhat harsh voice, "Let him spend more time to make sure everything is safe before attacking."
"So much the better!"
Yin Jian rarely agreed with the man in black's opinion.
"Hoo! Hoo!"
Ling Feng breathed heavily. Now he only felt that his chest was extremely tight, he felt a little out of breath, and his lips were a little dry. This was the feeling that he was approaching his limit.
"Just here!"
The black dragon had long since disappeared, and he was the only one around. At the beginning, he could still encounter some soul beasts. Fortunately, he sank fast enough, and these soul beasts could not catch up with him.
Now he is close to the limit. If he continues, he may faint. If he encounters a spirit beast, it will be really dangerous. Moreover, under the limit, it is difficult to move the body, let alone training.
After adjusting my breathing, my body-protecting spiritual power was deployed. The pressure did not increase significantly. I breathed a sigh of relief and prepared for training.

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