Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 206 Refining Team

Sitting cross-legged in his cabin, Ling Feng looked at the six people in front of him with a faint smile.
Xue Lin and others stood together tremblingly, looking at the young man in front of them with fear on their faces. They had also clearly seen the situation of the warship in the past few days.Not to mention anything else, the shrill roars that hovered over the warships every day made people restless.
In their eyes, this cabin was simply eerie and terrifying.In fact, not only them, but almost everyone, this place is a forbidden area.
"What are you afraid of?"
Ling Feng sighed helplessly. In fact, not only was his place not eerie, but it was dazzling. Many magic circles were flowing on the walls of the cabin, and colorful spiritual powers bloomed with various lights from time to time. The spiritual power of the entire cabin The concentration is also the richest on the warship.
Not only was the spiritual power strong, but in the middle of the cabin, in a furnace-like pillar of light, a round thing kept spinning around. The spiritual power on it was vigorous, not swallowing up the spiritual power around it.
Some mixed spiritual power was swallowed up, and soon some pure spiritual power spurted out.Although the amount of spiritual power is generally decreasing, being able to practice in such pure spiritual power is the dream of many monks in Biyouquan.
"Spirit core!"
Looking at the round bead with the natural runes flashing on it, the six people heard swallowing sounds from time to time in their throats.
In Biyouquan, having a spiritual core of such quality means that you can build a small to medium-sized family, which is also a proof of your own strength.
This kind of spiritual core is also what his Xue family dreams of.
This young boy, who was not that big, now became even more mysterious and terrifying in their eyes.
Xue Lin and others' faces suddenly turned pale, and they did not dare to neglect Ling Feng's words.
"Okay, how do you guys think I should handle this situation?"
Ling Feng looked at Xue Lin with a playful expression.
"Sir, we will never be evil again!" Xue Lin said with sweat.
Ling Feng is in his heart now, but he is much scarier than Xue Lin, so he doesn't dare to play any tricks.
"that is it?"
Ling Feng smiled strangely and stared at Xue Lin.
To be honest, the result of this competition was not only beyond the expectations of Xue Lin and the others, but even Ling Feng did not expect that this competition would end in a draw.
It was precisely because of the draw that he was in a dilemma. This was also a test of the attitude of the three of them.
"Sir, you don't want it"
Xue Lin was frightened, fearing that Ling Feng would drive them away. If so, they would not be able to explain to their uncle.
"Since I promised Xue Jin to help him train a few juniors, I will naturally not break my promise." Ling Feng shook his head with a smile.
All three members of the Xue family let out a sigh of relief.
"But!" As soon as their hearts dropped, they immediately raised their spirits again.
"If anyone dares to play tricks behind my back, you have also seen what happened to my team." Ling Feng said expressionlessly.
"Yes Yes!"
The three people immediately lowered their heads, their bodies trembling slightly.
"Okay!" Ling Feng waved his hand, "You three go down first. I will arrange for someone to deliver materials to you regularly. If the refining quantity does not meet the requirements, I will deduct the quantity of materials accordingly. Good performance Yes, I will also increase the amount."
"Thank you sir!"
The three of them were overjoyed. After arriving at the warship, their materials were almost freely supplied, which was completely different from when they were studying with their master.As refining becomes more frequent, their skills become more and more proficient, and their success rate steadily increases.
Now that Ling Feng said this, it meant that they would get more and more materials. How could this make them unhappy?
"Also," Ling Feng continued, "if the things you refine exceed the requirements, you can keep them for yourself, or you can exchange them for crystal stones from the team. If you are willing, you can also exchange them for points."
They had also heard about the team's point system, especially when they saw that every time the team came back from hunting, they would bring back many beast cores and bodies, which were all materials needed for refining.
There are some materials that they would never have thought of obtaining in the past, but now there is a way to obtain them, how could they not be tempted.
"That's all, go ahead."
Ling Feng waved his hand and ordered the guests to be kicked out.
The three bowed and exited the cabin.
"What decision have you two made?"
After the hatch was closed, Ling Feng looked at Zhang Lan and Xiong Sheng seriously.
When Xue Lin and the other two came into contact with the team's points system, Ling Feng just used the attitude of using whatever they could. First, it allowed them to make more contributions to the team. Anyway, they accumulated points bit by bit through refining, and Ling Feng bit by bit. No one suffers.
As for whether the three of them will be attracted by this open system, Ling Feng doesn't care. Even if they still care about the Xue family in the end, as long as they can bring Xue Jin in, they will eventually work for him, so Ling Feng is interested in They neither make things difficult nor cultivate them deliberately. Everything depends on themselves.
As for the two people in front of him, Ling Feng was really interested in cultivating them.
Now the warship needs a lot of elixirs and spiritual treasures, and now he does all these by himself. Although whether it is refining elixirs or refining bows and arrows, he has become more proficient and more comfortable in using Phoenix Essence Fire, and many bloodline skills are also getting better and better. The more skilled you are.But being held back by these low-level pills and spiritual treasures is not a long-term solution after all.
He is in urgent need of a refining team that is loyal to him. These two people are the starting point. Whether they can lay a good foundation from the beginning will have an extremely important impact on the establishment of the entire team later. He has to be cautious.
"Sir, we are willing to follow you!"
Both of them knelt down and lay on the ground.
After experiencing a series of events, they also knew that they could no longer stand in the Xue family, and their knowledge on the warship had also increased a lot. Now that they have a brighter future in front of them, they also There is nothing to hesitate about.
Ling Feng nodded gently. The two of them were able to complete this challenge under huge pressure. Although they were not better than Xue Lin and the other three, they were able to achieve this level in a short period of time, which shows that their character and talents are worthy of development.
"It's not impossible to join my team," Ling Feng said with a serious face, "You also have to participate in training with the team!"
"Sir, we are just refining apprentices and our combat ability is almost zero. How can we participate in the training!"
When the two of them heard this, they were both horrified. Letting them fight was almost asking them to die.
"Of course I'm not asking you to fight," Ling Feng shook his head, "I'm just asking you to refine it in the refining room that is completely open to Biyouquan."
Although Biyouquan is invisible, it is a water-based entity after all. Even the refiner of Biyouquan has to use a magic circle to separate Biyouquan when refining.
Now Ling Feng asked them to refine it in Biyouquan, which immediately raised the difficulty to a big level.
The two looked at each other, stunned for a moment.
"Of course, the requirements for you will be lower at the beginning," Ling Feng is not unreasonable. "But if you can't finish it, you still have to come to me to temper your blood!"
After hearing this, the two of them trembled, their faces full of horror.
How could they turn a deaf ear to the warship's echoing shouts these past few days?
However, the two of them thought about it and agreed.
"Seeing how difficult it is for you," Ling Feng laughed loudly, "Now it's not easy for others to come to my place to temper themselves!"
After hearing this, the two of them were speechless for a while.
"Just start with the Xuanling Arrow and Star Spirit Pill!"
Ling Feng thought for a moment and mentioned the names of a kind of elixir and a kind of spiritual arrow.
Now the number of bows and arrows needed by the team has increased significantly. Although Xuanling Arrow is not a first-grade spiritual treasure, it is close to a first-grade spiritual treasure. If it can be equipped on a large scale, the team's combat effectiveness will also increase a lot.
But the amount of refining was so large that he also had a headache, so he naturally wanted to throw it to the two of them as soon as possible.
The two of them raised their heads in shock and looked at Ling Feng in disbelief.
Although the levels of these two things are not too high, they are still too difficult for refining apprentices. If they are placed in Source City, refining these two things requires the refining master to refine them in large quantities at one time. The refining apprentice will be asked to preside over the refining.
"Why, dare not!"
Ling Feng raised his eyebrows!
After the last competition, the two of them gained some confidence.
"I'll give you ten days. There is no goal in these ten days," Ling Feng nodded with satisfaction, "After ten days, you will refine ten pieces every day."
"Sir." The two of them were stunned and wanted to say something, but looking at Ling Feng's look, they nodded in agreement.
Ling Feng naturally knew what they wanted to say, "The Resurrection Pill and the Ming Ling Pill can be used as you wish in the past few days."
"Thank you sir!"
Both of them were shaken, and their hearts were filled with emotion.
Although the Resurrection Pill and the Nether Spirit Pill are not high-end things, they are not easy for their apprentices to obtain, and being able to take them at will is even more unthinkable.
With such treatment, they didn't know that Ling Feng wanted to train them with all his strength.
"You can take it, but the remaining elixir will be refined when it comes to my place for refining."
Ling Feng said again.
"Can refine drug residues!"
The two of them had no worries at all.
Originally, they were a little worried, but taking the Huanling Pill at will allowed them to refine it almost non-stop. With the Mingling Pill to restore their energy, they almost didn't need to rest, and their proficiency would naturally improve very quickly.But once too much medicine remains, it will have extremely serious consequences for the monks.
Ling Feng's words can be said to have completely relieved them of their worries.
"Also," Ling Feng's face became solemn, "I will not give you any pills to control internal sources, but if you dare to betray the team, no matter where you are, I will chase you and kill you."
"Thank you sir!"
The two of them were moved and knelt down. This time their thanks were completely sincere and not out of fear.

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