Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 207 Tempering Spiritual Core

In order to prevent the hard-earned refiners from defecting, the general forces, especially the small ones, would give them some special elixirs.Once you take this elixir, if you do not take the antidote regularly, the end will be very miserable. Being poisoned to death is usually considered the most lenient method.
Moreover, if a certain elixir is taken for too long, the toxicity will be integrated into the human body. Even if you are very powerful later, it will be impossible to get rid of the toxicity on your own.
Some narrow-minded families, in order to completely control the refiners, take elixirs regularly for a long time. The toxicity is more closely integrated with the human body. In the end, even the antidote can only delay the pain and cannot truly cure the toxicity.
The two of them took refuge in Ling Feng and were determined to take this elixir. Now that Ling Feng was not prepared to completely control them, they were convinced.
As for Ling Feng's words that he would kill them if they betrayed him, from the bottom of his heart, they knew that Ling Feng definitely meant what he said.But they didn't care, because from the moment they were ready to take refuge, they didn't have any second thoughts.
"grown ups!"
Xiong Sheng raised his head and shouted.
"Now that you have surrendered to me, you are all one of my own from now on, just like the other team members, there is no need to be so polite."
Ling Feng waved to them and asked them to sit up.
"Thank you sir!"
The two of them were still a little reserved, but that was normal.
Seeing that the two of them still couldn't let go, Ling Feng put a calm smile on his face, looked at Xiong Sheng and asked, "Do you have anything to say?"
"Sir," Xiong Sheng saluted, "the warship already has a spiritual core, and the warship's spiritual core should be much higher than the spiritual core born on such a small island. If this spiritual core is allowed to be placed here, It will affect the operation of the warship's spiritual core, and in turn degrade the quality of the warship's spiritual core."
As a weapon-refining apprentice, he naturally understands this aspect very well.
"I know too!" Ling Feng nodded, his face full of distress, "Now I'm also thinking about how to use him. It would be such a waste to put him back."
In Biyouquan, people generally won't deal with such low-quality spiritual cores as long as they are not around a big city.Because whether it is refined or moved away is a bit wasteful, it would be better to put it here so that it can be used when needed.
Of course, some people who want to establish a family can also capture this place as an end.
But this is not a simple matter. Even though there are only Yun Sharks in the late stage of the Marrow Training Realm here, if they stay here for a long time, the soul beasts that come over will become stronger and stronger. This is why even if there are many scattered spiritual cores, the soul beasts outside the city One of the reasons why the family power is still not strong.
"I heard that deep in the Biyou Spring, there are some ways to smelt low-quality spiritual cores together!"
Xiong Sheng said longingly that if he followed his past life trajectory and nothing unexpected happened, he would never be able to leave the Source City area in his life.
When Ling Feng heard this, he immediately became energetic and asked, "Can this spiritual core be fused?"
"Yes!" Xiong Sheng nodded, "I just heard that although spiritual core fusion can improve the quality of the main spiritual core, the degree of improvement is limited and it is a very wasteful behavior. Except for some large main cities, This kind of thing is simply impossible for ordinary forces to do.”
In fact, Xiong Sheng was only half right. Only the main city can do it. This is because the conditions for smelting spiritual cores are very high and the price required is also very high. Ordinary forces cannot do it at all.
Not only that, even the main city does not dare to do this kind of thing at will. Not only are the conditions for spiritual core fusion high, but the attributes of different spiritual cores must also match.
Otherwise, smelting the spiritual core will not only not help the main spiritual core, but will also reduce the quality of the main spiritual core.
"If there is no better way, it is better to give up this spiritual core!"
Xiong Sheng suggested.
"Okay, I will consider your suggestion!"
Ling Feng frowned. He was really reluctant to give up. At most, he could let the team members practice around the spiritual core first, so that they would be corroded by the power of the Biyouquan Yuanling more quickly, and the blood refining would be more frequent. It is also a good way to improve the strength of the team.
Of course, there is nothing that can be done about it. After all, it is the best way to allow warriors to grow in battle. Ling Feng does not want to raise a bunch of flowers in a greenhouse.
However, compared to this method, he had another idea, which he just had to explore before he could proceed with it.
"Sir, let's get busy first!"
Seeing that Ling Feng was deep in thought, the two of them did not dare to disturb him any more, so they bowed and left first.
"Fusion?" Looking at the crystalline spiritual core in front of him, Ling Feng smashed it in his mouth, with a look of eagerness on his face, "There will be no problem if you try it."
He sat next to the cauldron-shaped spiritual power pillar and carefully observed the spiritual core.
The quality of the spiritual core is not high. It swallows more spiritual power and spits out less spiritual power, but its purity is more refined.
Of course, this kind of refining is meant for some people, but for him, it is still not enough. After all, his Phoenix Nirvana has been carried out six times. The degree of blood condensation and spiritual power in his body are not of low quality at all. The spiritual core can't compare.
In fact, he is a freak. If it were anyone else, even an ordinary venerable sitting here, he would not feel this way.
He stretched out his hand and slowly covered the spiritual core.
A spiritual power spurted out from the spiritual core, and the spiritual core actually felt like it wanted to run away. The high temperature in Ling Feng's hands made it fearful.
This kind of fear is not a thought in the spiritual core, but an instinct of all things.
"Chain of Phoenix Wings!"
Ling Feng uses the newly learned skills, which are gradually improved on the previous skills.
Although this chain of phoenix wings is not as strong as the one that trapped Gray Robe before, it is released faster and is more stable. More importantly, the consumption is reduced a lot.
A chain of flames quickly trapped the spiritual core.
Chi Chi!
In the fire net, the spiritual power in the spiritual core began to be released in large quantities, resisting the frightening temperature on the fire chain.
Ling Feng increased the spiritual power output in his hands.
The surrounding air suddenly became extremely hot, and the space around the fire chain felt like it was about to collapse.
Chi Chi!
The spiritual core began to rotate rapidly, and a strange rune appeared on the surface. The runes circulated rapidly, like a whale-like thing struggling and fighting hard.
"This spiritual core indeed has special properties!"
Looking at this scene, Ling Feng's heart moved.
The whale's eyes were extremely fierce, and as it writhed, a feeling seemed to be released. This feeling made him feel quite uncomfortable, and even made him feel nauseous.
He didn't know that this was actually a kind of blood pressure.
If it weren't for the fact that he had Phoenix bloodline and this kind of coercion came over him, he wouldn't be able to vomit so easily. He might as well just be pressed to the ground.
"What a rich spiritual power!"
Now the spiritual power of the entire spiritual core seemed to be integrated into the whale. The power of the whale suddenly became much stronger, and the fire chain was shaken to the point of shaking.
"But it doesn't seem to be Yun Shark!"
Although the whale rushed hard, it was in vain in Ling Feng's chain of fire.
In fact, Ling Feng didn't know that it was actually very dangerous for him to do this. After all, spiritual cores are spiritual beings of heaven and earth. Even low-quality spiritual cores can instantly produce no less power than a blow from the Venerable. Some big masters can't. Even if the city wants to smelt the spiritual core, it still needs to be suppressed by a large magic circle to be able to withstand a blow from the Venerable.
The fire chain began to struggle violently, and Ling Feng's pressure began to increase instantly. He did not dare to be careless, and the spiritual power in his hand began to output crazily. The fire chain stared more and more. Under such high temperature, the space almost collapsed at any time. To collapse.
The whale suddenly became quiet, and looked at Ling Feng with its sharp eyes, as if full of resentment.
Its body collapsed dramatically.
"not good!"
The magic circle was shrinking rapidly, but the power contained in it was growing rapidly, and the entire spiritual core began to dim.
"Phoenix Wings Locking the Sky!"
In desperation, Ling Feng did not dare to neglect at all. The spiritual power in his body surged to the maximum, his whole body turned red, and a huge fire wing appeared behind him.
He let out a big heck.
The huge fire wings immediately enveloped the entire spirit bead.
Just as he finished doing this, the runes on his spiritual core bloomed, instantly erupting with great power.
Caught off guard, Ling Feng was rushed out by a huge force and hit the wall of the cabin heavily.
The magic circle in the room began to bloom sharply in an instant, and colorful lights began to flash rapidly. Waves of light wrapped around the spiritual core, but they were torn apart in an instant.
The light waves on the wall flashed up and down. It wasn't until hundreds of light waves were shattered that the power of the explosion slowly weakened.
The light waves dissipated, leaving only a far point the size of a mung bean, hovering brightly in the mid-air. The orchid light circulated in circles, making people feel indescribably comfortable.
But Ling Feng was not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery at this time. Even though he was already in the middle stage of the Fusion Realm, his internal organs had suffered some damage from the blow, and there was still a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.
The blow just now was definitely no less than a full-strength blow in the late stage of Jie Yuan realm.
His face was a little pale, and he secretly called out his luck. If it weren't for the need to temper his blood, the magic circle in his cabin was always open, and he would have been seriously injured this time.
Of course, it is still impossible to kill him with such an attack. After all, the spiritual core has no intelligence and cannot concentrate its power to attack vital points.
"Brother Feng, what's wrong with you?"
Bing Xin's anxious voice came from the sound transmission circle. At that moment, the spiritual energy on the boat rushed towards Ling Feng's cabin, which made her very worried.

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