Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 210 Cruel

"Xin'er, launch the dazzling array!"
"Tian'er, interfere with the launch of the magic circle!"
"Feng'er, do a quick flip!"
"Myolie, the rear-wheel crystal cannon can hit a thirty-degree internal arc after flipping over. You can spot it right at once!"
When the situation reached its most critical moment, Bing Xin became a little nervous. Her hands tightly grasped the armrests of the magic circle, and her eyes stared closely at the situation in the light and shadow.
"Captain, the crystal cannon has entered the optimal range, please fire!"
Over there, the enemy is also ready to fire crystal cannons at any time.
The enemy captain was counting the numbers in his heart and couldn't help but stand up. This was an extremely critical moment for both sides.
He stood up suddenly and shouted loudly, "Turn into the thirty-degree arc line area, advance ten feet, and bombard me with the crystal cannon and all the attack formations!"
His crew shouted in response.
"Spar cannon, prepare."
"Attack the magic circle, prepare"
The speed of the warship also increased sharply. As soon as the Princess's spar turned to a thirty-degree arc, they entered the thirty-degree arc and launched a full-scale attack.
This kind of warrior is also very hardworking. Their warship is much smaller, and the power of the magic circle and crystal cannon on the ship is difficult to destroy the Princess at once. They get so close at once, and they give up the defensive magic circle and enter a full attack state.
At this time, as long as an attack circle on the Princess hits them, the ship may be destroyed and everyone will be killed.
Just when the spiritual power in the crew's hands was about to be injected into the magic circle, a strong light shot through the light and shadow.
Many people were caught off guard, their eyes were instantly stung and tears flowed down immediately. Some people couldn't help but turn away and stopped looking at the scene in the light and shadow.
"not good!"
The moment the light hit, the enemy captain also turned his head away, covering his eyes with his hands, squinting his eyes and looking towards the light and shadow.
There was a dazzling white light on the light and shadow, and nothing could be seen!
"Inside a thirty-degree arc, or outside of a thirty-degree arc!"
The two choices went through his mind several times like lightning.
"Within thirty degree arc!"
Time was running out and it was impossible to think too much. He gritted his teeth and shouted.
"Turn sharply to within a thirty-degree arc!"
Although they couldn't see the situation outside, this was originally their route, and it was not difficult for the crew to control the magic circle.
"You can't go wrong!"
The enemy captain secretly persuaded himself, "The opponent's crystal cannon has turned its head. Even if it wants to change back to within a thirty-degree arc now, it is too late!"
The crystal cannon was extremely powerful and heavy, making it difficult to turn. His judgment was not wrong.
"All magic circles attack!"
After once again confirming that he was not wrong, he no longer hesitated and issued the final attack order.
Countless light waves suddenly lit up, and beams of light spurted out, gushing towards the Princess.
"Quickly flip into position!"
On the Princess, the elves were also nervously operating, and Feng'er shouted loudly.
"The rear rudder crystal cannon has been adjusted in place, and the hull section has been turned to the lowest section!" the elf responsible for monitoring light and shadow reported loudly.
"Zi'er, I leave it to you!"
Bing Xin looked at the elf below with some solemnity.
The elf's forehead was already covered with beads of sweat. She clung to the local ship on the magic circle, held her breath, and fired out several spells.
The entire warship shook violently!
"Leverage your strength to roll quickly!"
Bing Xin suddenly shouted.
"Leverage the force to roll!"
Feng'er, who was responsible for controlling the movement of the warship, shouted, and several elves under her immediately got busy nervously.
"Interference array, spin up!"
As soon as Bing Xin finished speaking, if the inverted Princess rolled over backwards, the interference arrays on both sides suddenly increased in strength, like the two arms of a warship, accelerating and causing the Princess to roll out.
Whoa whoa whoa!
Under the disturbance of two tornado-like vortexes, the Princess not only rolled too fast, but the surrounding undercurrents became chaotic.
"Sir, it's a spar cannon!"
The light and shadow on the enemy warship quickly recovered. In fact, if they were more cautious, the effect of the glare array would be very limited.
It was precisely because they underestimated the enemy that they removed all defenses and transferred all their spiritual power into the attack.
"Rapid avoidance state! Avoid him!"
The enemy captain jumped up in fright and roared loudly.
"Avoid quickly!"
In a panic, the crew scrambled to adjust the ship's position.
"Captain, it's not going to work anymore, the undercurrent is completely messed up, and the warship can't take advantage of it!"
In the surging turbulence, the small weaknesses of their warships were also revealed. Without borrowing force, it was impossible to maintain stable control in turns.
With this delay, it was too late to do anything. The spar cannon roared towards him, mixed with frightening power.
"Damn it!" the captain slammed the table in front of him hard and shouted, "The control cabin is ejected!"
"Ejection starts!"
The crew member responsible for ejection had already placed his hand on the magic circle, and almost as soon as he spoke, the spiritual power in his hand was already running.
The warship suddenly opened a small opening, and a cabin ejected from the inside.
There was a loud noise, and the huge warship was swallowed up by the spar cannon. The sky and the earth turned completely white, and almost nothing could be seen.
The Princess was not feeling well either. Most of the attacks launched by the opponent's warships were swallowed up by crystal cannons, but there were still some sporadic beams of light hitting the Princess.
The rolling Princess could only rely on the last magic circle on the warship to defend itself.
There was a tearing sound that made everyone feel distressed. The hull of the warship was probably unable to withstand minor damage.
However, with the reinforced magic circle connected outside, there won't be any big problems with the warship. Even if it goes back for repairs, it will probably cost a lot of money.
"Your Highness, the opponent's cabin has been ejected, do you want to chase it?"
In fact, before Bing Xin could give the order, Feng'er had already controlled the warship and rushed over.
"Of course!"
Bing Xin sat down gracefully and gently smoothed the bangs on her forehead. Only then did she truly breathe a sigh of relief.
In the cabin that was thrown out, the man in black slapped the captain far away.
The captain screamed miserably, his mouth was full of blood, and his teeth were scattered on the floor.
"Humph, let's see how I deal with you when I go back this time!"
The man in black yelled furiously, and all the crew members were hiding in the chaos, with despair in everyone's eyes.
"My lord! This is not entirely our fault!"
The captain covered his mouth, with blood on his chin. He still struggled to himself, "The combat power of the two warships is not equal at all. In this case, it is very difficult to win against the other side."
As the controller of the warship, he explained this to the man in black very early, but the man in black didn't take it to heart at all. In addition, the easy victory in the first battle made everyone forget this important matter. fact.
It is actually very unfair for him and the crew to have to resist this responsibility now.
When the man in black heard his argument, he looked at him with a strong murderous intent. If it weren't for the fact that someone would eventually be responsible for the loss of the warship, he would have killed him directly.
"Sir, the other party is chasing us!"
The crew member responsible for monitoring the situation outside screamed.
"Humph, now they are getting arrogant!"
The man in black's face became extremely gloomy, but he had no choice now.Speaking of defense and attack, the attack power of the warship made the Venerable dare not resist head-on, let alone a person in the Jie Yuan realm like him.
His face turned gloomily for a few times, and he immediately thought of a way and looked at the captain viciously.
Swish it!
He suddenly disappeared from his position.
The next moment, he appeared in front of the captain, holding the captain's head tightly with his hands, his fingers cutting directly through the bones of the head, and the brains flowed out along his fingers.
The crew members were frightened and panicked, squeezing desperately into a corner and watching this scene with horror on their faces.
"Hmph, trash!"
Throwing the body down, he took off the captain's clothes and put them on himself.
"You are this?"
Yin Jian frowned and looked at this scene, which was a little difficult to understand.
"Why don't you quickly get some crew clothes and put them on? Do you want the warship to chase you later?" The man in black said displeasedly.
Yin Jian was stunned and looked toward the crew.
"do not want!"
The crew screamed in horror and scrambled in as hard as they could.
Yin Jian sighed, stopped taking steps, and the look in his eyes became firm.
"I'll let you fight as hard as you want, but don't say it was us who harmed you!" The man in black looked disdainful and cursed softly, "A woman's kindness!"
While the man in black was doing these things, the warship easily caught up with the crew cabin, which had no mobility.
"Get out quickly, it's about to attack!"
The man in black's expression changed, and he immediately roared fiercely at the crew.
Of course he didn't dare to go out first, because the goal was too obvious.
The crew didn't know this, so they all huddled together and refused to go out first.
"If you don't get out, you will die now!"
The man in black's face darkened and he stretched out his hand again.
"Forget it, stop scaring them!" Yin Jian shook his head disdainfully, "I'll go out and attract their attention first!"
"up to you!"
With him as bait, it is natural that the man in black's wish is even greater.
Yin Jian sighed and smiled bitterly, "I'm so blind that I chose to cooperate with someone like you."
After saying that, he strode out from the teleportation circle.
"Ling Feng, someone is coming out!"
The Princess parked quietly not far from the crew cabin and did not launch any attacks.
"It's Yin Jian!"
Looking at the people coming out of the cabin, Ling Feng said with a smile.
"It's our turn!"
Tang Feng shook his head, stretched his body, and slowly walked out.

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