Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 211 Chase Attack

"Are these people fools?"
Looking at the crowd outside the warship, the man in black among the crew thought strangely.
Originally, he wanted Yin Jian to attract the opponent's attention and blend in with the crowd so that he could take the opportunity to escape.
Although warships are far stronger than individuals, individuals are not completely helpless against warships. For example, in terms of flexibility, warships cannot compare with individuals.
Not to mention other ways to escape, you can't run in a straight line, but you can always jump up and down. Although the warship is fast in a straight line, it is really easy to turn up and down.
More importantly, using warships to attack individuals is nothing more than using cannons to swat mosquitoes.
Of course, if a warship is determined to chase and kill a person, it is still very dangerous for the individual. After all, the speed and endurance of the warship, as well as its detection capabilities, far exceed that of an individual. If it keeps chasing and attacking, it can also kill a person. .
If you want to safely escape from the pursuit of a warship, you must at least reach the Venerable Realm. As for people in the Jie Yuan Realm, unless they practice some special escape techniques, it is still not easy to escape.
He originally wanted to escape while the crowd was in chaos, but he didn't expect that the Princess did not use the battleship's magic circle to attack, but instead sent a battle team to attack.
This unexpected behavior made him a little embarrassed.
Yin Jian stood quietly at the front. The crew members who came out from behind were originally preparing to flee. But now they saw that there were many warriors in the training realm on the Princess. They were all stunned. No one fled first. As a result, the entire team stopped.
Hiding among the crew, the man in black was also secretly anxious. He wanted to force others to escape first, but he did not dare to go too far. After all, no one moved at this time. As soon as he moved, he was completely exposed to everyone's eyes, and he had just killed To betray the captain was an act that provoked public outrage, and if he continued to act recklessly, the crew would betray him immediately.
"Why, won't Ling Feng come out?"
Looking at Tang Feng standing at the front, Yin Jian said with a wry smile.
After waiting for so long without seeing Ling Feng's shadow, the other party didn't take him seriously at all. He was letting the three people in front of him deal with him.
"Is there another person?"
Before Tang Feng could speak, Tang Yan, who couldn't bear it anymore, rushed out first and looked curiously in the crowd, trying to find Liu Qiang's shadow.
"Aren't I enough alone?"
There was a trace of anger in Yin Jian's heart. After all, he was in the early stage of the Jie Yuan realm. It would be fine if the rightful master didn't come out. It seemed that these three people still wanted to challenge himself and Liu Qiang.
This really hurt his self-esteem as a Jie Yuan realm master.
"Of course not enough!"
Tang Yan doesn't care about his feelings. Now he just wants to find a stronger opponent among Liu Qiang and Yin Jian. In her heart, she and Heilong naturally have to compete for a more powerful opponent.
Tang Feng was beside him and shook his head helplessly. Tang Yan's idea was indeed correct. After this period of experience, he was indeed no longer a match for Tang Yan and Heilong.
Yin Jian was furious, the spiritual energy in his body was tumbling, and the pressure of the realm king was immediately released.
"Humph, you still want to overwhelm us with such momentum!"
Tang Yan didn't listen to him at all, and her body-protecting spiritual power circulated around her body to resist the pressure.
It has to be said that after this period of experience, the entire team has undergone a huge transformation from strength to spirit, especially the mental aspect. Regularly going through inhuman torture is a kind of spirituality in itself. of tempering.
"how is this possible!"
After seeing Tang Yan's performance, Yin Jian's expression also changed.
Under his pressure, not only Tang Yan and the others did not react too much, but even those warriors in the Marrow Realm only trembled slightly, and no one was suppressed at all.
Looking at his side, the crew members behind him fell to the ground one by one, their bodies trembling, and their faces turned pale.
"That person has a problem!"
When Yin Jian's pressure was released, Ling Feng stared at the light and shadow and made a judgment instantly.
When the other crew members walked out of the cabin, Ling Feng carefully checked one by one and quickly confirmed that Liu Qiang was not there.But he never thought that Yin Jian would dare to chase them alone. He had killed someone in gray robe before.
Facing such an opponent, how could he, a Kaio-level person, dare to step forward.
He didn't think that Liu Qiang would hide in the cabin and not come out. Hiding in the cabin with very weak mobility would mean waiting to die.
Not to mention anything else, if the Princess fired a cannon at this time, the people inside would have no choice but to hide.
"Knock that cabin out!"
Ling Feng told Bing Xin that in order to prevent the other party from undermining the situation, Ling Feng decided to eliminate all accidents, because after seeing the scene outside, an idea hovered in his mind.
"Destroy the cabin!"
Bing Xin carried out his orders without any hesitation.
Several magic circles flashed out at the same time, and a huge beam of light spurted out, directly engulfing the cabin.
The sudden flash of light startled the people outside. Some people couldn't help shouting, the crowd also became a little commotion, and some people couldn't help but want to escape.
But these people are crew members after all, and they know the warship very well. They know that with their strength in the bone training realm, there is no possibility of escape, so they just trembled in their legs and feet and stayed in place.
"It looks like what I thought!"
At the moment when the magic circle flashed, Ling Feng's eyes were fixed on the shadow of the man in black in the crowd.
As he expected, when others panicked, this person did not act in a panic at all. He only acted like a show when the people around him were panicking.
"It seems they must be those people!"
Ling Feng took a deep breath, and the demonic shadow he felt after entering Source City finally appeared.
He took out a transmission talisman and recorded the situation he discovered in it. Since he found the shadow of the Ghost King's lackey, he naturally couldn't let him go.
"What a partiality!"
Seeing Tang Feng receive a transmission note from Ling Feng, Tang Yan pouted in dissatisfaction.
Tang Feng hit him with a spell.
Soon, his expression changed, and he immediately sent a message to Tang Feng and Heilong.
After understanding the situation, Tang Yan's reaction was completely different from others, and she regained her temperament of fearing that the world would not be in chaos.
"Since your Excellency is here, why bother hiding behind and being a coward?"
Tang Feng looked at the man in black and shouted.
"Hehe!" When the man in black saw that he was discovered, he smiled sinisterly and said, "I came forward before I was ready. Since you are eager to seek death, I won't be polite."
He floated to Yin Jian's side, and now he felt like they shared the same enemy.
"Let Ling Feng come out. Today I want to see who the person who has been doing evil things to the Ghost King really is."
"Just because you want to fight Ling Feng!" Tang Yan stood directly at the front, "I'll tell you if you win first!"
The man in black was slightly stunned. He was not as displeased as Yin Jian at all. Instead, he was secretly happy, "I was worried about how to escape, but you just showed up at my door. Don't blame me for being rude."
His figure flickered, turning into a shadow and flying towards Tang Yan.
"I thought my aunt was easy to bully!"
Tang Yan turned around and yelled, "Dazzling Wind Whirlwind!"
He quickly made a seal with both hands in front of him, and suddenly there seemed to be an invisible whirlwind circling around him.
"The fantasy night is annihilated!"
Tang Yan had just used a move when the attack from the man in black was already in front of her.
"That guy is so strong!" Ling Feng was shocked. Looking at the attack of the man in black, he was afraid that he was approaching the middle stage of the Jie Yuan realm.
"Cloud Stacking Palm!"
Tang Yan was not willing to show weakness. She quickly swatted her palms in the air. As she flapped her palms, a stream of spiritual power quickly condensed. One after another, these palm powers were like invisible spiritual powers stacked on top of each other, moving towards the black clothed people. People wrapped up and left.
The two of them exchanged palms in the air.
The man in black mainly wanted to get close with this strike, and only exerted [-]% to [-]% of his strength. However, according to his estimation, if this palm strike could not take down Tang Yan, it would at least injure her.
But with this pair of palms just now, there seemed to be a cyclone around Tang Yan, which first caused some deflection of his palm wind. Then half of the [-]% to [-]% of the force was deflected, and the remaining palm force was like hitting a piece of cotton. It was soft, but the rebound force became stronger the further the palm force went in. In the end, it was completely canceled out.
"No wonder he's so crazy," the man in black smiled, "He still has some real skills, but that's the end of it."
His figure was already close to Tang Yan's position, and Tang Yan would definitely not be able to resist another palm strike.
Although she barely blocked the palm of the man in black, Tang Yan herself felt uncomfortable. She had tried her best just now, but the man in black still broke through her defense at such a long distance. Although no damage was caused, there was still blood in her chest. tumbling.
"Is this the real difference between the Kaiowen Realm and the Fusion Realm?"
Tang Yan felt horrified. When she saw Ling Feng defeat Gray Robe before, the realm king realm suddenly became much weaker in her eyes. When she faced him, she finally understood how strong Ling Feng was.
"Black Dragon Roars to the Sky!"
Tang Yan's spiritual power was unable to circulate at once, and it was already very difficult to resist the next attack.
Naturally, the black dragon couldn't just watch from the sidelines and immediately came to support.
"The fantasy night is annihilated!"
The man in black slapped him again!
Tang Yan knew how powerful the man in black was, and quickly sent the whirlwind surrounding her to support the black dragon.
The black dragon's body was thrown backwards after being hit. The man in black's attack distance was much closer, and the attack the black dragon withstood was also much stronger.
"Broken Dragon Wave!"
While flying upside down, the black dragon quickly swung out its fists, and a stream of spiritual power formed a circling black dragon, roaring forward.
Finally, the remaining palm wind of the opponent was offset.
Seeing that his second blow was still blocked, these men in black finally became serious.

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