Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 212 Fighting

"Have the opportunity!"
As soon as the fight started, Yin Jian, who had been standing beside him, suddenly lit up. Heilong and Tang Yan had just suffered a little loss. If he could take the opportunity to attack at this time, the two of them would definitely be unable to resist.
Although he now despises the actions of the man in black, he is still with him after all. It is best to choose to cooperate at this time.
"Don't forget, your opponent is me!"
As soon as his thoughts moved, Tang Feng had already flashed to his side.
"Get out of here!"
Yin Jian flicked his sleeves angrily.
In Yuan City before, he had seen Tang Feng take action. The opponent's strength may be much higher than that of the average person in the Fusion Realm, but in front of the Jie Yuan Realm, it was still not enough. He didn't believe that every person in this team could do it. Anyone can kill people across borders like Ling Feng.
The surrounding air seemed to emit an explosion, and the weak and turbulent Biyouquan appeared and spread around, forming a hollow.
"The wind roars!"
Tang Feng didn't dare to be careless, but he didn't mean to back down at all. He had a solemn look on his face, and slowly stretched out his fists. There was a faint sound of strong wind hunting on his fists.
The two forces collided together, making a violent roar. Tang Feng stretched out his fists, and the clothes on his body made a roaring sound as they hit the storm, but his body remained motionless and his expression was very calm.
Although Yin Jian's blow did not use much force, it was a blow from a Jie Yuan realm master after all. If it were replaced by an ordinary Fusion Yuan realm, even if it was at the late stage of the Fusion realm, I'm afraid this blow would not be good. At least it was impossible to stand still like Tang Feng.
"how is this possible?"
Seeing that Tang Feng was still standing firmly in front of him, Yin Jian's expression changed. Ling Feng's team had surprised him not once or twice, but after not seeing each other for a few days, a person in the middle stage of the Fusion Realm could actually block his attack. , still touched his nerves a little.
"You are courting death yourself!"
After extinguishing his plan to support the man in black, Yin Jian faced the opponent in front of him for the first time.
"Are you ready to get serious?"
Although Tang Feng looked relaxed on the outside, he was very energetic in his heart.
"Humph, let's see how long you can keep pretending!"
Yin Jian snorted coldly, swayed, stretched out a finger and pointed straight at Tang Feng.
"Spinning Dragon Fist!"
Seeing Yin Jian attacking so directly, Tang Feng did not dare to push forward any more this time, and his body started to flutter, and he swung his fists from a distance.
A long blue-gray dragon roared out, its lantern-like black eyes staring closely at Yin Jian, whistling and swooping towards his fingers.
"Tips for carving insects!"
Yin Jian sneered, not evading at all, and thrust his finger into the dragon's mouth.
All of a sudden there was a gust of wind.
The giant dragon bit Yin Jian's finger fiercely.
"Make it for me!"
Yin Jian shouted indifferently.
A green light flashed on his finger, and the surrounding air seemed to condense. Qinglong's movements slowed down instantly, and the spiritual power on his body became stagnant.
The cold air between the fingers became stronger, and the green dragon began to turn green, and the spiritual power on the dragon's body became intermittent. The green dragon seemed to have lost its spirituality. The spiritual power in some places on the body slowly froze, and then some cracks appeared, like ice cubes. Generally broken into pieces.
"Long Xuan!"
Seeing that the green dragon was about to break apart at any moment, Tang Feng moved his hands aside, and a whirlwind around him circled towards the green dragon with its center.
Feeling the dancing breath in the air, the dying dragon suddenly regained its energy, and its body rotated with the rhythm of the wind.
As soon as the dragon's body began to rotate, the areas that were about to be frozen immediately came back to life, and the spiritual energy in the body began to flow again.
"Dancing dragon dance!"
Tang Feng kept up his efforts, and the spiritual power on his body surged out like a tide. The green dragon was spinning faster and faster as the spiritual power was replenished. The whole dragon almost turned into a green whirlpool, with only the dragon's head biting tightly. Yin Jian didn't let go of his fingers.
Although Yin Jian's finger was bitten by Qinglong, the speed of his feet did not slow down at all, and he approached Tang Feng step by step. The green light in his hand flickered, turning the entire dragon's head into a green color.
The faucet's head flashes green for a while. Whenever the cyan color occupies the top of the wall, Tang Feng will increase his spiritual power output, and the faucet's head will return to gray again.
The distance between the two of them was getting closer and closer, Qinglong's figure was continuously compressed, and the center of his body seemed to be bulging.
Tang Feng's face changed slightly, and he shouted softly: "Po Fengxing!"
A breeze immediately came out from under his feet, carrying him back slowly.
"I can't hold on anymore!"
Yin Jian said with a gloomy smile and a ferocious smile.
"Bi Lingbo!"
He shouted three words softly.
Three words come out.
The green light on his fingers changed accordingly. A light wave shot out from his fingers and passed through Qinglong's mouth, intending to directly attack Tang Feng through Qinglong's body.
"Panlong breaks!"
Tang Feng's expression did not change, but the movements of his hands changed accordingly. The huge green dragon shrank rapidly this time, coiling its body like a python.
"Go to me!"
Tang Feng roared loudly, and the coiled dragon roared towards the light wave.
There's a storm all around!
The huge dragon body collided with the azure light wave, but its incoming force had no place, allowing the light wave to pass through the body and penetrate into the belly of the dragon.
Green light shot out from the dragon's belly.
The huge dragon body was torn into pieces, and the spiritual power formed turbulent currents, which exploded continuously, scaring the soldiers and crew members on the side to run away.
Seeing that the light wave only shattered the green dragon and did not continue to attack forward, Yin Jian showed a slight look of dissatisfaction on his face.
“It’s really hard to see if I don’t show some real skills!”
He frowned and took out a jade belt from his storage bag.
"Dragon Satin!"
Many crew members knew this spiritual treasure, and some people screamed in surprise.
Yulong Satin, a fifth-grade spiritual treasure, is a treasure that can be obtained by ordinary Jie Yuan realm masters now that high-level spiritual treasures are extremely rare.
"You should feel proud!"
Holding the ribbon in his hand, Yin Jian said coldly, "You are the first person to let me use Yulong Satin's Fusion Realm!"
"It's probably the last one too!"
Tang Feng smiled slightly, and his momentum was not weaker than that of his opponent.
There is a reason why Yin Jian took out the spiritual treasure so quickly.
After the previous fight, he already knew that Tang Feng was by no means an ordinary Fusion Realm opponent, especially when he was fighting against the opponent Qinglong just now. For some reason, he could always feel a little uneasy from Qinglong's condensed spiritual power.
It seemed as if his attack was restrained by something in this spiritual power.
He didn't know that it was the power of Yuanling in Biyouquan that restrained his attack.
During this period of experience, Tang Feng also went to Lingfeng to get it several times. After tempering his blood, his core also contained some power of Yuanling power.
Of course, this power is almost negligible in terms of attack, but there is one thing that is extremely useful, and that is the ability to recover.
After Tang Feng's skills are released, the spiritual power contained in them will slowly and continuously increase. This increase may not be visible in the face of explosive attacks, but it will be very useful in a stalemate.
This was the situation just now. When the green dragon was in a stalemate between the two, the black dragon's spiritual power supplement could continuously strengthen him, and its own spiritual power would also restore itself.
This is different from other people's moves. Other people's moves will only get weaker and weaker from the moment they are launched. It is impossible to recover the lost power and become stronger and stronger.
Because of this, Yin Jian feels that way.
You must know that his Jie Yuan realm is a big level higher than the Fusion realm. This gap is actually very big.
Generally speaking, when the Jie Yuan realm meets the Fusion realm, as long as those in the Jie Yuan realm are serious, those in the Fusion realm, even those in the later stages, will find it difficult to withstand even a single blow.
The most fundamental reason for this difficulty in resisting is the solidification of spiritual power.
Compared with those in the Jie Yuan realm, the degree of spiritual gaze of people in the Fusion Realm is like tofu meeting a sword. No matter how thick and thick the tofu is, it doesn't require much strength to cut it with a sword.
When the two were fighting just now, Yin Jian's moves couldn't break Tang Feng's moves for a while, which surprised him enough. Later, when he felt that the spiritual power in Qinglong seemed to be suppressing his own spiritual power, he was very surprised. was shocked.
Now he can't even take down Tang Feng, but the other party still has someone who can kill Jie Yuan Realm, so he has no time to waste.
"Then you'll be the last one!"
Yin Jian stopped talking and let go of the Yulong Forging in his hand.
"As expected of a fifth-grade spiritual treasure!"
Looking at the fluctuations of spiritual power on the Yulong Forge, Tang Feng sighed sincerely.
The Yulong Forging itself is not a great spiritual treasure, but its power is extraordinary when it reaches level 5, not to mention the Biyouquan which is suitable for its performance.
"Curly waves!"
Yulongdeng was floating in the green spring, and Yin Jian hit it with a spell, shouting softly.
Whoa whoa whoa!
The crystal-clear Yulong Forge stirred gently in the green spring. The originally invisible spring water was now completely visible.
Whoa whoa whoa!
The water flow became more and more rapid, forming a whirlpool that instantly sucked Tang Feng and him into it.
"It's too late for you to leave now!"
With his back against the whirlpool, Yin Jian's eyes showed overwhelming murderous intent.
A person who was in the middle stage of the Fusion Realm actually asked him to take out a fifth-grade spiritual treasure, which really made him a little angry.
"I wasn't planning on escaping in the first place!"
Tang Feng spread his hands and smiled faintly.
The confrontation with Yin Jian made him feel tremendous pressure, but it also made him excited. It was this kind of life-and-death battle that he needed now.
"Uncle Feng, are you okay?"
Tang Yan said a little uneasily.
The battle between Tang Feng and Yin Jian sounds long, but for them, it is actually very fast.
"It's better to think more about yourselves!"
The man in black sneered and pressed forward.

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