Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 215 A small test

"Go back!"
The two of them were trying their best to refine the energy of the dead souls. The spiritual power on their bodies was temporarily interrupted, so they had no ability to withstand the angry blow of the Jie Yuan realm master.
A muffled sound cut through the void. Although you couldn't see anything, you could clearly feel a pressure coming towards you.
"Step aside!"
Black Dragon pushed Tang Yan away and stood in front of him. The huge pressure came instantly, and his face trembled violently, trying to get away from his face and fly backwards.
"Qingluan screams loudly!"
Tang Yan was willing to leave, but she activated her already lacking spiritual power and let out a scream.
Before the man in black could do anything, several crew members who were closer to him were caught off guard. Blood spurted out from their eyes, noses, ears and mouths.A little further away, he held his head and shouted in pain for a while.
This Qingluan Gaoming is obviously a mental attack. People with weaker consciousness will turn into idiots at best, or bleed to death like the previous people.
The man in black frowned and his breathing became somewhat rapid. Mental attacks are considered a special attack. Not many people are good at them, and not many people have specially practiced corresponding defensive techniques.Of course, as a Jie Yuan realm being, he has practiced this type of technique. After all, he has been able to practice to the Jie Yuan realm and has experienced many battles. He has faced all kinds of opponents and has seen all kinds of combat skills.
"Death to me!"
In the void, an invisible huge palm slowly pressed down on the two of them.
Their knees bent down little by little, their faces turned red, and it was obvious that they could not hold on any longer. There were cracks in the Biyou Spring behind them, and even the water flow was cut off.
"Burn me!"
Ling Feng, who was hiding in the dark, quietly fired a spell in his hand.
The phoenix essence fire that had just been integrated into Tang Yan's fire lotus suddenly lit up, causing the undead energy that was being roasted to burn.
"how is this possible!"
In a hurry, the man in black was suddenly shocked. The undead energy refined by devouring spiritual power was burned out in an instant, and his face suddenly turned green.
"You all have to pay with your life!"
Now it would take him several years or even more than ten years to refining the spirit of death.
As soon as he said the harsh words, something that could no longer be described as anger happened. The necromantic energy that was rapidly breaking away from the black dragon's breath happened to pass through a relatively bright fire.
The ground suddenly started to burn.
The black man's face that had just turned green instantly turned pale.
"do not want!"
He shouted loudly and quickly summoned the black thread back with his thoughts.
But it was too late. The fire lotus seemed to have undergone some change. It was directly attached to the black silk and was devouring it crazily. No matter how the man in black used his thoughts, the flames could not be shaken off. Instead, they became more and more intense. The fever becomes more severe.
He held his head and let out a scream. The spiritual energy in his body was completely messed up. He held his head and his body was shaking.
"You are all going to die! You are all going to die!"
He seemed to be howling or crying, and his whole body became hysterical.
"How could this be?"
Tang Yan looked at the fire lotus around her strangely, but after the sudden explosion, the shadow of the fire lotus became more illusory. She couldn't even feel the heat, and it was estimated that it would be disillusioned at any time.
"Don't be distracted!"
Looking at the man in black who was kneeling on the ground and crying, Black Dragon's expression became even more nervous. He knew that this time the man in black was completely angry, and there would be a violent attack next.
"Everyone, run away!"
The battle here had just entered an eerie silence, and the crew members who had been watching over there became panicked when they saw the man in black was in trouble.
Many people began to look around, trying to find a way out.
"Brothers, it's our turn!"
Seeing a few scattered crew members running away, the members of the five teams naturally gave up and spread out, invisibly surrounding the crew members.
Seeing this situation, the crew members naturally knew that the other party was not going to let them go, even minor characters like them. Someone made a loud noise, and everyone immediately fled in all directions.
"They're all a bunch of cowards!"
Some members of the team curled their lips and shook their heads in dissatisfaction.
"What are you talking about? Why don't you go chase it!"
The captains waved their hands and rushed out first.
Each team immediately rushed towards their respective targets like a jumper.
"Tianfeng Fist!"
Tian Long blocked one of the directions, and three enemy crew members rushed towards him. He was about to say a few words first, but he did not expect that the leader of the three came directly with a fist.
"Brothers, he is the only one here," the leader shouted loudly as he attacked, "He is only a warrior in the late stage of training. We are in the middle stage and one in the late stage, and we are afraid that we can't defeat him alone. "
"Stupid, can combat effectiveness be judged just by looking at the realm?"
After witnessing several cross-border battles, the team members' self-confidence has also greatly increased. One person faced three people alone without even thinking about backing down.
"Thunder Fist!"
"Huayang feet!"
Three people surrounded him, each attacking from different directions.
"Tianyuan finger!"
Tian Long first faced the person rushing at the front.
Fists and fingers intertwined!
The other party shouted softly. Although they were all in the later stage, in terms of the degree of spiritual power concentration, how could these crew members compare with the team members who had been tempered by blood.
"This is unbearable!"
Hearing the rattling sound of the opponent's bones, Tian Long smiled faintly.
Of course, it is still impossible to defeat an opponent who is also in the late stage with this blow. At most, the opponent's bones will feel very painful.
Tian Long's target was not him, and with the force of his finger and fist, his body floated backwards, turned a corner in the Biyouquan, and landed very accurately in front of the opponent rushing from behind.
"Huayang legs!"
The posture of the man's mouth did not change. This kick was originally intended to kick Tian Long's lower back, but unexpectedly Tian Long flew upside down and landed right in front of him.
Not only that, it also landed right on his flying lap.
He reacted quickly enough, and his hand immediately turned into the palm of a knife, slicing horizontally towards Tian Long.
"You still have some qualifications!"
Tian Long chuckled lightly, put his foot on his thigh, and a pigeon turned over and landed behind this person.
"Tianyuan finger!"
He slowly stretched out his finger and touched a spot on the other person's back, knocking him out immediately.
"how is this possible!"
In this round of confrontation, from three opponents surrounding them to launching an attack, it only took a split second before one person was subdued.
"Are you really at the late stage of the Marrow Training Realm?"
The opponent, who was in the late stage of the Marrow Training Realm, had his eyes bulging out and asked in a surprised tone.
"Of course!"
Tian Long walked towards him slowly.
"you're lying!"
When the opponent saw that Tian Long had chosen him, he was so frightened that he hurriedly ran back, not caring about his mid-term companion at all.
Looking at his opponents who were driven back into the encirclement, Tian Long was not in a hurry and looked at the remaining mid-term crew members with a smile.
"what do you say?"
Tian Long asked with a smile.
"What else can I do but die!"
Seeing that his companion, whose strength was similar to his own, could not even resist for a single round, this person simply lowered his hands and gave up resistance completely.
Tian Long smiled slightly, walked to his side, stretched out his hand and knocked him out.
He was quite satisfied with his results after catching two people so quickly, but when he looked back, he felt a little panicked.
There were only a few people left in the central encirclement.
It turned out that after a simple battle, the team members found that the opponent's crew was relatively weak in combat, but it was too slow to catch them one by one. Especially with more than 100 people, the average score was less than three. Without first If you start, the captain's position will be gone.
Some smart people immediately united and rushed directly to the center, grabbing each one they saw and a pair they encountered.
In fact, it would not have been so easy originally, but the local crew has been completely messed up and cannot form a decent place at all. The team members here form a group of two or three. Even the crew members in the late stage of the training realm are basically in one round. Just get it done.
Catching them like this is naturally much faster than catching those who are alone one by one.
"I suffered a loss this time!"
Seeing the last enemy crew member faint in the struggle between the three sides, Tian Long shook his head dejectedly.
"130 six!"
Soon, all the prisoners were gathered together and counted.
"Team Star, thank you for taking care of me!"
The other three members of the first team, Xie Jin, Zhang Hong, and Cai Tong, all said happily to Tang Xing.
"It's not like I'm embarrassed!"
Looking at the team members he brought out with satisfaction, Tang Xing was also quite happy. When these people grew up, his face was also very glorious.
"Hey, I'm the only old man left!"
Tian Long said with a sad face.
"Who told you to forget that the team is a group!"
The three people laughed.
"It's my fault!"
Tian Long was suddenly startled, and immediately said seriously that he really wanted to be the captain this time, and he forgot that as a member of the team, he must always stand in the interests of the team as a whole. Personal heroism is not useless, but many Sometimes it drags down the entire group.
Not only Tian Long, but many people in other teams also woke up to this truth.
"It seems that this little test is well designed!"
Seeing many team members waking up, Ling Feng also nodded.
The reason for this arrangement was to make the team members understand that as a team, we must consider it from a collective perspective at all times, otherwise not only will we have problems, but it may also drag down the entire team.
During this period of time, the team has been developing smoothly, but some team members have neglected the relationship between themselves and the team. Giving them a small lesson is also a wake-up call, so that the team's thoughts will be engraved in their hearts.

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