Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 216 Qingluan

The battle here also ended very quickly, and the man in black over there had stood up again.
At this time, he had completely lost his expression, his face was darkened and there were many terrifying black stripes on it, his pupils had become like black holes, and his eyes were invisible.
Seeing his appearance, Tang Yan was so frightened that she couldn't help but take a few steps back.
"Dragonscale Shield!"
After a short recovery, both of them swallowed a large amount of pills, and the power of Yuanling allowed the spiritual power in their bodies to recover faster than others. The Black Dragon quickly rebuilt a new crystal wall.
"Qingluan hugs Yu!"
Seeing the terrifying face of the man in black and the bloody traces of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, Tang Yan was so frightened that she could only defend herself first.
"He seems to be hurt!"
It was Black Dragon who first discovered the other party's unexpected situation.
Just as he had judged, the undead spirit was swallowed up by the peak Phoenix flames, and the inner source of the man in black was now in chaos. The natal spiritual treasure that had been stored in the inner source's dantian backfired, making him miserable now.
"It seems so!" Tang Yan also reacted and immediately shouted excitedly, "We severely injured a master of the Jie Yuan realm."
She herself couldn't believe it. In fact, to a certain extent, she had been comparing herself to Ling Feng, so she had such thoughts.She just felt that Ling Feng could defeat the masters of the Jie Yuan realm, and she had to do the same thing.
Ling Feng shook his head with a wry smile. This girl is really naive. She still hasn't realized that there must be something wrong with the fire just now.In fact, anyone else would have understood that Ling Feng must have been secretly helping.
That is, Tang Yan, still thinking that she suddenly broke out and completely refined the undead energy of the man in black.
"Hurry up!"
The black dragon was in a much better situation than her and immediately rushed over first.
"Black Dragon Breaks the Sky!"
He clenched his fists tightly and struck at the chest of the man in black.
"Qingluan spreads its wings!"
Tang Yan is not weak in strength, but her little daughter's temperament is really fierce, and she is not inferior to the black dragon at all.
"Night Shadow!"
The man in black was temporarily trapped in a situation where he could only be beaten passively, but that didn't mean he had no ability to resist. Black mist filled his body, completely covering him.
"That's all you want!"
Seeing that the man in black could not be seen at all in the black mist, how could Tang Yan give up.
She had jumped into the air above the man in black and shouted, "Qingluan Feng Lingzhao!"
The Qingluan behind him screamed loudly, showed two sharp claws, and clawed into the black mist.
Sharp claws like silver hooks scratched across the surface of the black mist, leaving two shallow claw marks on it. The black mist was actually a bit harder than metal, and then the Qingluan claws sprinted down, Neither can cause much damage.
Qingluan's shadow disappeared, and Tang Yan revealed her figure.
She groaned softly and waved her hand. The sharp claws just now were her fingers. But after using the combat skill, her whole body became one with Qingluan's phantom, and the power of the attack was naturally greatly increased.
However, this blow failed to break through the opponent's defense, but his own hand was in pain.
Tang Yan's attack had just stopped when the black dragon punched him again. At this time, he transformed into a giant dragon, and the dragon's claws hit the black mist head-on.
A small space seemed to tremble, but the black mist did not move at all.
"What a strong defense!"
The two looked at each other with a look of deep fear. Although their attacks could not be said to be their strongest attacks, the two of them had exerted [-] to [-]% of their strength in the attack just now, so they could not shake their opponents in the slightest. .
In fact, this is the most normal thing. In the previous rounds of fighting, the main reason was that the man in black made mistakes, and the main reason was that Ling Feng secretly took action.
Ling Feng's attack just now made the man in black's state unstable. Even so, now he allows two people to attack, but they can't do anything to him. From this, we can see how big the difference in state is. huge.
"Junior, insult me ​​today and see how I can repay it later!"
Hei's still empty eyes seemed to turn around. He now used [-]% of his strength to suppress the injuries in his body, and only used [-]% of his strength for defense.
"Use your special move!"
Black Dragon and Tang Yan also knew that at the critical moment, if they held back any more, it would be difficult to win after the man in black suppressed his injuries.
Tang Yan's face became solemn, her aura began to change, the surrounding spiritual energy began to pour into her body, and the aura on her body began to grow crazily.
"When did this little girl learn this trick?"
Seeing this strangeness, Ling Feng was also a little surprised.
This Tang Yan actually wants to directly transform into Qingluan. Of course, it is not the real Qingluan, but just borrows some of its power.
However, it can be seen that it is quite difficult for Tang Yan to use this move, and the preparation time is also very long. If she were to fight the enemy normally, the enemy would not be able to give her such a long time to prepare for the attack.
in the void.
It seemed that a chirping sound was heard, and Tang Yan's temperament had completely changed. There was cyan spiritual power flowing around her whole body, and she moved her hands and feet with contentment, with an aura of superiority. Not only that, there seemed to be wind whirling around her, this This feeling is as if there is nothing.
But she could feel that any random move she made could cause strong winds to sweep through her and change the color of the world.
It is a hurricane that can destroy everything and cannot be resisted.
"It's too much!"
While Ling Feng was deeply shocked, he also felt that Tang Yan looked frightening on the surface, but if she sensed it carefully, she felt like she was strong on the outside but strong on the inside.
"Dragon Scale Flying Armor!"
Tang Yan has Qingluan's inherited bloodline, and Black Dragon does not have that kind of advanced bloodline.
The reason why he is called the Black Dragon is actually because he was lucky enough to smelt the essence and blood of a dragon snake when he was young.
Ordinary people do not necessarily need the essence and blood of other creatures to practice, but the essence and blood of some creatures are born with a small amount of holy beast essence and blood. Once fused, they may be able to emit some power.
However, biological essence and blood does not mean that it can be smelted. This is a very risky matter, that is, the essence and blood must be completely matched to the person. Otherwise, it can range from serious injuries to death on the spot.
Heilong was forced to do this by circumstances, but he unexpectedly succeeded. This made him prosperous in those years, which can be regarded as a good fortune.
However, the dragon blood is an inferior blood after all. Although it contains Shaolong's dragon blood, it is very thin after all.
If it weren't for Ling Feng's help in tempering his bloodline, he wouldn't even be able to summon the shadow of the black dragon. As for the phantom of the black dragon he summoned, it was also his own deliberate modification. When his spiritual power is exhausted, the true figure of the black dragon will be revealed.
This is the situation now. The spiritual energy in the black dragon's body is also flowing rapidly, but the shadow of the black dragon has become darker, completely turning into a black dragon.
However, without covering up, Hei Guo's figure is much more condensed, and the scales on his body are also dark and shiny, and the scales are extremely sharp, and the ones on them are also terrifying.
If Tang Yan's bloodline wasn't too high, his black dragon would also make people feel extremely stressed.
Whoosh whoosh!
The scales spiraled towards the black mist. These scales were naturally phantoms. At this time, the black dragon merged into the phantom, and its body rushed towards the black mist. Its hands moved along a specific shape in mid-air, each time With one stroke, the shadows of those scales became sharper, and the spiritual power in his hands became even colder.
"Break it for me!"
The black dragon's five fingers burst out with dazzling light, cutting straight into the black mist.
This time the man in black seemed to sense the danger. Under his control, the black mist also changed. Before the black dragon came into contact with the black mist, a lot of black mist came out first and wrapped his hand. .
The black mist wanted to swallow the spiritual power in the black dragon's hand, but it was obviously unable to do so, and could only continue to explode and make crackling sounds.
"Tang Yan, fire!"
The difference in strength made it difficult for the black dragon to resist the black mist.
"Fire lotus!"
Tang Yan raised her hand, and a breeze sent a fire lotus to the black dragon's hand, and immediately started fighting with the black mist.
Puff puff!
To her surprise, the mist was not burned immediately as expected, but instead stayed with the fire lotus.
The fire lotus and the black mist devoured each other and fought for a long time before finally ending in the fire lotus' victory.
Tang Yan frowned slightly, which was a bit beyond her expectation. The spiritual power from the outside world was still pouring into her. Although she had not completed Qingluan's summons, her strength had been greatly improved compared to before. This Fire Lotus On the contrary, it is not as tyrannical as before.
Turning her eyes slightly, she glanced around, but at the critical moment of summoning Qingluan, she did not dare to be distracted anymore, and tried her best to guide more and more spiritual power in her body.
As the summons came to an end, Qingluan's figure behind her became more and more solid.
"Fire lotus!"
As the infusion of spiritual power ended, Tang Yan summoned the fire lotus again, looking closely at the black mist.
The black dragon over there took the lead in launching an attack and got rid of the entanglement of the black mist. The spiritual light bloomed in his hand and cut hard into the black mist shield.
A heavy sound of metal colliding was heard.
Many cracks appeared in the black mist, and the man in black could be vaguely seen inside.
"Qingluan Fire Lotus!"
Tang Yan finally launched his attack!
The huge blue luan bird spread its wings and flew high, with lotus blossoms blooming on its feathers. There was obviously no wind in the air, but people felt like a violent wind was breaking out, and even breathing seemed to be difficult.
Shout to the ground!
Hurricanes and fire lotuses filled the entire space, and time seemed to have stopped.

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