Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 265 Branches of the Sacred Tree

"Hey, I haven't completely lost consciousness yet!"
In the haziness, Ling Feng only felt a voice ringing in his ears. He looked around, but found nothing.
"It's interesting!" the voice continued, "He's just a little guy in the Fusion Realm, but his consciousness is much stronger than those of the saints!"
"Who are you to have the guts to stop being secretive and speak out?"
Ling Feng looked around. Except for a wall, there was nothing all around him. He could no longer see anything else.
Since you can't see it, it's better to just ask directly.
He was not a timid person, so he simply shouted at the top of his lungs.
"Haha," the voice laughed, "How could I be sneaky? Haven't I always stood by your side?"
"Stand beside me?"
Ling Feng was stunned and looked around again, but still couldn't see anything.
Although some high-level monks have some physical skills that can hide their body, it is impossible to be so powerful that you can't feel it when you stand next to him and talk to him.
"Could it be!"
Surprised, he immediately raised his hand and patted the wall at hand.
"Bang bang bang!"
There was a muffled sound coming from the wall.
"Haha, isn't it!" The voice laughed again, "The little guy is quite clever!"
There was some approval in his voice.
"You are the Immortal Tree!"
Ling Feng took a breath of air and immediately guessed the identity of the other party. Even though he was not someone who was easily shocked, he was still a little embarrassed at this moment.
It was so huge that even if you stood under it, you couldn't see the edge of the trunk or even the leaves on the tree. Apart from the legendary Immortal Tree, Ling Feng couldn't think of anything else.
However, the other party's answer surprised him very much.
"You think too highly of me!"
The voice laughed and said.
"You are not the Immortal Tree!"
Ling Feng was a little surprised now. He was teleported in because he was cutting willow branches. In his opinion, only the Immortal Tree has such an ability.
"You are not entirely wrong!" Dashu said with a smile, "Although I am not the Immortal Tree, I am closely related to it. I was transformed from one of its branches, which can be regarded as a branch of it. .”
"So it is!"
Ling Feng nodded slightly. He still felt a little uncomfortable talking to such a huge person.
"Why did you teleport me in?"
Ling Feng tried to ask.
"Why do you mean I teleported you in?" The big tree laughed loudly, "You cut my branches, but my mental imprisonment technique automatically counterattacked and came in, okay?"
"Mental confinement technique?"
Ling Feng heard about this spell for the first time, and his expression was quite curious.
"Thanks to you having Phoenix bloodline and completing spiritual nirvana, otherwise your spirit would have been crushed long ago with the strength of your Fusion Realm!"
"so close!"
Ling Feng felt quiet for a while, regretting his rashness. He was not alone now. There was a team behind him that was counting on him.
“I was just thinking that I should be more careful when doing things in the future, but unexpectedly something went wrong!”
Ling Feng said with some self-blame.
"how is this possible!"
Ling Feng's hand had been resting on the big tree, and suddenly he felt the tree tremble.
"What is possible?"
Ling Feng asked in confusion.
"How can you have such pure wood element energy in you!"
Dashu asked almost impatiently.
"Wood element energy?" Ling Feng was slightly startled, "I am of Phoenix bloodline, how can I have wood element energy in my body!"
He smiled and shook his head, and suddenly asked a little strangely, "By the way, what is vitality? Why haven't I heard anyone say it?"
"Vitality is not a big deal. People with low realms won't know it, and people with high realms are too lazy to talk about it," Dashu said casually, "It's just like a person's smell. You have the blood of Phoenix. , it is impossible for there to be wood blood in the blood, but if you are in contact with a wood person for a long time, you will possess her aura."
"If you are contaminated with his breath, will your bloodline be affected?"
Ling Feng asked uneasily. He was of Phoenix bloodline and didn't want his bloodline to be diluted.
"This is completely different from blood. You stay in a very smelly environment every day, and your body is smelly, but you don't stink. Just wash it off and you'll be fine!" Dashu explained unhappily, and then Then he said, "You still look down on the wood element, but do you know how pure the wood element energy in you is!"
Ling Feng smiled slightly and didn't argue much. You are asking for trouble if you discuss whether the wood element is good or not with a pure wood element creature.
"Are there wood creatures around you?"
Dashu asked, with a hint of urgency in his voice.
"Well, one of my wives is of the royal family of the elves!" Ling Feng nodded. He knew that the World Tree was closely related to the elves, so he had nothing to hide.
"Is it the elves?"
The big tree shouted suddenly, and the huge tree body like a wall shook.
It didn't matter that he was shaking, the entire void seemed to have become unstable. Crack-like things appeared in the void, and a cool evil aura immediately spread around.
"How could this be?"
The faces of the two saints in the void on the other side suddenly changed. They looked at the void that was about to break apart and screamed in surprise.
"Hurry up, or you'll be doomed if you get caught in the evil spirit."
One of them shouted, pulled his companion who was still in a daze and fled away.
Fortunately, the vibration of the big tree only lasted for a short while, otherwise the entire void would be shattered.
The two saints stopped after avoiding a large distance. One of them said, "I just said there is a problem in this void. If you can't help it, you won't come!"
"Is there any way!" His companion shook his head helplessly, "This is what the ancestors of the past generations have told us, saying that this place has a close relationship with our Biyou Spring, and we must protect it!"
"It doesn't matter!" The other one immediately yelled out unhappily, "I've been searching for thousands of years, but I haven't found anything. It's not like nothing happened."
"But the ancestor always feels that this Ling Feng is not simple. He has only been here not long ago. He will build some kind of teleportation array on Panliu Island soon." His companion shook his head and expressed his disapproval. "You and I will also go and see the teleportation array." However, although there are many problems, it is indeed a space teleportation array. Maybe he has some secrets that we don’t know about yet, and maybe the secrets are related to this secret space."
"It's true!"
The other person frowned slightly, thought for a while and nodded in agreement.
"Brother, stop it!"
Ling Feng was also shocked here and quickly stopped the inexplicably excited tree.
"I don't know how many years I have been waiting!"
There was a hint of crying in the voice of the big tree.
"Brother, can you just tell me what you want? Why is an old man crying?" Ling Feng quickly comforted him.
"You know what the heck!" Dashu said very depressedly, "If you were locked up in one place for thousands of years without a companion, what would it be like!"
"Then why don't you think of a way to get out!"
Ling Feng asked with some confusion.
Even if a branch of the Immortal Tree is not at the god level, it should still have the strength of a pseudo-god or saint.
"You think I don't want to!" Dashu said dissatisfiedly, "My roots are inside the Yuanling Barrier, which is a place that gives even gods a headache. What can a clone of me do? Besides, you don't know the Immortal Divine Tree. He has no fighting ability!"
"Then what are you happy about?"
Ling Feng probably guessed this result.
If any clone of the Immortal Tree could grow to such a large size, then its descendants would probably have spread all over the world. The reason why this branch can grow so large must be related to the secret they are looking for now.
As for its lack of combat ability, Ling Feng was a little surprised.
"If there is the royal bloodline of the elves, I will have a way to escape!"
The big tree seemed to be very happy, and the huge trunk shook again, but this time it was not so violent, and it did not cause any abnormal movement in the space.
"Can you escape?" Ling Feng's face showed a look of disbelief, "Brother, you are so old, do you think there is still a place in the world where you can live?"
Such a behemoth with treasures all over its body, if it has no fighting ability and is placed outside, it is not a fragrant steamed bun.
"what do you know!"
The big tree seemed to be completely immersed in joy and didn't care about Ling Feng's attitude at all. If it hadn't been so big, Ling Feng would have seen the huge branches dancing at countless distances.
"The Immortal Tree has the talent to break through the sky," Dashu said after being happy for a while, and then began to explain, "You know that if you move me to a place, I will naturally open up a world, and the original space will not be affected. .”
"Oh, you still have this ability!"
Ling Feng's glasses lit up. If he was put on the warship, wouldn't the space on the warship become larger again? He couldn't help but feel excited.
"Of course!" Dashu said happily, "I have so many benefits that I can't finish them. Among other things, I can gather spiritual energy from the heaven and earth and then release it. I can create a holy land for cultivation. , that’s something even the best spiritual veins can’t keep up with.”
"It can still be like this!"
At this time, Ling Feng almost jumped up and shouted.
If this big tree exists, then in the space of the warship, there will no longer be any need for spiritual veins everywhere. This is completely equivalent to the fact that his warship is no different from a real small world.
"Hurry up and get your wife to come and get me out!"
The big tree couldn't wait any longer.
"Can she also hit you and teleport in?"
Ling Feng asked alertly, it was risky to come in this way.
"What state is she in?"
Dashu was stunned and asked helplessly.
"Rongyuan Realm!"
Ling Feng answered truthfully.
"You are in the Rongyuan realm!"
The tree almost cried out.

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