Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 266

"Isn't it okay?"
Ling Feng said with some disappointment.
"It's too far!" The big tree shook its trunk depressedly. Where Ling Feng couldn't see it, its branches kept slapping the trunk, like a person scratching his head in embarrassment.
"Then there's no way!"
Ling Feng's heart moved and he blinked.
After seeing the Xiao family's magic circle and having failed to set up the magic circle himself, Ling Feng knew that it would be very difficult to teleport to this space.
Otherwise, if the Xiao family could discover this secret, how could the saints who came to Shuiliu City not discover it? They didn't find the reason, but they just couldn't teleport to the space where the big tree was.
If they could be teleported in, Ling Feng would never believe that they wouldn't come in.
Not to mention anything else, the big tree itself is a priceless treasure. If you get the big tree, not to mention anything else, a holy land of cultivation can create a large number of high-level monks, and the big tree itself is a treasure. If its branches are used As for refining weapons, if nothing else, there is absolutely no problem in refining a ninth-grade spiritual treasure.
"Can you set up a teleportation array?"
Dashu thought for a moment and asked.
"There should be a saint here who wants to come in, right?"
Ling Feng asked tentatively.
"Hmph," the big tree snorted disdainfully, "those guys' eyes turned green after discovering my willow branches. After I gave them a little pain, they didn't dare to try it."
"Did you stop them from coming in?"
Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he asked eagerly.
"Yes and no!" Dashu shook his head, "With their ability, this space is originally inaccessible. I just used some tricks when they tried!"
"Did you do anything?"
There was a look of disbelief in Ling Feng's eyes. If he only made some moves, the existence behind Bi Youquan would never give up easily, but would keep trying like the Xiao family.
In his opinion, the Xiao family's current attempts were not under the supervision of Biyouquan, but they did not do it themselves.
"Okay, I let two saints be swallowed directly by the Shattered Void, and there was an old guy!" Dashu thought about it carefully, "It seems to be a false god, I borrowed the Yuanling Barrier Function, he was also a little injured."
"Two saints! One false god!"
Hearing Dashu's understatement, Ling Feng couldn't help but take a breath of air. This big guy's tone was really quite serious.
Dashu didn't hear his surprise, "The false god seems to have died soon. There seemed to be some movement in the depths of Biyouquan behind. I sensed it. It should be Biyouquan in order to make up for the vacancy of the false god's death. The secret technique has created another false god!"
"Secret techniques to create false gods?"
This information really shocked Ling Feng. A world he had never been exposed to slowly unfolded in front of him.
In his opinion, it is extremely difficult for Yixiantian, Luofeng Valley and the Elf clan to even see a saint. When some days were in danger, it was still his father who came forward.
Now it seems that there are too many things behind him that he doesn't know. If nothing else, the three forces behind him will definitely not be under Bi Youquan. There must be some reasons why these forces do not take action.
At least so far, it seems that the top forces of Biyouquan have not come forward and are just playing games from behind.
"It seems that after working hard for a long time, I am still just a pawn!"
He curled his lips and said somewhat self-deprecatingly.
However, he did not feel depressed at all. It was not easy to be a chess piece in such a big game, not to mention that when the pawn crossed the river, the result was still unknown.
"What force doesn't have that kind of method!"
Dashu said matter-of-factly, "It's just that this approach will consume a lot of resources. The false gods who rely on this method to advance will never be able to progress further in their lifetime."
"That's for sure. If it can continue to grow, wouldn't it be incredible!"
Ling Feng nodded.
"Will you be able to set up a teleportation array?"
Dashu asked again anxiously.
"Brother, how can we build a teleporter that even saints cannot build?"
Ling Feng spread his hands and said half-seriously.
In fact, as long as he is given time, he is still confident that he can build this kind of teleportation array. After all, unlike the saint, he has a trump card in his hand. But now that there is ready labor available, if he does not blackmail him, Don’t you know that you are at a disadvantage?
"Then what to do!"
The big tree became a little anxious.
"But it's not that we can't teleport at all, it's just that there are many problems!"
Ling Feng sighed softly and said with some embarrassment.
"what is the problem?"
Dashu was stunned and immediately asked.
Seeing the big fish take the bait, Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Brother, my wife's strength is limited. It is really not easy to completely sense the teleportation position. If you can help him locate it, we can try it!"
What Ling Feng said was true.
"This is easy to handle!"
What was very difficult in Ling Feng's eyes, he didn't even hesitate when he came to Dashu.
Ling Feng's spirit perked up and he looked at the big tree eagerly.
Dashu nodded, "But we can't teleport you all to the Biyou Spring at once. We can get closer bit by bit through some space nodes."
Hearing what Dashu said, it seemed like he had to go through multiple teleportations, Ling Feng became a little worried.
"Don't worry," Dashu felt embarrassed, "As long as you complete the first transmission, the rest will be much easier!"
After a pause, he continued, "And these space nodes are not simple. They are all inextricably linked to Biyouquan. They are very helpful to your cultivation. They are a kind of risk for you, and it is also a time. Chance."
"Okay then, I'll go out right away, and you'll be ready to pick us up!"
Ling Feng said impatiently.
"You take this wicker and give it to your wife, let her refine it, then I can sense each other with her." The huge body of the big tree shook, and a wicker fell from the tree. In Ling Feng's hands.
"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away!" Ling Feng nodded, "Send me out!"
"Okay," Dashu agreed immediately, and then reminded, "But you have to be careful. Those old guys in Biyouquan have been keeping an eye on the movements here. If they know that you can teleport in, they may be in danger. "
"Don't worry, I know what to do!"
Ling Feng nodded.
"Also, you have to be careful when you go out. There are two saints in the void nearby watching you!"
Dashu asked seriously.
Ling Feng was really stunned now. He could think that Bi Youquan must be monitoring this place. After all, they had lost a false god and two saints. Although they did not dare to try, they decided to understand in their hearts. , there is a heaven-defying secret hidden in it. If this secret can be cracked, the strength of Bi Youquan will definitely increase greatly.
The other party would monitor him, but Ling Feng never expected that it would be to this extent.
It is too exaggerated to have two saints by his side.
"Are my every move in Biyouquan under their surveillance?" Ling Feng became a little worried.
If that's the case, will the secret of his warship be discovered?
"Don't worry," Dashu shook his body, "Even for saints, it is not easy to travel through the void. The reason why they came here is because you have spied on the secret of the Xiao family. This secret was also the secret that they deliberately let Xiao I found out that they had arranged a magic circle in the void near here!"
"That's good!"
Ling Feng felt relieved now. If he had been stared at by these two saints, he would have felt like a light on his back.
"You little guy really thinks too much!" Dashu laughed, "You are far from that level, and saints are not like you think, they can take action at will. If they take action, those saints behind you will Of course I won’t stand idly by!”
"The saint behind me?"
Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, but he immediately understood that he had shouldered the mission of the three families.
Since a deadlock has formed at the high level, let the people below do it. This should be the current situation.
"I see!"
After thinking about this clearly, Ling Feng already made a decision in his heart.
"Be careful!"
The big tree shouted loudly, and a blue light enveloped Ling Feng.
Now the atmosphere in the refining cave has become a little strange.
Ling Feng stood there quietly, with Zhang Lan and others guarding him carefully. Xiao Hua and Feng Shan stood on the other side, looking at each other, and no one spoke for a while.
"Do you want to make a move?"
Xiao Hua was struggling in his heart. This was definitely a good opportunity to escape. Now, inside the refining cave, there were magic formations arranged by the Xiao family everywhere. Even without these magic formations, as long as he shouted, thousands of Xiao family members would be killed. Domestic slaves are just outside.
While he was struggling in his heart, Feng Shan was also in a very embarrassing situation.
Helping Xiao Hua at this time would be a disaster, but if he helped Ling Feng, Ling Feng was in this state now. The people next to him, except for the disposable fourth-grade spiritual treasure in their hands, probably didn't have much. strength.
After thinking about it, if a change occurs, he is the one who will definitely die.
This situation really made him dumbfounded.
Not so long ago, he was the winner, and now he's so miserable.
In the silence, every breath was so long, and the time for half a stick of incense passed quickly.
"There is half a stick of incense!"
The two saints in the void were also a little bored, and one of them asked.
"Yes, how long will it take for him to wake up?" His companion chatted in boredom, "How about we make a bet!"
"It must take two or three days!"
The person who started made an estimate and said.
"You think too highly of him!" Another person immediately said without anger. He had tried it because he was not convinced. The feeling was something that a person in the Fusion Realm could not bear.
"I guess at least seven days!"
he concluded boldly.

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