Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 275 Yuanling World

"You don't have to be happy too early!"
Ling Feng said with a smile, this kind of beautiful thing is what everyone yearns for.
"Once the teleportation array is activated, the time and space on that side will be affected by this side, and it will eventually collapse!" Ling Feng said with a serious face.
"It will happen again!"
When everyone heard this, they all gasped. If the world collapsed, they would all die in it.
"So you must reach the end of that world as quickly as possible, where the big tree can teleport you there."
Ling Feng explained in detail.
"Sir, can't we teleport back?"
A soldier asked.
Ling Feng shook his head directly. The mental power attached to the water wicker here has been exhausted. This is just a one-way transmission.
"Then how do we get back?"
The warrior asked with some concern.
"If we can reach our destination smoothly, someone will naturally take us back then, but if something goes wrong, we will stay in that world together!"
After listening to Ling Feng's words, the scene suddenly became quiet, everyone looked solemn, and many people took deep breaths, preparing to meet this challenge.
"Uncle Feng, I'll leave this matter to you!"
Ling Feng looked at Tang Feng and said.
"Don't worry!"
Tang Feng smiled faintly. To be honest, he also wanted to see the world over there, but Bing Xin had to go. She needed to maintain communication with Dashu at all times as the leader of the team.
Among the remaining people, only Tang Feng can take on the big responsibility. As for Heilong and Tang Yan, they are still a little too young after all.
After explaining everything, Ling Feng took the lead in walking into the teleportation array.
As the scenery in front of him changed, a whole new world appeared before Ling Feng's eyes.
"This place is pretty much like the outside world!"
After entering the Yuanling world and taking a look at the surrounding scene, Ling Feng couldn't help but said with emotion that he was somewhat disappointed. He originally wanted to come and see the scenery.
"Wow, it's so beautiful!"
Unlike Ling Feng's vision, Tang Yan was quite impressed by the scenery in front of her.
The reason she admired it was that there were indeed some things here that were different from the outside. For example, the space here was in the void. There was no light originally, but above the void, there were many shining jellyfish floating, and these jellyfish could emit soft sounds. The white light illuminates the sky quite brightly.
In Ling Feng's eyes, this kind of scenery is similar to clouds, except that these clouds shine.
"Don't underestimate these fluorescent jellyfish!"
Looking at this scene, Bing Xin had a special look on her face.
"Do you know these jellyfish?" Tang Yan immediately asked with curiosity on her face.
"Yes!" Bing Xin nodded, "It is said that there are a large number of these jellyfish in the hometown of our elves. These jellyfish are not simple. They do not simply emit light. These lights can actually create some illusions. This illusion is similar to the space-time transformation of the star beast!"
"Similar to time and space transformation?"
Hearing this, Ling Feng couldn't help but get interested. Everyone has seen the power of time and space transformation. If these jellyfish can help practice this, it would be really amazing.
"It's not a real transformation of time and space!"
Bing Xin smiled and shook her head, "They just give you some mental stimulation and make you have this kind of hallucination. If you adapt to this situation, there will be no impact."
"what does that mean?"
Ling Feng couldn't help but ask.
"Under their stimulation, your spirit will slowly grow. This growth has no limit and is all the time!"
"Is there such a function?"
Ling Feng was really shocked. It could subtly help cultivators increase their strength all the time. This kind of thing is extremely rare. You must know that the life of a cultivator is generally very long, even if the degree of increase is not very large, but The accumulation over a long period of time is also very amazing.
"The decline of our elves is closely related to the fact that fluorescent jellyfish cannot survive in our world for a long time."
There was a hint of sadness in Bing Xin's words. When she came to this world, Bing Xin's temperament changed. She was no longer the shy little girl, she looked more like a real palace master.
"grown ups!"
The three of them were still here sighing, but Zhang Lan ran over in a hurry.
"what happened?"
Ling Feng turned around and looked at him curiously. He was a little surprised that Zhang Lan was now more steady and now so urgent.
"There are many minerals here, including thousand-year-old jade, ice crystal, and Huaguang colored glaze."
There were so many names that he couldn't finish them in one breath, and he was so tired that he was out of breath.
"These materials are only third grade, do you need to be so excited?" Ling Feng cursed softly. He didn't want the future refining master he fancied to have such a narrow vision.
"Sir, you don't know," Zhang Lan didn't care when he heard Ling Feng's accusation, "we have deployed two sky-breaking magic formations in a row. Our low-grade materials have already been consumed. Even the ice arrows, we all It’s difficult to refine it in large quantities.”
"I forgot about this!"
Ling Feng patted his head and said with a smile.
After Ling Feng eliminated the poison from their bodies, the five hundred refining slaves of the Xiao family have now become normal refining apprentices. Some of them were originally at the level of refining masters, but they have been used as slaves. Too lazy to give my best.
Now that they are free, although they cannot leave the space of the warship, such a vast area is enough for them to settle down.
These people reciprocated the favor and naturally served Ling Feng wholeheartedly.
Among the five hundred slaves, more than 50 refiners suddenly emerged. This was something that even Xiao Hua did not expect. Especially after seeing Ling Feng's open management of the refining group, Xiao Hua was also very touched. big.
The entire refining group suddenly had seventy or eighty more refining masters, and the original warriors, after receiving the guidance of the grandmaster, all joined the ranks of refining masters.
A team of this size, with a hundred refiners and two master refiners, would be scary to death.
With more refining talents, the materials will naturally be consumed like running water.
Of course, due to lack of time, many of Ling Feng's good materials have not been produced yet, but the low-grade materials are completely insufficient. No wonder Lian Zhang Lan was so excited when he saw the third-grade materials.
"how many?"
he asked casually.
“There are mountains over there!”
Zhang Lan pointed to the side and behind. There were two peaks over there that were 500 meters high.
"You said those mountain peaks are made of minerals."
Ling Feng was stunned and asked in disbelief.
"Yes, sir!" Zhang Lan looked excited, "These rocks are not only ores, they are also good ores with first-class purity. The degree of condensation is far beyond that of the outside. They can be regarded as fourth-grade materials."
At the foot of the mountain on the other side.
"Is this really a fourth-grade material?"
Xiao Hua and Feng Shan were in tears as they touched the fourth-grade materials that they could easily pick up.
They have been refining masters for hundreds of years, and the good materials in the family are given priority to them. But even so, in families like the Xiao family and the Feng family, fourth-grade materials are already very good materials, even if they are masters. , they are also extremely economical to use.
Now, the things that are like precious lumps in their eyes have been piled up into a mountain and can be picked up anywhere. If they had not joined Ling Feng's team, this would be something they would never dare to imagine.
"It seems we are following the right person!"
"Let the team go up and clean up the monsters. When they're done, you can dig out again!"
There are no soul beasts in this world, so Ling Feng can only temporarily call them monsters.
"Okay, enough fun, now it's our turn to go first!"
The black dragon walked up to the newly formed battle group and shouted an order.
"Please be careful!"
Hundreds of people formed a straight line and began to search among the water plants and rocks.
"We are walking on a mountain made of fourth-grade materials!"
Xiao Shi stamped his feet vigorously, feeling that the world was so unreal. A few days ago, they were worried about their own life and death, but in the blink of an eye, they could sleep on the crystal stone.
Happiness comes too quickly and is unbearable.
"My lord said before that we could get a set of sixth-grade spiritual treasures back. I didn't believe it at first, but I kind of believe it now!"
Feng Yue immediately answered.
The two families were originally enemies, but now that they have joined the team, the previous family affairs have nothing to do with them.
"If nothing else, a set of fourth-grade spiritual treasures will definitely be fine!"
The Sun family walked beside them and said happily.
Although they come from different families, they are all members of the lowest level of the family after all, so the family hatred will naturally not exist on them.
"You must believe what your adults say is right!"
The team members were talking quietly while searching. Zhao Kuan, who was standing next to him, heard clearly and had not interrupted them before. Now that he heard them talking about Ling Feng, he couldn't help but speak out.
When several people heard this, they immediately tensed up and responded quickly.
It is impossible to eliminate the habit of respect and inferiority in the family in a short time.
"I'm not ordering you to listen, I'm telling you that you'd better believe it!" Zhao Kuan said disdainfully. He believed that after a while, all the soldiers would have the same absolute trust in Ling Feng as they did.
There was a strange hissing sound, and someone in the crowd suddenly shouted.
Before the man finished speaking, a snake that was as orchid as waterweed suddenly shot out and bit a team member's neck fiercely.
The team member was caught off guard and screamed loudly in fright.
Ge Tian rushed over from the side, and a golden light flashed across the golden sword in his hand.
Youlan's snake broke into two parts in an instant, and the front half of the body was still spitting out letters, revealing a row of white teeth, which made people's hearts tremble.
The scene suddenly became quiet. This was the first opponent they met after coming to this world, and everyone's expressions became nervous.

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