Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 276 Ghost Bloodthirsty Snake

"Everyone be careful!"
When Bing Xin saw the snake, her face changed slightly.
"Xin'er, do you know this snake?"
Ling Feng had already guessed that this world should be similar to the original world of the elves. Although Bing Xin had never been to that world, as the heir to the royal bloodline, many secrets would definitely be passed down from generation to generation.
"Ghost Bloodthirsty Snake!"
Bing Xin looked at it carefully and said.
"Is this snake very powerful?"
Ge Jian, who had just killed the snake, asked.
"I can't say it's powerful, but" Bing Xin was thinking about her words.
"Just say it!" Ling Feng said from the side.
"This snake itself is only in the late stage of the Marrow Refining Realm, but they have a characteristic, that is, their strength will increase rapidly after being bloodthirsty, so when you face them, be sure not to swallow their blood!"
Bing Xin frowned and said.
"After swallowing blood, your strength will increase. This is really strange!"
Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, a monster like this that could rapidly increase its strength by relying on something was really a bit unnatural.
Ling Feng took a closer look and discovered a difference, that is, there was no blood left on the ghost bloodthirsty snake that was chopped into two pieces.
"Sure enough, different worlds have different things!"
Ling Feng sighed slightly.
"Don't underestimate this ghost bloodthirsty snake!"
Bing Xin warned carefully, "It is said that in the elven world, some ethnic groups used to feed these ghost bloodthirsty snakes with blood, and finally cultivated pseudo-god-level ghost bloodthirsty snakes, and the entire ethnic group perished.
In the end, it was the elders of the elves who took action to calm the situation down.
"There are such allusions!"
Ling Feng was speechless for a while, but it was normal to think about it. Elves and humans are the same, they both have selfish desires. If they find some shortcuts, they will naturally not let them go.
He believed that there must be more than one clan cultivating ghost bloodthirsty snakes, but this family failed to control the situation and caused a relatively big problem.
"So everyone must be careful!"
Bing Xin ordered again.
"Yes!" the soldiers replied in unison.
"Xiao Hua, look at that snake!"
After the soldiers started searching again, Bing Xin said to Xiao Hua and others.
Xiao Hua and others hurried over and took out the body of the ghost bloodthirsty snake.
"Try cutting the snake skin on its back with your sword!"
Bing Xin looked at the corpse and said, her little face also showed some curiosity.
Without any delay, Xiao Hua took a golden sword and slashed it hard.
Stab it!
He originally thought that the snake skin should be relatively hard, otherwise Bing Xin would not tell him this, but he did not expect that the snake skin was not hard, and he cut it with a casual sword.
He raised his head in confusion and looked at Bing Xin strangely.
"Cut it open and try!"
Ling Feng said with a hint of interest.
"Cut it!"
Xiao Hua was stunned, thinking that he had already cut it, so why should he cut it himself.
Of course, he knew that Ling Feng would not kill without aim, so he slashed with his sword again. This time, he put some thought into it and quickly discovered the problem.
It turned out that it was easy to cut through the snake skin, but when I pressed harder, I found that the Jinhui Sword seemed to be stuck with something, and the harder it went down, the harder it became.
"Is it the mucous membrane?"
For a refining master, he still has this insight. He immediately opened the snake skin and found a large amount of blue viscous liquid under the snake skin. It was this viscous liquid that blocked the Golden Sword.
"What's the use of someone else's weapon sticking to your body after it's been broken!"
In Xiao Hua's view, this is completely exchanging injuries for injuries and does not make much sense.
"You can smear this mucus on the snake's skin and see."
Bing Xin is not so much understanding the ghost bloodthirsty snake as she is also researching it.
In fact, it's quite normal when you think about it. After all, she only heard about this knowledge from her elders and has never really experienced it.
Xiao Hua didn't stop and re-applied the mucus on the Golden Sword to the snake skin. Something surprising happened immediately. The snake skin recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.
"So it is!"
Everyone has an expression of feeling moved by the world.
Thanks to Ge Tian's instinct, he slashed seven inches above it with his sword. Otherwise, if the sword force slowed down, he might have been entangled by the ghost bloodthirsty snake. If it bit him, it would be really troublesome. .
"Go tell the soldiers the news first, otherwise you will suffer a loss!"
Ling Feng immediately said to an apprentice from the refining battle group.
The apprentice did not dare to delay and ran towards the soldiers.
"If that's the case, it's really not that easy to deal with!"
Ling Feng still believed in the original warriors of the team, but the difference in strength between these members who had just joined the team a few days ago was very large. At this time, the large number of people became a burden.
However, Ling Feng would not let them watch from the side. This was also the best time to train, and it was normal even if a few people died.
Along the way, soldiers have been sacrificed from time to time. For this, everyone is mentally prepared, as long as the degree of damage is within the acceptable range.
"This fur should be a good material for refining inner armor!"
As a refining master, he reacted immediately.
"It is said that the sebum of the ghost bloodthirsty snake is also a very expensive material in the elven world!"
Bing Xin said with a smile.
The elves are good at offense but not good at defense. Their bodies are relatively delicate. Having this kind of snakeskin armor will greatly improve their survivability, and its value will naturally not be low.
"It also has snake gall, don't waste it!"
Bing Xin instructed.
In fact, she didn't need to say anything, Xiao Hua was already looking for snake gallbladder.
In any world, snake gall is the essence of a snake. Even the snake skin is so strange, so naturally he will not let it go.
"This snake's guts is so pure!"
After taking out the snake gallbladder, Feng Shan couldn't help but said.
"It is indeed a pure energy body!"
Everyone had never seen such a thing before, and they all said in amazement.
This snake gallbladder is different from other snake gallbladders in that it is completely an energy body.
"This energy body is the reason why the Ghost Bloodthirsty Snake's strength soared after becoming thirsty for blood." Bing Xin explained.
With a trace of regret on her face, she continued, "Unfortunately, once this energy body leaves the snake's body, or the snake itself dies, it will slowly dissipate. Otherwise, a powerful spiritual treasure of mass destruction can definitely be developed. And the cost of use is extremely low!”
If it is true as Bing Xin said, the cost will naturally be low. It only needs to continue to provide blood, and it does not say what kind of blood it requires.
"There is naturally its own balance between heaven and earth!"
Ling Feng was not surprised at all. If all the heaven-defying things came to this ghostly bloodthirsty snake, the world would have been occupied by them long ago.
"Such a pure energy body is definitely an excellent material for refining high-grade elixirs!"
Feng Shan's eyes straightened.
"Old Feng, you are better than me at alchemy. If you don't start working now, I will help you!"
Xiao Hua looked at Feng Shan who was eager to try, and he couldn't help himself.
The two of them looked at Ling Feng at the same time.
"You can do whatever you want!"
Ling Feng smiled faintly and said that it was impossible for him to compare with the two refining masters in terms of true refining level. He was not prepared to go too deep into it. He originally spent a lot of energy on it because of the needs of the team. Now he has Without these two people, he would naturally let go.
"Sir, your Phoenix Purifying Fire!"
The two of them said sarcastically that after entering the back mountain and seeing the terrifying ability of Phoenix Pure Fire, they had long been impressed by him.
"This is possible!"
Naturally, Ling Feng was not reluctant to part with it. He could condense the Phoenix Essence Fire, but it would just take more time.
The two of them obtained Ling Feng's Phoenix Essence Fire and started refining the elixir without any further delay. A refining group of 500 people immediately surrounded them.
When the refining master takes action, even the refining master rarely sees it.
You must know that in the past, this situation was only for the direct descendants to see. Now they have slowly accepted the team's ideas and begun to collaborate openly as a team.
As soon as these people gathered around, they no longer cared about Ling Feng's identity. Everyone rushed to look inside, and Ling Feng and others were pushed out of the circle.
This made Ling Feng and others dumbfounded.
"Look at you, the boss!"
Bing Xin couldn't help but smile and said.
"I think this is good!" Ling Feng touched his nose and replied with a smile. His eyes also turned to the soldiers.
The news of the ghost bloodthirsty snake reached the team, and the soldiers' nerves immediately became tense.
Searching on the vast hillside, the soldiers were very careful, stopping and walking, observing carefully, and checking carefully.After everyone's careful exploration, several more ghost bloodthirsty snakes appeared, but the soldiers who had been prepared in advance were also more cautious.
When everyone's swords could no longer guarantee a seven-inch hit, they would immediately retract their swords as soon as they came into contact with the snake's body to mitigate the snake's attack. This would also prevent the snake's mucus from sticking to the spiritual sword in their hands. .
"Everyone is making rapid progress!"
Bing Xin watched this scene with relief. Although snakes jumped out from time to time, with the care of Heilong and Tang Yan, there were no major problems.
I don’t know if it’s because this is just the entrance to this small world. During the subsequent search, some strange monsters also appeared, but none of them were powerful. Even if there were one or two types that were difficult to deal with, they were not many in number. .
In the end, these monsters not only did not become a danger, but instead became training targets for the warriors.
"Your Wind-Breaking Sword move is pretty impressive!"
"Are you kidding me? I just don't listen to it and practice it every day lately!"
"You think it's all your own fault. If adults hadn't helped us refine our bloodline, your practice efficiency would be as high as it is now!"
The monk's speed was already extremely fast. After mastering a certain method, although the two mountains were large, it didn't take long to clear them.

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