Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 277 Shura Elf

Having just entered the world of Yuanling and having such a great harvest, the entire team fell into joy, and the spirits of the soldiers became even more invigorated.
"I think this Soul Snake inner armor is of fifth grade!"
Compared to the soldiers, Xiao Hua and Feng Shan were also very satisfied. After some exploration, they developed two new things. One was the soul snake inner armor made of snake skin, and the other was the fifth-grade elixir. Medicinal Shedan Pills.
As a refining master, everyone's research direction is different. Some are better at refining elixirs, and some are better at refining spiritual treasures.But in general, if it is just one kind of strength, it will always stay at the refiner stage.
After all, whether it is elixirs or spiritual treasures, the two are interoperable.
People are in high spirits during happy events, and with such a big harvest, the steps of the soldiers became light and agile.
"and many more!"
Suddenly, Ling Feng heard a slight sound, as if something was approaching.
With his current strength, his hearing is naturally much stronger than others.
He immediately preached to everyone.
Upon hearing the order, all the soldiers dived into the blue grass.
After sweeping the two mountain peaks, the warrior discovered that the creatures in this world seemed to like sneak attacks very much, and they were all imitating cleverness. Each and every one of them was covered with blue grass vegetation. Now that the cat is in the grass, if you are not careful, It is absolutely impossible to see if you observe it.
Not long after the soldiers hid, a long team appeared in front of the soldiers.
"Are there intelligent creatures here too?"
Looking at the well-organized team, Ling Feng couldn't help but become a little nervous.
How many years has this world existed? If there were intelligent creatures like humans, to what extent would they develop? With the strength of the current team, would they be able to withstand it?
The team got closer and closer, and the soldiers gradually saw the appearance of these creatures clearly.
Generally speaking, these creatures still look like humans, but they are more like elves than humans.These creatures are all very tall and well-proportioned. If their faces are as beautiful as elves, then they are really elves.
But these creatures are different from the elves. They have a pair of fiery red wings on the back of their bodies, but these wings seem to be very stiff and cannot dance at will.
In other words, these creatures should not be able to fly at will.
"Shura Elf!"
Seeing this team of creatures, Bing Xin shouted softly in surprise.
In this quiet world, the slightest movement can easily attract people's attention. Although Bing Xin's voice was not loud, it still attracted the attention of the team.
The team suddenly stopped, and the Shura elves all looked towards Bing Xin.
However, with such a long distance and Bing Xin hiding well, they didn't find anything. However, the team did not set off. The leading Shura elf looked here and ordered something to his subordinates.
"These are low-level Shura elves!"
The war was about to break out, and Bing Xin began to send messages to the soldiers.
"The highest level of low-level Shura elves are usually those in the late stage of Sui Sui Realm. Their captains are usually in the Qiao Yuan Realm. By the time they reach the squadron, they will have the strength of the Fusion Realm."
"When you deal with them later, be careful of their pair of Zhu Wings. Once the Zhu Wings are activated, their strength will instantly increase to a level. Not only that, they can also use skills such as breaking through the air to make their attacks It’s impossible to guard against it!”
Bing Xin explained this to the soldiers in detail.
"This looks like a team of scouts. I'm afraid the main team won't be too far away from here, so I don't have to annihilate the entire team at once. Don't leave any survivors!"
Bing Xin finally said seriously.
"Are Shura elves very powerful?"
Ling Feng asked a little strangely. After coming to this world, he found that there were more and more things that worried Bing Xin.
"That's not true. The Shura elves are our mortal enemies," Bing Xin shook her head. "This is just like humans wanting soul beasts. The Shura elves' favorite food is the flesh and blood of elves."
"So that's it," Ling Feng nodded, "That means we must kill them all."
"Can the team complete it?"
Ling Feng looked towards Heilong and Tang Yan.
This team of Shura elves has a lot of people, as many as 600, which is [-] more than the team. Their average individual strength is also higher than the team, so he is still a little worried.
If the team couldn't solve it, he was ready to take action himself. After all, they still didn't know the power of the Shura elves in this secret realm.
"How is your connection with the tree?"
He asked Bing Xin with some concern. After the transmission was completed, the thoughts on the water willow tree were very weak, and the direct practice with the big tree was intermittent. They only knew where the destination was, but they could not fully communicate with the big tree. .
"No problem at all!"
Tang Yan answered for the soldiers without hesitation that she did not want Ling Feng to interfere in the team's training. In her eyes, this was a good opportunity for the team to train, so how could she let it go.
"Tiger regiment, outflank from the left!"
Tang Yan gave the order without hesitation.
The terrain on the left is wider, and the number of people in the tiger group is especially higher than that of the dragon group. She can be considered brave enough to shoulder a heavy burden.
Compared with Tang Yan who was full of confidence, some of the new soldiers who joined the team were still quite uneasy. On the contrary, some of the old team members were not too worried.
"Let's help them make bait!"
Ling Feng nodded to Bing Xin, suppressed the spiritual energy fluctuations in his body to the essence training state, and then moved his body forward to touch the back.
"I see!"
Bing Xin pursed her lips and smiled, then bent down and followed Ling Feng back.
They were not escaping at all. The searching Shura elves were already approaching. At this time, there was a little wind blowing in the grass, and the other party could naturally see clearly.
Sure enough, the strange movement in the grass attracted the attention of some Shura elves. Several Shura elves jumped towards this side holding Orchid beads in their hands.
During the beating, the red wings behind them were trembling slightly. Although it still looked very unreal, it was indeed moving slightly, and the effect was very obvious.The Shura Elf's original jumping distance was not very large, but as soon as Zhu Yi moved, the body that was about to fall flew a very long distance.
This made them look like they were flying, while Ling Feng and Bing Xin were groping slowly forward in the grass. The speeds of the two were simply incomparable. In a moment, the Shura Elf saw Ling Feng and the two.
"These elves are too vigilant!"
Looking at the rapidly approaching Shura Elf, Ling Feng said with some surprise.
The gaps between the movement of these Shura elves were so big that he wanted to stop and just hit them with whatever he wanted.
"It seems they have also degenerated in this world!"
Bing Xin also discovered this problem and said softly.
"That's right," Ling Feng nodded, "There is no existence of heaven and earth. This is completely their world. There is nothing that can threaten them and make them forget the most basic principles of fighting!"
"It's an elves!"
To Ling Feng's surprise, the elves' language was almost exactly the same as human language.
In fact, language is not a big problem for monks. At their level, their ability to understand language is very strong. Even if they don't understand the language, they can firmly remember it after listening to it once.
This is probably why the language of these Shura elves has not changed at all after being isolated from the world for so many years.
As soon as the word "elf" was shouted out, the ears of all the Shura elves perked up and their eyes looked towards the spiritual core Bing Xin.
When the two of them saw this, they stopped hiding and stood up openly.
"It is indeed an elf. This world is actually connected to the elf world," the leader of the Shura elf commander shouted in surprise, "She is also a female elf!"
The moment he saw Bing Xin, he could no longer look away.
"What a pure bloodline, this is definitely a royal elf," he cheered loudly, his eyes rolling around Bing Xin's body, his eyes full of lust.
"Young ones, catch her here. The men will eat her, and the women will be brought to me!"
He almost danced and shouted, how could he have the demeanor of a master in the Fusion Realm?
It's no wonder that elves are a great tonic for Shura elves. Pure-blooded elves like Bing Xin are even better for harvesting yang and replenishing yin. After picking Bing Xin, it can still be used for practical purposes, which can enhance his strength. A lot of it, no wonder he was so gloomy.
However, as the leader of a team, the reason why he is so arrogant is because he has lived a comfortable life for too long. In the eyes of these Shura elves, there is nothing that can be called a threat in this world.
As soon as he finished speaking, hundreds of Shura elves jumped up among the water plants like giant rocs spreading their wings.
The surrounding warriors quickly lay down to prevent these Shura elves from discovering them.
But soon, they discovered that their worries were unnecessary. These Shura elves were so arrogant that they didn't care about anything.
When some Shura elves flew down, they stepped on the warriors' bodies. They felt such an obvious difference that they didn't even think to see what was the reason. They rushed towards Ling Feng and the others without any care.
Ling Feng held a golden sword in his hand and began to deal with the elves who had surrounded him.
His swordsmanship also has a lot of flaws, but you can always make up for it at critical moments. Under these elves' crazy attacks, there is nothing they can do to him for a while.
These elves still didn't think about how an ordinary monk in the training realm could withstand the siege of so many opponents in the same realm. They just kept attacking again and again without thinking at all.
"This is too fake!"
Tang Yan and Heilong, who were still worried about how to arrange the siege, said in disbelief.
At this time, even the elf commander slowly walked into the grass, and five to six hundred Xiuling elves surrounded Ling Feng without any warning.

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