Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 294 The Road to the King

"Kingly bearing!"
Ling Feng lowered his head slightly, thinking about the true form of the Phoenix God's bloodline. The spiritual power in his body slowly circulated, and the spiritual power from the outside slowly gathered towards him, as if accepting his call.
The Phoenix real body outside the refining furnace suddenly became solid again, and its size became a bit larger again.
"Brother Feng, what's going on?"
In just a short moment, Ling Feng's bloodline body was constantly changing, with sudden changes, sudden changes, and instability. If his aura had not stabilized, Bing Xin and the others would have been unable to sit still.
"Sir, you must have realized something!"
It was the black dragon who first discovered the problem. The phantom of the phoenix grew and shrank, and its aura was constantly changing. It didn't look like it was unstable at all, but more like Ling Feng was actively changing.
"Everyone, focus!"
During this period of time, the failure rate of the refiners' engraving arrays also increased significantly. During this period, only some small arrays were successfully deployed, while larger ones failed without exception. Even the smelting of materials became very difficult. .
"Sir, how can such a flame be engraved on it!"
A refiner reported to Xiao Hua and Feng Shan that this kind of situation was not common to them before and they found it very difficult.
"What do you know!" Feng Shan stared, "If you want to go further on the road of refining, the ability to control flames is the primary factor. Being able to practice the top flame control ability in this way will improve your How big is it, do you know?"
Several people's expressions tightened and they all nodded.
In fact, for refiners, the living conditions are very harsh. The family has very high requirements for their refining success rate. Once there is a problem with the success rate, the materials provided by the family will be greatly reduced, which is very difficult for them. It's a very scary thing.
The absence of materials means fewer opportunities for refining, which will have a great impact on the research of new refining technologies or the improvement of the refining level itself. Therefore, it has become instinct for these refiners to pursue success rates. .
There is nothing to blame for a refiner's pursuit of success rate, but now that he is in Ling Feng's team, the material supply situation has changed. Ling Feng now needs them to improve their own level rather than the success rate. There is something wrong with holding such thoughts.
"Go back. There are not many opportunities like this. Once you find your way, I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to meet such a flame again."
The refining master's soul sensing ability was also extraordinary, and the two of them felt that Ling Feng was looking for his own way.
Several people hurried back to their positions. Naturally, they did not want to miss such an opportunity.
"Is this what a king looks like to you?"
Phoenix God's voice sounded in Ling Feng's ears.
Ling Feng shook his head. In fact, after repeatedly pondering the Phoenix God's true form in his mind, he had some understanding, but understanding is one thing, and it is not that easy to practice.
"You sometimes like to do everything too much!" Phoenix God reminded, "No matter what kind of monk you are, even if you reach the realm of a true god, you cannot do anything completely by yourself. Personal power is always It’s limited, you have to borrow external power.”
"With the help of outside power?"
Ling Feng lowered his head and thought.
Soon, he raised his head again, looking into the void as if he had some realization.
The spiritual power on his body changed again, and his true body became weaker. A vortex formed in his body, slowly extracting spiritual power from the void.
As soon as the spiritual power from the outside was added in, the flames condensed by the bloodline body suddenly exploded, and the quality of the flames instantly dropped a lot.
This is a natural thing. The Phoenix Essence Fire is a false god-level flame. How can ordinary spiritual power support it?
Several refiners shouted at the same time.
After being fully prepared, although the flames in the furnace had undergone great changes, not many of the smelting formations collapsed.
"It's not right to let go completely!"
Ling Feng shook his head. Just now, he controlled the spiritual power output of his body and mainly used external spiritual power to supplement the spiritual power needed to maintain the Phoenix Essence Fire. The result was obviously not ideal.
He began to increase his own spiritual power output while reducing the use of external spiritual power.
The flame quality slowly improved again, but it was very unstable.
Ling Feng thought silently in his heart.
He began to balance the relationship between the two.
"Not bad!"
Phoenix God nodded slightly. Although Ling Feng's attempt was still far from success, he had finally taken a step forward. This was much better than sticking to the wrong path.
As for when he can find the true way, or find his own way, it depends on Ling Feng himself.
"Sir, we must change something!"
The unstable range of the flame gradually narrowed, but it has entered a normal state. Whether it is to hone the control of the flame or not, the impact of this situation on the inscribed magic circle is indelible, and the failure rate of refining god-level spiritual treasures is very high. It is already high, but when pursuing progress, it cannot remain like this.
After all, there are still dangers outside, and time must be accelerated. After some discussion, Xiao Hua and Feng Shan finally made a decision again.
"Let the refining apprentices join in and let them perform one step of flame tempering!"
The two of them ordered Zhang Lan.
"I'm afraid the effect is limited!"
Zhang Lan nodded and put forward his opinion.
"This is the only way now, and it is also a kind of training for the apprentices!"
Xiao Hua also said helplessly.
Soon, hundreds of apprentices were summoned, gathered around, and began to use their minds to temper the fire that had just been produced on the furnace cauldron wall.
Some refining apprentices screamed in pain as soon as their thoughts came into contact with these essence fires.
It's not like they haven't come into contact with the Phoenix Essence Fire before, but it has been tempered, so they won't feel so uncomfortable.Of course, after paying the price, there is also a reward, that is, as long as they persist, their ideas will slowly improve.
After the initial restlessness,
The refining apprentices finally slowly found their own way and began to quietly temper the essence fire.
After their tempering, the essence fire in the cauldron became much more stable and pure. Although these people were not very capable, they could still be of great help since they were large in number.
Behind the nearly a hundred refiners, more than 20 of the newly promoted refiners flew out to further refine the essence fire. In this way, by the middle of the cauldron, the Phoenix essence fire was already stable, and the remaining refiners could only A small amount of energy is needed to maintain the flame, and most of the experience can be used to engrave the magic circle and smelt materials.
"It's finally stabilized. Let's speed up!"
Feeling the changes in the flames in the furnace, the two refining masters breathed a sigh of relief and began to speed up the work at hand.
"These spiritual powers are too messy, they should be removed!"
On the other side, Ling Feng maintained the essence fire while sensing the spiritual power coming from heaven and earth. These spiritual powers were not completely unusable. Although some spiritual energy was not of high quality, it seemed to have some kind of natural connection with the Phoenix essence fire. Being close and adding it to the cauldron can better maintain the phoenix essence fire without reducing the stability of the phoenix essence fire.
"If this part of the spiritual power is tempered, it seems to be good!"
Slowly, he discovered some wonderful uses of spiritual power. In his consciousness, the originally unified spiritual energy between heaven and earth seemed to be slowly changing. These spiritual energies seemed to be mixed together from different types of spiritual energy, although their properties were different. , yet blend harmoniously into one.
This place is just like the air that mortals breathe. They are originally different gases, but they are merged together and ordinary people cannot tell them apart.
He began to experiment with different qualities of reiki and think about how to use them effectively.
"The progress is good!"
Phoenix God looked at him happily and nodded slightly. He knew very well how difficult this step was, but if he could really take this step, the world in Ling Feng's eyes would be completely different.
"The war over there seems to be a little tense. I'm going to take a look. You guys are watching!"
Black Dragon approached Bing Xin and Tang Yan and said softly.
"Do not worry!"
Both of them nodded seriously. The situation here had stabilized, and they felt relieved.
After the black dragon finished speaking, he quickly rushed towards the city wall.
"Cum for me! Cum for me!"
The city wall was also caught in a chaotic battle. The Shura elves kept roaring loudly and shooting random arrows like raindrops.The warriors above the city wall naturally fought back with spiritual arrows.
With the city wall as cover, the soldiers still took advantage of it. Now that the distance between the two sides is so close, the warriors' spiritual arrows can already hit each other. With Zishan and the others, a large number of Shura elves have appeared in the battle formation below. casualties.
But after approaching the city, the Shura elves also dispersed, using their dexterity to avoid the warriors' spiritual arrows.
There were also screams on the city wall. After getting closer, the power of the Shura Elf arrows also increased a lot. Even though the warriors were now much stronger, many people were still injured and fell down. Some minor injuries could be treated immediately with elixirs. , but if the meridians are broken by the arrows, they can only be pulled down for healing.
"Be careful, I won't use your butt to block the arrow if you can't dodge it!"
Two soldiers in Feng Kun's team were seriously injured and went to the back for treatment. In desperation, he couldn't help but curse loudly.
"Boss, I'm glad you figured it out and weren't afraid of saying it!"
The soldier next to him stuck out his tongue and smiled.
"Laugh at the fart!"
Feng Kun cursed angrily.
This can't be entirely blamed on him. Even with the team's current elixir in Meridian's hands, it would take at least two or three days to heal. His team's combat effectiveness was greatly weakened, and the points would naturally be much less by then.
"Yunpeng Golden Claw!"
While the soldiers were shooting arrows at each other, where Tang Hong was, two young commanders in the early stages of the Fusion Realm had already rushed towards them. He turned his five fingers into claws and rushed towards them.

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