Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 295

"Early stage of Fusion Realm!"
Seeing Tang Xing and the five people standing at the top of the city to greet them, the eyes of the more than ten Shura elves in the early stage of Fusion Realm narrowed slightly, and the Zhu Yi behind them started to flash.
They actually used Zhu Yi's power directly without any hesitation, and their attitude was so resolute that it was terrifying.
"A bit self-aware of being famous!"
Tang Xing smiled faintly, and a large roc appeared behind him. The roc flashed with golden brilliance, and its aura suddenly spread.
"Is the true bloodline body?"
A dozen or so Shura elves trembled in shock, and a shadow of wings enveloped themselves.
Theirs is not a bloodline avatar, but a defensive skill. However, as an ancestral skill of the elves, it is highly compatible with them, and the defensive power is much better than ordinary skills.
The golden roc sweeps its wings!
This little bit of defense didn't matter to Tang Xing. He flew out from the top of the wall, gliding across the sky like a golden roc at an astonishing speed.
When they reach the level of Fusion Realm, monks can fly in the air, but their ability to fly in the air is not very strong. They usually need to fly with weapons, but neither Tang Xing nor these Shura elves have weapons. , this can also be regarded as a characteristic of racial bloodline.
Although the elves cannot fly, their bodies are light and agile, but Tang Xing and the others are the descendants of Luofeng Valley, the descendants of Qingluan Dapeng, and their flying ability is much stronger than that of other races.
"court death!"
Seeing Tang Xing charging straight towards him, a small leader of the Shura Elf sneered, and his spiritual power began to circulate rapidly.
"Poison Shadow Tangle!"
He used the moves that Po Ling and the others had used before, but the power was not the same.
A vine composed of his body's spiritual power wound directly towards Tang Xing. There were many thorns on the vine, and these strategies were filled with a dark green aura.
There is even a trace of poison on this rattan, which is quite surprising.
"Hmph, worm-carving trick!"
Regarding his opponent's attack, Tang Xing did not dodge at all and still rushed forward.
Swish swish!
As soon as the rattan reached Tang Xing's side, it was immediately divided into many strips and wrapped directly around his arms, thighs and waist. Soon, Tang Xing was tied up tightly like a rice dumpling.
"So easy!"
The little leader of the Shura elves opposite narrowed his eyes slightly, and he himself couldn't believe it.
But he soon felt relieved. He was now at the level of the middle stage of the Fusion Realm. The realm had steadily overwhelmed his opponent. The speed and power of his moves had been greatly improved. It was normal for him to be able to tie up his opponent so easily.
The little leader of the Shura Elf had a murderous intent in his eyes, and with a movement of his spiritual power, the vines binding Tang Xing immediately began to flow around his body.
The thorns on the rattan were scratching at Tang Xing's body, like small sharp knives, as if they were trying to cut open Tang Xing's flesh.
"Hmph, let me show you how powerful Shadow Matang is!"
A satisfied smile appeared on the face of the little leader of the Shura elves, waiting for the blood and flesh to be shed.
"Is it just this little tree vine?"
To his surprise, Tang Xing was fine at all. No matter how hard he tightened the cane, no matter how hard the thorns on it were scratched, Tang Xing's body was not injured at all.
"how is this possible!"
The little leader of the Shura elves almost shouted in shock.
But he was still in a good mood. He immediately waved his hands, and a green mist appeared behind him.
"Poison Shadow Arrow!"
Whoosh whoosh!
As he shouted, the green mist turned into spiritual arrows, shooting like stars.
"Is there any next step?"
Facing these spiritual arrows, Tang Xing did not raise his head any more. The golden roc behind him flashed, and a golden light appeared on his body. He suddenly seemed to have turned into a golden man.
As soon as he finished doing this, a green arrow shot over and hit his body.
Waves of golden halo spread out, hiding all the arrows. Some arrow branches passed through the golden light and hit Tang Xing's body, as if hitting metal, without any danger at all.
"How is that possible!" At this moment, a trace of fear appeared on the face of the little leader of the Shura Elf.
The wood cultivator is most afraid of the metallic cultivator. This situation makes him mistakenly think that Tang Xing is of metallic blood. If that is the case, it will be very difficult for him to deal with it.
"Is Qian Donkey exhausted?" Tang Xing smiled faintly, "The game is over!"
After speaking, he stretched out his hand, grabbed the rattan transformed by spiritual power, and shouted in a low voice, "Sure!"
With a crash, his spiritual power swept along the vines towards the little leader of the Shura elves.
"Disconnect me!"
Seeing this scene, the little leader of the Shura elves shouted in fright and wanted to immediately cut off the connection between Teng Zhi and him.
But an even more horrifying scene happened. These vines seemed to have taken root and were firmly embedded in his body, unable to break the connection at all.
"Come here for me!"
Tang Xing yanked hard and directly pulled the little leader of the Shura Elf over.
"Jinpeng shines with wings!"
He turned sideways, and what struck out was not the wings of the golden roc behind him. Instead, he flew up and kicked the chest of the little leader of the Shura Elf who was quickly pulled over.
But this was no ordinary leg. The spiritual energy on his feet was flowing crazily, and all the strength of his body was concentrated on this point.
The little leader of the Shura Elf was also startled. His hands were grabbing everywhere and his feet were kicking, but he couldn't get away at all.
Tang Xing's right foot went directly through his chest, killing him.
"What a strong body!"
Seeing this scene, even Tang Xing himself found it a little incredible. The five of them also participated in the training like the soldiers.
It has to be said that cultivation talent has a huge impact on cultivation.
As the elite disciples of Luofeng Canyon, their bloodline is much better than that of ordinary warriors. With the same level of training, their absorption of blood pills is obviously much better.
Of course, this is also closely related to the realm. They are already in the Fusion Realm, while the warriors are mainly in the Qiaoyuan realm, and the body's endurance is also different.
But no matter what you say, you can't negate the effectiveness of blood pills.
The entire battle process is very long to describe, but in fact the two sides only fought for two or three rounds. In the eyes of outsiders, it only lasted a moment.
Under the city wall, the Shura Elf Commander and several deputy commanders narrowed their eyes slightly. Although they were scolding their subordinates, their faces were full of disbelief.
"Those people are so strong!"
Although they are angry, they are not fools, and they still have objective evaluations in their hearts.
"You guys are so strong!"
Moments after Tang Xing killed the first opponent, several others also killed a small Shura elf leader in the early stage.
Unconsciously, they all looked at Tang Xing, with a hint of disappointment in their eyes after seeing the result.
They all came out of Luofeng Canyon at the same time. When they came out, Tang Xing was the strongest and the benchmark in their eyes. After chasing for so long, they all thought that Tang Xing's strength was almost the same. But now, looking at it, There are still some gaps.
"Who are these people!"
Seeing that the five companions were eliminated in an instant, the remaining eight or nine Shura Elf commanders had a hint of fear on their faces and wanted to retreat.
"Do you want to leave? It's too late!"
The five men wouldn't let them retreat, they just rushed out to chase them.
"Stop them!"
The leader of the Shura elves also realized that the situation was not good and gave orders to the remaining commanders in the middle stage of Fusion Realm.
"What a disgrace!"
There was a hint of reluctance on the faces of several Shura Elf commanders.
Although there is no one-on-one approach to a battle of this scale, it would be too degrading for them to deal with those who are lower than themselves and to fight in groups.
But an order is an order, and you must do it even if you are unwilling to do so.
"Look back!"
The speed of Shura elves in the middle stage is actually not improved by one or two points. This is still different from the speed that is forcibly improved by Zhu Yi.
Using Zhu Yi to forcibly improve the realm, although strength, speed and other things have reached the corresponding level, there is still a deviation in the understanding and control of power and speed. This deviation in consciousness cannot be solved immediately.
"Yunpeng Golden Claw!"
Tang Wei was chasing an opponent and grabbed the opponent's back by the waist.
The little commander of the Shura elves who was only focused on escaping shouted, he didn't dare to stop at all, he just ran away desperately.
Seeing that the five claws were about to catch the opponent, a tree vine jumped directly from the distance and tied it to Lai Wei's wrist.
This rattan was thicker than the previous two opponents, and it didn't have any stings on it, so it pulled his wrist away.
"Middle stage of Fusion Realm!"
Turning his head slightly, Tang Wei narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the new opponent joining the battle.
The arm suddenly exerted force, pulling on the tree vine, trying to pull the opponent over.
But this time the opponent was obviously different. Tang Wei did not pull the opponent away, but got into a stalemate with him.
"Pure physical power!" The leader of the Shura elves opposite took a deep breath, "Are these people all body refiners?"
Compared with Qi refining, the combat effectiveness of body refining monks is generally much stronger, of course compared with monks of the same realm.
Compared with Tang Xing who did not use his spiritual power, the spiritual power of the Shura Elf Commander was surging. He relied on the operation of his spiritual power to compete with Tang Xing.
This is not to say that the Shura Elf Commanders are inferior in terms of their spiritual power. As long as their power is equal, there is no distinction between superior and inferior. It just means that body-refining monks do not need spiritual power to maintain strength and defense. In this case, their spiritual power can Leave it for other purposes.
Swish swish!
"Death to me!"
The little leader of the Shura elves who had just tried his best to escape also turned around and launched the shadow-twisting arrow towards Tang Wei.
"Hmph, trash!"
Tang Wei raised his body and easily avoided the shadow-wrapped arrow.
However, with the opponent's support, it would not be so easy for him to win over the opponent.
Soon, the five Tang Xing people fought with more than a dozen Shura elves, and it was difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

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