A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself.

Chapter 314 Are you teaching me how to do something?

"I do not know."

Lin Yang thought about it and shook his head slightly.

He really didn't know how to get the silver-haired woman to prove it.

Feng gave him too little information.

"You don't know? Then you want me to prove it?" The silver-haired woman showed a bit of surprise.

Lin Yang sighed.

This is the downside of not having enough information.

If Feng had said a few more words that day, he wouldn't have to be so conflicted now.



On the one hand, he felt that the silver-haired woman was not lying and could be trusted.

But on the other hand, he felt that it was a bit hasty to completely trust the silver-haired woman's words alone.

After a pause, Lin Yang suddenly said, "You just said that when you met again, a hundred years had passed, and then you said that you lost the sense of the red bean bracelet for more than two hundred years. Doesn't this mean that you are at least three hundred years old now?"

He now had no way of confirming whether what the silver-haired woman said was true, and the situation was temporarily at a stalemate.

The best way to break the deadlock is usually to have a third party enter the game.

There is no third party now, so Lin Yang plans to ask something else. Maybe more information can be obtained through communication on other topics.

And he was really curious and shocked.

Can a person live that long?

The silver-haired woman's eyes flickered slightly, as if she saw what Lin Yang was thinking, and nodded with a smile: "Yes, are you curious about why I can live so long?"

"Uh... yes." Lin Yang nodded directly.

"Haha, you are so shocked at just a few hundred years old. It seems that the civilization you belong to is also an ordinary low-level civilization."

The silver-haired woman smiled gently and explained to Lin Yang's stunned look:

"It's very simple. The more powerful the technological civilization, the longer the human lifespan. The more advanced the technology, the longer the human lifespan. The average lifespan of people in low-level civilizations usually does not exceed 100 years. Living over 100 years old is rare."

"But in advanced technological civilizations, the average lifespan of people can reach around 150 years. Unlike in lower civilizations, people do not become frail and old when they are 70 or 80 years old, and suffer from various diseases. Instead, they can live to the end of their lives as healthy as middle-aged people."

"So powerful?" Lin Yang couldn't help but exclaim.

"That's just average," the silver-haired woman said calmly, "In a top technological civilization, the average person can live to around 250 years old, and a few can live to 280 years old."

“…Can live to 280 years old?” Lin Yang was amazed.

This is really an exaggeration.

The silver-haired woman emphasized, "Only a few ordinary people can live to 280 years old. Normally, the life span of ordinary people is around 250 years old."

"That's incredible too." Lin Yang was still shocked.

"Isn't this incredible?" The silver-haired woman smiled faintly, "This is just the upper limit for ordinary people. The lifespan of high-level gene warriors can be much longer than this!"

"How old can a genetic warrior live at most?" Lin Yang blinked.

"Ordinary gene warriors are not much stronger than ordinary people, and they even live shorter than ordinary people. This is because ordinary gene medicines are used to overdraw a person's physical potential in exchange for a power increase. Only those special high-level gene warriors can live a little longer. The average lifespan of a high-level gene warrior is over 300 years."

The silver-haired woman explained again.

"So in some powerful civilizations, some powerful people will try to make themselves become advanced genetic warriors so that they can live a few decades longer."

"Oh..." Lin Yang blinked and asked, "Where is the extraordinary warrior?"

"Extraordinary warriors?" The silver-haired woman smiled slightly. "The lifespans of extraordinary warriors vary greatly. I can only tell you that even the most ordinary extraordinary warriors can live for at least 500 years!"

"Five, five hundred years?" Lin Yang was stunned.

"Yes, of course, that's assuming nothing unexpected happens." The silver-haired woman nodded.

"This..." Lin Yang didn't know what to say.

This sounds really perverted.

After a moment of silence, Lin Yang asked, "Is it difficult to become an extraordinary warrior?"

Not to mention that he has already reached a cooperation with Feng, he wants to become an extraordinary warrior and avenge him in the future.

Just for the sake of the 500-year lifespan, he has to find a way to become an extraordinary warrior!
"It's difficult, but it's not difficult either."

The silver-haired woman pointed at Lin Yang with a smile and said leisurely:

"It shouldn't be difficult for you. Brother Feng has given you a bloodline protection and inherited a portion of your extraordinary power. If nothing goes wrong, as long as you get some suitable extraordinary substances, you can become an extraordinary warrior."


Hearing this, Lin Yang's expression changed instantly.

The silver-haired woman actually sensed the existence of some of the extraordinary powers that Feng inherited! ?

"Don't be afraid. I said, you are someone Brother Feng trusts. I won't do anything to you. I am not an enemy." The silver-haired woman emphasized again.

"..." Lin Yang's mouth twitched slightly.

This Feng is really unreliable.

He said that he could conceal his aura, but now he was seen through by others.

"Don't worry. Under normal circumstances, other people can't track the red bean bracelet, nor can they detect the extraordinary aura on you."

The silver-haired woman's gaze seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts. She looked at Lin Yang and spoke again.

Lin Yang frowned.

He was about to ask the silver-haired woman how she noticed it, but before he could ask, the silver-haired woman took the initiative again:
"The reason why I can track the red bean bracelet is because this bracelet originally belongs to me. I left my aura in it. That's why the red bean bracelet does not reject my power detection, so it naturally senses the power of part of the extraordinary aura that you inherited."

"But no one else can do this except me. The bracelet contains some protective measures left by Brother Feng. Unless someone is much stronger than him, no one else's power can penetrate the protection of the Red Bean Bracelet and detect any situation with you."

The silver-haired woman gave a detailed explanation to put Lin Yang at ease.

"So that's how it is." Lin Yang whispered.

Although these were just the words of the silver-haired woman, he believed that they were 80% credible.

After all, Feng had said before that if the people from Chu Country noticed that they had had contact, they would definitely interrogate them directly and would not be so patient to tell him so much.

Especially, make up a story.

Of course, it is not ruled out that this was a gentle means to deliberately gain his trust.

But his intuition told him that the possibility was extremely low.

Because, when the silver-haired woman mentioned Feng, the tenderness in her eyes was difficult to disguise.

Another point is that she never mentioned "realm".

It seems that she doesn't seem to know that Feng knows about the "world".

"Do you have any questions or doubts?" The silver-haired woman asked when she saw Lin Yang remained silent.

Lin Yang hesitated for a moment, stared at the silver-haired woman, and said word by word: "Do you know an extraordinary universe country called Chu?"

"Chu?" The silver-haired woman nodded. "Of course I know. It is a very powerful extraordinary universe country."

"Are they as strong as you? In other words, can you deal with their entire universe country by yourself?" Lin Yang asked again.

"Haha, boy, you are really ignorant and fearless. Chu Country is one of the strongest extraordinary universe countries. Although I am not weak, I can't destroy Chu Country alone." The silver-haired woman was amused by Lin Yang's words.

Lin Yang didn't laugh. He was always observing the reaction of the silver-haired woman.

The reason why he took the initiative to ask this was to observe whether she was sent by Chu Country. If so, then she would definitely have some subconscious reactions when hearing these questions.

But the silver-haired woman didn't.

This made Lin Yang trust her even more.

The silver-haired woman looked at him in surprise after she finished laughing: "How do you know about Chu Country? Did Brother Feng tell you?"

"Uh..." Lin Yang was stunned for a moment and realized that his question seemed to reveal that he had indeed met Feng.

He stopped talking and just looked at the silver-haired woman quietly.

This is tantamount to acknowledging this.

Next, let’s see how the silver-haired woman will react.

He had indirectly admitted that he had met Feng. If she was really an enemy of Chu Country, then now that his goal had been achieved, the next step was to remove his disguise, reveal his true identity, and interrogate her.

If she remains the same as always, then the probability that she is trustworthy will be greater.

Seeing this, the silver-haired woman let out a long sigh, looked at Lin Yang and said with a smile: "You finally admitted that you met Brother Feng. Now can you tell me where you met Brother Feng?"

There was a hint of surprise in her words.

This made Lin Yang silent for a moment.

Whether from her words or her facial expressions, he could not find any flaws in the silver-haired woman.

That kind of joy came completely from the heart.

“Alas.” Lin Yang sighed in his heart and stopped probing. He said slowly, “We did meet by chance. I did not lie to you about this. The place where we met was in a star field of the Yunlu civilization.”

"Is it really a chance encounter?" The silver-haired woman was greatly surprised, and then said in disbelief: "Just a chance encounter? You are not Brother Feng's disciple or a relative?"

"No." Lin Yang shook his head.

"Then how could he give you the red bean bracelet?" The silver-haired woman found it hard to understand, but the next moment, she said in a trembling voice: "Could it be that Brother Feng really had an accident?"

The red bean bracelet has extremely important meaning to them.

She also believed that Feng would never give the red bean bracelet to anyone else unless an irreversible accident occurred.

So the moment she saw the red bean bracelet, she guessed that Feng was probably in trouble.

But before she got the real answer, she still held on to a glimmer of hope.

But this hope is now shattered.

"You guessed it right, because he was going to die, and I was the only person he met before he died, so he gave the bracelet to me."

Lin Yang opened his mouth slowly, briefly describing the situation at the time, and then said:

"Otherwise, why would he give something so important to a stranger like me?"

A terrifying wave of power emanated from the silver-haired woman, and her body trembled: "Did Brother Feng really say that?"

"Yes." Lin Yang nodded again.

“Brother Feng…Brother Feng…”

The silver-haired woman suddenly became extremely painful.

Waves of violent aura continued to emanate from her body.

Lin Yang watched quietly.

He could understand the silver-haired woman's feelings at the moment.

After not seeing each other for hundreds of years, they are finally separated forever.

This would be hard for anyone to accept.

After half an hour, the silver-haired woman calmed down a little, stared at Lin Yang and asked: "Was it someone from Chu Country who did it?"

"...I..." Lin Yang wanted to deny it.

After all, the silver-haired woman just said that she was no match for Chu Guo.

Lin Yang was afraid that she would act impulsively after knowing the truth.

However, the silver-haired woman snorted coldly, stared at him, and said faintly: "You don't have to think about lying to me. You just asked me if I could destroy the Chu Kingdom, which proves that Brother Feng is at least not from the Chu Kingdom, otherwise you wouldn't ask this!"

“…” Lin Yang sighed in his heart. The silver-haired woman was too smart.

Immediately, facing the silver-haired woman's pressing gaze, Lin Yang had no choice but to nod slowly.

The aura of the silver-haired woman instantly became more violent, and silver light appeared in her eyes. She said with murderous intent: "Chuguo! What a Chuguo!"

Seeing this, Lin Yang quickly said: "You just said that you are no match for Chuguo. I think you'd better calm down and don't think about revenge now. I think Feng must want you to live well."

"Hmph, are you teaching me how to do things?" the silver-haired woman snorted.

"...I dare not! I just think that as long as there is green mountain, there is no need to worry about running out of firewood."

Lin Yang immediately shook his head and advised:

"If you go there impulsively now, not only will you not be able to get revenge, but you might also get yourself killed there. This is not worth it. It's better to plan slowly and wait for the right opportunity."

The silver-haired woman's violent aura still remained.

Seeing this, Lin Yang sighed again and said again: "Another thing, if you die now, won't there be no one to avenge him in the future?"


The silver-haired woman was visibly stunned when she heard this.

Then the violent aura around him began to gradually dissipate.

After the silver light in her eyes dissipated and she regained her clarity, the silver-haired woman looked at Lin Yang:

"You have inherited some of Brother Feng's power. Brother Feng treated you like this to pave the way for you to become an extraordinary warrior. You will also avenge him in the future."

"That's right, but I'm only a little bit better than ordinary people now. Do you expect me to be realistic?" Lin Yang's eyes flashed, "So, you can't be impulsive. I'll have to count on you for revenge in the future."

The silver-haired woman looked at him deeply and closed her eyes slightly.

When she opened her eyes again, the silver-haired woman had become extremely calm:
"What you said makes a little sense. I need to make some plans. Tell me, why is Brother Feng being hunted by the Chu Kingdom?"

"This... I don't know, he didn't say." Lin Yang's heart skipped a beat, then he said calmly.

Although the silver-haired woman can be basically trusted, the existence of "the world" is of great importance.

He still has to be reserved.

The silver-haired woman glanced at him with a sharp gaze and snorted, "You may not be telling the truth completely."

Lin Yang's heart suddenly trembled.

Can this be seen?
But before he could think about it, he heard the silver-haired woman say again: "But it doesn't matter. I just need to know who the enemy is."

Lin Yang immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, thank you for telling me about Brother Feng's situation. I have to take back the red bean bracelet."

The silver-haired woman suddenly spoke.

This made Lin Yang stunned: "This bracelet not only protects me, but also has the function of concealing my aura. If you take it back, then..."

Before he could say anything, the silver-haired woman waved her hand and interrupted him: "Don't worry, I will naturally give you something else to cover up your aura."

"...can it be more powerful than this bracelet?" Lin Yang muttered.

"What? You don't believe in my strength?" The silver-haired woman glared.

(End of this chapter)

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