"Don't dare, don't dare!"

"Please help yourself!"

Lin Yang shook his head repeatedly.

It is understandable that the silver-haired woman wants to take back the red bean bracelet.

However, the silver-haired woman did not take back the red bean bracelet immediately. Instead, she said, "I need some time to transfer the blood protection in the bracelet. Do you have any other items that can serve as a carrier?"

"No more." Lin Yang shook his head.

He now has nothing on him except the clothes.


The silver-haired woman hesitated for a moment, then waved her wrist, and a silver-gray pendant appeared in her palm. She said to Lin Yang:
"Forget it, it's a bargain for you."

Lin Yang was stunned and didn't understand what this meant.

But the silver-haired woman didn't say much, so he didn't ask more.

"I'm going to start transferring the power in the bracelet. It might hurt a little, just bear with it."

The next moment, the silver-haired woman spoke.

"Hurt?" Lin Yang didn't understand what he meant.

But soon, he understood what this meant.

Not long after the silver-haired woman gave the reminder, a piercing pain suddenly rose from his limbs and then spread throughout his body.

The pain made Lin Yang break out in cold sweat and his body trembled continuously.

Although it was much better than the last time Feng attacked him, it still hurt so much that Lin Yang grimaced.

"If you can't help it, just scream out if you want to. It will feel better if you scream out." The silver-haired woman said slowly.

"..." Lin Yang's face was strange, he gritted his teeth and asked, "How long will it take?"

"It will take a while, what's wrong?"

The silver-haired woman answered, but did not give a specific time.

"Then can I ask a question?" Lin Yang spoke while enduring the pain.

He wanted to distract himself by talking.

"what is the problem?"

"Have you ever been to Blue Star?" Lin Yang asked.

"Blue Star?" The silver-haired woman thought about it carefully, then shook her head: "No."

"Never been to Blue Star?"

Lin Yang was stunned for a moment, and then asked a question that puzzled him:

"This red bean bracelet was given to Feng by you, but Feng said he had never seen red beans anywhere else, and there are no red beans in your hometown. So where did you get these red beans and the poem about red beans?"

Since the silver-haired woman had never been to Blue Star, how did she know about Red Bean, especially Prime Minister Acacia?
Although he has now found his way back to the Milky Way, he is still curious about this.

Could it be that someone from Blue Planet has entered the universe before?
"I got this red bean and poem from a special place. When I saw the poem, I thought it was very romantic, so I took the red bean and made a bracelet." The silver-haired woman did not hide it.


Hearing this, Lin Yang was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Excuse me, sir, is that special place in the universe?"

"Yes and no." The silver-haired woman glanced at him and said, "Forget it. To put it in a way that you can understand, that place is deep in the universe, very, very deep!"


Lin Yang was shocked again.

The silver-haired woman's answer was beyond his expectations.

It really was obtained from the universe!

Doesn't that mean that someone from Blue Planet has really entered the universe? ?
And it’s deep in the universe!

This can be said to be explosive news.

The silver-haired woman looked at Lin Yang's shocked expression and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"No, no."

Lin Yang took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and said slowly:

"The red beans and the poem are from my hometown. My hometown was very remote and backward before this. It has only entered modern civilization for a few hundred years. It is still only at the first-level civilization stage and does not even have the ability to explore the surrounding planets. I never thought that my ancestors had already entered the universe."

"Oh..." The silver-haired woman's eyes flashed, "Interesting, where is your hometown? Is it far from here?"

"Uh... I don't know where this place is, but the place before the jump just now is about two or three months away from my hometown by spaceship." Lin Yang said.

Hearing this, the silver-haired woman said with a smile: "Just now on that spaceship, you seemed to be in a bad situation." "Hehe, I'm sorry to have embarrassed you." Lin Yang's old face turned red.

"Tell me, what happened? If it weren't for me, you would have been killed by that genetic warrior." said the silver-haired woman.

After he finished speaking, he paused for a moment and added, "Of course, I shouldn't be able to kill you. The blood protection left by Brother Feng will be triggered in time, just like what happened just now. Then you will jump here."

Lin Yang coughed lightly and quickly explained the whole story.

"Oh... after all, it was a member of the Wu Cang tribe who caused it." The woman said in a flat tone.

"You can say that." Lin Yang sighed.

"Haha, a member of the Wu Cang tribe is indeed very attractive. It's not excessive for them to go to such great lengths." The silver-haired woman smiled faintly.

Lin Yang paused and asked tentatively: "Then, after you transfer the power of the bracelet, can you send me back?"

"Go back?" The silver-haired woman raised her eyebrows. "Do you mean the place just now, or your hometown?"

"The place just now." Lin Yang replied.

"Do you want me to help you save someone?" The silver-haired woman saw through what Lin Yang was thinking.

"Uh...if it's convenient for you." Lin Yang smiled awkwardly.

That's exactly what he thought.

The silver-haired woman glanced at Lin Yang and said nothing.

Seeing this, Lin Yang didn't dare to ask any more questions.

A few minutes later, the silver-haired woman suddenly said, "Okay, let's go."

Before Lin Yang could react, the silver-haired woman suddenly stepped forward and grabbed his shoulders, and then he felt dizzy.

When everything returned to normal, we were back on the same spaceship.

Inside the spaceship, everyone was still in a frozen state.

The difference is that there are more people doing the inspection.

There is no doubt that this person was sent by that big shot.

When they saw Lin Yang and the silver-haired woman suddenly appear, everyone was shocked.

The inspectors immediately pointed their weapons at the two of them.

Especially, aimed at the silver-haired woman.

The silver-haired woman simply ignored the weapons that were locked onto her, pointed at Cang Miao and Lin Mu, and said to Lin Yang calmly: "Except for these two, the rest are enemies?"

"Yes." Lin Yang nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, the silver-haired woman waved her hand gently, and everyone in the cabin, including the genetic warrior, except him, Cang Miao and Lin Mu, instantly collapsed to the ground and died!

Lin Yang was shocked when he saw this.

This power is too strong!
"Okay." The silver-haired woman said lightly.

"Thank you, sir!" Lin Yang suppressed his shock and thanked him repeatedly.

Cang Miao and Lin Mu were in a daze the whole time, and they still haven't reacted to what was happening.

Lin Yang did not explain to them immediately, but just led them out of the warship and prepared to return to the Apocalypse.

Now that the silver-haired woman is here, he doesn't care at all about the fleet of the level five civilization guy outside.

As soon as I stepped out of the battleship, I saw the spaceship fleet of the big man from the fifth-level civilization taking off into the air.

Obviously, the silver-haired woman was too strong. This guy knew he was no match for her and just planned to run away.

Lin Yang looked at the silver-haired woman.

He hoped that the silver-haired woman could help him hunt down this guy. If he let him escape, there would be endless trouble.

The silver-haired woman did not take any action, but just snapped her fingers.

Bang bang bang!
The next moment, the fleet's warships that had just flown into the air exploded one by one on the spot, and the wreckage flew everywhere.


Lin Yang was simply stunned!


I’m not feeling well again today, so I’ll update normally first. My apologies. I’ll go to the hospital for a checkup on Wednesday. If everything is ok, I’ll write more. Please forgive me!

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(End of this chapter)

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