Chapter 112 Master Hu is famous

Chapter 112 Mr. Hu is famous

For Hu Weiyong, this night at Rushi was a night of relaxation and enjoyment.

For him, this foreign residence purchased anonymously is like a charging station.

Whenever he is "out of power", he can always feel refreshed and return to normal as long as he goes here for a walk or spends a night.

No, early in the morning, Hu Weiyong felt a lot more enlightened. After breakfast, Shi Shiran strolled back to Hu Mansion with his hands behind his back.

Hu Xinyue and Hu Renbin, who were sitting in the main hall having breakfast at this time, immediately stood up and said hello when they saw Hu Weiyong.

Hu Weiyong didn't embarrass them. Taking advantage of his good mood, even Hu Renbin, a traitor, liked him a lot.

After smiling at the two of them and waving his hands, Hu Weiyong went to the backyard with a smile on his face.

The brother and sister were left looking at each other.

"My dad actually smiled at me?"

"Uh, cousin, is it possible that you want to be beaten early in the morning?"

Upon hearing what his cousin Hu Xinyue said, Hu Renbin, who had been a little heady just now, suddenly shook his head like a rattle.

Forget it, just think that his father has lost his temper and gone crazy.

Have a meal!

Eat honestly and read a book after eating!

After strolling to the main room in the backyard, Hu Weiyong washed up and put on his clothes again, then strolled to the front yard again.

He ordered Hu Yi to arrange a carriage to send him on his way.

Hu Weiyong slowly thought about what Zhu Yuanzhang said yesterday about wanting his little niece to become the crown princess.

Since this matter was declined in front of Zhu Yuanzhang yesterday, naturally there will be no follow-up for the time being.

But what Hu Weiyong was thinking about was whether he should tell Hu Xinyue!

After all, the other party is also a party, right?

But after much deliberation, Hu Weiyong gave up this plan.

After all, there are many reasons in this matter that cannot be said out loud at all.

Could it be that Hu Weiyong had to talk to Hu Xinyue and tell him that Zhu Biao's position as crown prince was actually very stable.

That kid's health is not in good shape, so he might die young?

Let’s not talk about whether this sounds good or not.

He couldn't explain the reason behind these words alone.

It can't be said that when he doesn't know anything about medical skills, he suddenly becomes better than the imperial doctors at Gongli Tai Hospital?

This makes no sense at all!

So, after much deliberation, I still couldn't tell Hu Xinyue about this matter.

After thinking about the future, Hu Weiyong stepped into the door of the Ministry of Rites in high spirits.

With the arrival of Hu Weiyong today, all the officials from the Ministry of Rites hurriedly raised their hands and saluted.

"I've seen Mr. Hu!"

"Mr. Hu, morning!"

"Hu Xiang, you are doing well these days!"


Seeing everyone's eager and respectful expressions, Hu Weiyong smiled and responded as calmly as usual.

He knew that this was actually the result of the rumors circulating outside.

In fact, after Hu Weiyong passed by, a group of officials from the Ministry of Rites and subordinate staff were talking about this matter.

"My dear, you are worthy of being a close minister of His Majesty who once served as Prime Minister. Why didn't you notice it before?"

"Haha, it's strange that you can see that! Such big shots talk and laugh freely and remain motionless."

"That's right! I sat all the way to the position of prime minister, and I have seen too many winds, frosts, snows and rains. How can I care about little grasshoppers like us." You can't reach him! Otherwise, look at that Prime Minister Li, haha!"

It has to be said that the new version of the rumor about breaking off the engagement is a heavy blow to Li Shanchang's reputation.

Everyone really couldn't imagine why the prime minister, who was inferior to one person but superior to ten thousand people, was bullied to such an extent.

Logically speaking, as a prime minister, who else can make you stay away from me besides my superior?

Why did he remain silent even after being slapped in the face by a former prime minister?

The more Li Shanchang refused to refute or speak, the more he encouraged the spread of rumors.

Most people don't have the guts to ridicule Li Shanchang to his face, but this does not prevent them from complimenting and admiring Hu Weiyong.

In the eyes of everyone, this is the first-class boss.

He has obviously stepped down from the position of prime minister, but when facing the current prime minister, he slaps him in the face without any courtesy and tramples on his face.

The key is that the other party doesn't dare to say anything yet.

This shouldn't make a group of officials who don't know the details shout "Bullshit"?

The key is that even Hu Weiyong would not be able to stand up and explain.

After all, the one who really controls this public opinion war is actually Zhu Yuanzhang standing behind him.

Lao Zhu is not very ambitious.

Yesterday, he was a little unhappy because he refused the marriage between his little niece and his fat son.

If the truth of the matter is exposed at this time, causing Lao Zhu's reputation to be damaged, God knows what this petty person will do to himself.

Simply, Hu Weiyong allowed others to make insinuations and inquisitions, and the main thing was to keep silent.

What you say is your business. Anyway, I won’t admit it, deny it, or know it.

As a result, the more he behaved like this, the more people felt that the truth of the matter was what was spread outside.

On the contrary, the previous "version" seemed a little wrong.

After all, according to the logic of the officials, if Li Shanchang really took people to the Hu Mansion to cancel their engagement, then why was Hu Weiyong so calm?

What's more, marriage in this era is actually more about being a good match.

As long as the woman is inseparable, for the sake of her family background, she will marry her back even if it is not a good match.

Anyway, as long as I can have children.

If you are really short of beauties, just marry a few more.

Therefore, it is rare to hear of a man going to the woman's home to break off the engagement. On the contrary, it is occasionally heard that the woman is too strong to look down on the man.

After Hu Weiyong sent away a group of officials who wanted to hear gossip, he finally started to get busy after a long absence.

It's not about anything else, it's mainly because the college exam is finally coming.

You know, this is the last hurdle for a scholar.

As the examiner, if Hu Weiyong wants to complete this errand safely, he needs more than just asking questions.

Although there are dedicated personnel responsible for all matters related to the college examination, big and small, he is the one who makes the final decision and takes responsibility.

Therefore, as a stream of officials came in with documents and books, Hu Weiyong rarely became busy in the Ministry of Rites.

Hu Weiyong was so busy that he didn't even have a lunch break at noon.

This made Hu Weiyong, who hadn't been so fussy for a long time, really uncomfortable for a while.

He always felt like a donkey working hard, spinning in circles.

And it is precisely because of the busy work of Hu Weiyong and many officials that the day of the college examination is getting closer and closer.

(End of this chapter)

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