Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 113 The last madness before the college exam

Chapter 113 The last madness before the college exam

Chapter 113 The last madness before the college exam

Compared with the busy Hu Weiyong and Yiying officials, the students who participated in the Jinke imperial examination did not have so much thought.

After all, as the college examination day gets closer, they actually have only one idea in mind.

That is, review seriously and down-to-earth, and strive to pass the college examination.

You know, the academy examination is the last step for a scholar to gain fame.

Damn it, I’ve passed both the provincial examination and the government examination, and this is the last one left.

If any student really fell here, he would probably vomit blood.

Because once something goes wrong here, it means that the previous two levels have been in vain.

You will still have to retake the exam then.

Therefore, everyone had to grit their teeth and make the final sprint with their heads hanging on the beam and their butts stabbed.

No wonder the students work so hard.

In fact, whenever they want to relax for a moment, the painful memories of the previous county and government examinations will pop up to remind them.

‘Don’t worry, there might be something wrong this time! ’

‘You think you’re good? Actually you are not good at it! ’

‘You’re actually not that powerful, it’s just that a blind cat happened to meet a dead mouse! ’

‘How do you get the guts to relax when you’re like this? ’


Every sentence of introspection, like a bell, resounded in the hearts of the students.

Under such circumstances, the students immediately gritted their teeth, stayed at home, and burned the midnight oil to fight.

These days are naturally difficult.

After all, the most difficult thing about reading at this time is not rote memorization.

Instead, find an error-free version from various books.

To put it bluntly, you have to find an annotated version compiled and revised by a big shot.

Only by finding the right version can you ensure that what you learn is correct.

Otherwise, it is very likely that you have spent a lot of time and energy, and what you finally learned will be seen in the examination room.

Oops, the introduction thing is so wrong, it’s the kind of thing you can’t pass just by writing it down.

At that time, there was no place to cry.

But for partial students, this kind of book determines their lower limit in this exam.

Without these classics, they might not even be able to write basic answers to questions about classics and meanings.

The trouble is, not only are there few such books, but also they are tightly hidden after they come out.

After all, all fools know that if you take it out, there will be a few more opponents competing with you.

Then why take it out?

After being hit on the back by the classics, no matter whether he kowtows to become a disciple or pays a lot of money to buy something, he gets it anyway.

Just keep reading.

As long as you pass the test in the academy, you will have the reputation of being a scholar.

At least it can be said that he has achieved fame.

But when they thought about the two test questions in between that made everyone shiver, everyone felt a little unsafe.

Countless students held their heads and howled.

This is a boy's test.

Each and every one of them was confident enough to even pass the examinations and palace examinations.

But now a boy trying it made them nervous.

What's going on?

However, there are also smart people among students.

They slowly figured it out.

Hu Weiyong and Mr. Hu are not messing around when they do something.

According to the problem-solving ideas expressed by Mr. Hu himself later, it is obvious that Mr. Hu does not want to kill a group of students.

It can be said that Mr. Hu went out of his way to make things difficult for the students. Judging from the scope of the question, it cannot be considered out of bounds.

But if you look at the results, if you don't have a good brain, you will definitely fall into trouble.

No matter it was the strange circle during the first county test, the specific purpose of which has not yet been clarified.

It was the "two" question in the second level test that is still praised by many people but criticized by many others.

It can be said that Mr. Hu’s topic is really not something that ordinary people can figure out.

However, there is a problem here.

That is, after the "two" question in the government examination came out, many literary and scholarly figures came out to support Hu Weiyong unequivocally.

Because in their opinion, this is a very serious question.

Anyone who is familiar with the meaning of the scriptures and uses their brains a little will know that there is only one way to solve this problem.

So, you don’t even understand the meaning of the scriptures, so you come to take the test?

Who can be blamed for failing the exam?

Therefore, from this point of view, Mr. Hu is not only right, but also a model that needs to be continued.

Good guy, when this kind of remarks appeared, Hu Weiyong himself was shocked.

Because he always felt that these people were talking sarcastically.

But later, after communicating with people face to face several times, he realized that people really thought this way.

Think about it slowly.

Oh, got it.

This group of people is actually like tutors in a tutoring class, and by the way, they are also the compilers of teaching aid materials.

Of course they must support this kind of difficult and strange questions that do not deviate from the original content.

Because it is precisely when such difficult and strange problems arise that their role can be reflected.

To put it bluntly, if you don’t go to their academy or buy their teaching materials, how do you know how to solve this kind of problem?

Although it is just a layer of window paper, it will break if you poke it.

But if you don’t spend money or kowtow to become a disciple, if you don’t have the opportunity, who will expose you?

A true word is passed on, and a thousand volumes of books are falsely passed on.

These guys who run tutoring classes and tutoring materials really like Hu Weiyong's tricky ideas.

Not only did they support it, but they also kept encouraging him to be bolder and do it deeper and harder.

After all the senior students heard the news, they could only tremble and gnaw at the book, while constantly cursing in their hearts.

They didn't believe it. Even after memorizing all the symbols and every word in the book, they still couldn't answer Mr. Hu's questions.

However, as the saying goes, when a butterfly flaps its wings, a hurricane rises.

Students studying hard behind closed doors affects not only themselves.

No, the Madam of Zui Feng Tower looked at the sparse guests, and her whole body was filled with excitement.

Grandma's legs are so bad that it's impossible to live this life.

Let’s not talk about the oiran Ru Shi being abducted. Anyway, she was more or less prepared for this at that time.

As long as Zui Feng Tower's business can continue, it can continue to make money.

As long as you can continue to make money, that's fine.

She is just an oiran. Since she can cultivate one Rushi, she can naturally cultivate the second and third ones.

She's just an oiran. To put it bluntly, she was raised slowly.

Which of those methods was not something she had slowly pondered and practiced on her own back then?

Humph, isn't Ru Shi just learned?

But not right now.

One by one, these students have stopped coming to Zuifeng Tower recently for some unknown reason.

Grandma is a bit of a jerk. If she hadn't seen those students behaving wildly, she would have thought they were all gentlemen.

Why don't you come?

If you don't come, whose money will I earn?

(End of this chapter)

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