Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 157 First meeting at the East Palace Banquet

Chapter 157 First meeting at the East Palace Banquet

Chapter 157: First meeting at the East Palace Banquet

Ming Dynasty Forbidden Palace, East Palace

The main hall, which used to be solemn and solemn in the past, was now filled with laughter and laughter.

One by one, the palace maids moved lightly and briskly through the crowd like butterflies, delivering dishes and drinks to everyone's tables.

As the concubine of the Crown Prince of the East Palace, Mrs. Lu was dressed up today and as the hostess, she was standing there to greet the guests.

The people who came this time were actually the same people who came at the last palace banquet.

Most of them are the younger generation of nobles, senior officials, and relatives of the emperor and the country.

Only people like them can have access to this high-level banquet.

Ordinary people would never dare to think about this kind of banquet. Only in dreams can they guess what kind of banquet it will be like.

For them, it is just a piece of cake.

Of course, relatively speaking, they are more willing to come to the banquet in the East Palace.

After all, at the banquet in the East Palace, there is no need to face the Queen or worry about His Majesty suddenly appearing.

As for Lu, she is not only everyone's peer, but also just a concubine in terms of status.

This undoubtedly made everyone feel more relaxed.

So much so that the atmosphere at the banquet at this moment was at least five times more relaxed than the previous banquet hosted by the Queen!

No, as time went by, everyone actually started playing the game spontaneously.

You know, this group of people right now are all people who have had enough food and clothing since they were born.

In fact, a large part of the various educations they received since childhood was to teach them how to play.

Of course, in the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of "playing" would probably become an extremely elegant and elegant skill.

No, as time goes by, some people unconsciously start to make friends with poems.

Don't think that just because they come from a wealthy family, they are really uneducated.

It is an exaggeration to say that all of them, regardless of gender, are all highly educated and rich.

But in fact, it is absolutely fine for these people to at least basically write poems and lyrics.

Many people even enjoy it.

Although it is not as good as those great talents with outstanding literary talents, it can definitely be said to have neat dialogue and clever thinking.

For a time, this small circle was filled with laughter and joy.

On the other side, some young people who don't want to write poems or want to play different tricks are gathering together to play pot throwing.

The game of hut has a long history.

In fact, at the beginning, it was not pot throwing, but archery.

At the banquet, everyone used special soft bows to test their archery skills, and then the losers drank.

But gradually, archery became somewhat unpopular.

After all, on the one hand, this kind of gameplay has requirements for the venue. If there is no place for horse racing at home, it is really not suitable for this game.

On the other hand, archery, no matter how entertaining it is, requires regular practice to master.

And how could many delicate and frail scholars be able to withstand such beatings?

So, I don’t know who is smart, so I just changed the archery game.

If you can't draw the bow, you can't throw the arrow?

If you can't hit the target, then I can throw it into a wine bottle, right?

So, due to various coincidences and make-shifts, the game of Tou Hu appeared.

I have to say that this kind of game is fun, not picky, can be played by men, women, old and young, and has a certain competitive nature. It is really suitable for playing at banquets!

Of course, for ordinary people, pot throwing is still too far away. Only these gentlemen and young ladies who come from a wealthy family can really play with their brothers and sisters at home since they were young.

For them, this game is simply not too familiar.

It is precisely because there are so many masters and veterans here that the atmosphere in the small circle of pot throwing has become more and more intense.

Even those who were watching the excitement started shouting now.

But while everyone was happily participating in various activities, the two Hu brothers and sisters were hiding in a corner eating and drinking.

Even if the brother and sister met an acquaintance, they would simply say a few perfunctory words and then continue eating and drinking.

It really looked like he hadn't eaten in several days and came here to have a good meal.

But anyone with any brains knows how it is impossible to not have enough to eat in Mr. Hu’s house, or even not to eat well.

After thinking about it, other people didn't understand, so they simply regarded the brother and sister as quirks.

It's not convenient to do it in front of someone if you feel disgusted or complain.

But it can be done if you keep a respectful distance.

Therefore, unknowingly, the Hu family brother and sister became completely transparent at the East Palace banquet.

When the brother and sister saw this, not only were they not sad, but they were relieved.

Because they both understand that if they jump around a few more times, they will inevitably get beaten (scolded) when they get home!

Their Mr. Hu can relax all other requirements for them, but he is very strict about keeping a low profile.

Hu Renbin was beaten to be obedient, while Hu Xinyue was obedient to begin with.

Therefore, the brother and sister became the odd ones at the banquet.

However, just when the brother and sister felt that they had almost eaten, they were discussing when to run away.

The real host of the banquet, Prince Zhu Biao of the East Palace of the Ming Dynasty, has arrived!

After hearing the shout from the chamberlain, everyone present bowed to Zhu Biao in a polite manner.

"I have met His Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Everyone, please stand up! I welcome you all!"

Zhu Biao dealt with everything on the field in a gentle yet familiar manner.

For him, this is simply not difficult at all.

After all, for him, what he deals with on weekdays are actually the fathers of these young people present.

Compared with those wily courtiers, these young people of the same age and generation as him are not easy to fool!

After greeting everyone, Zhu Biao's final target was finally set on Hu Xinyue.

In fact, Zhu Biao was somewhat curious about Hu Xinyue.

He really wanted to know about Hu Xinyue, especially in this situation.

It can be said that my father, emperor, and mother have identified this girl and will not change it.

Even though Hu Weiyong clearly expressed his objection, his father and mother actually asked him to find a way to bypass Hu Weiyong and capture the girl himself!

To be honest, this is a bit difficult for Zhu Biao to accept!

After all, although he appeared to be approachable, how could he not be arrogant as the prince of the Ming Dynasty?

Why would he have to chase a girl on a pole?

He is very curious!

Although he knew that if he disagreed with Zhu Yuanzhang and Queen Ma, they could not force him.

But at least he had to figure out what it was about Hu Xinyue that made his father and mother so satisfied.

As soon as the two parties came into contact, Zhu Biao felt that Hu Xinyue's speech and conversation were indeed different from other women!

In fact, how did he know that this was purely because Hu Xinyue was brainwashed by modern women's books.

Hu Xinyue on the opposite side was even simpler. She just felt that the fat prince in front of her was quite approachable.

(End of this chapter)

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