Chapter 158 Became the protagonist inexplicably

Chapter 158: Became the protagonist for no apparent reason

Mr. Hu has been feeling a little weird lately.

Why is that bastard of my own and my sweet little niece running out to attend banquets every day?

These days, children attend so many banquets?

The key is, once you ask, you will know that every time it is organized by the fat little prince Zhu Biao of the East Palace.

This makes it difficult for Mr. Hu to speak.

After all, the royal family, no matter how hard Mr. Hu lies down, he still has to give the other party some face.

But as he continued, Mr. Hu still felt that something was wrong.

Damn, is there no end for these guys?

Why are there banquets every day?

Mr. Hu grabbed Hu Renbin who was about to go out again and asked angrily.

"Are you really going to the palace?"

"Is the prince okay?"

"Why do we invite you two brothers and sisters every day?"

Hu Renbin felt aggrieved when Hu Weiyong pulled him away like this.

"Dad, don't blame me, I was wronged!"

"Every day, the chamberlain in the East Palace acts like an errand. He comes to our house to call us brothers and sisters when the time comes."

"The two of us go to the palace every day like the servant!"

"You have already told me that you should keep a low profile when you go to the banquet. Eat and drink without talking."

"I also want to do as you say, but I can't help His Royal Highness Prince Tiantian to ask me!"

"Political affairs, history books, the Four Books and Five Classics, national economy and people's livelihood..."

"They change their tricks every day, and they keep asking me to chat every day. I can't bear it anymore!"

"Dad, why don't you think of a way to let His Royal Highness rest for a while?"

Upon hearing what his rebellious son said, Hu Weiyong immediately put aside the doubts he had in his heart.

"Oh, if I had the ability to make the prince do what I say with just one word, what would I be doing here?"

"Can't I be the emperor?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"Okay, take your sister and go back early!"

"As I said before, be honest to me outside, keep a low profile, be cautious and don't talk much, do you understand?"

"Oh, I got it, Dad!"

Hu Renbin nodded solemnly, then stepped onto the carriage dejectedly, and together with his cousin Hu Xinyue, who had already boarded the carriage, embarked on the journey to the East Palace again.

Looking at the back of the carriage slowly driving away, Mr. Hu was a little confused.

Oh shit!

Why is this old Zhu family always so busy with things?

Let’s not talk about Lao Zhu. There is no civil or military person in the entire dynasty who has not been tortured by him.

Fortunately, Lao Zhu is still here, and his son Fat Zhu is having troubles again.


So annoying!

However, Hu Weiyong didn't think much about it and simply regarded this situation as Zhu Biao trying to win over the next generation according to his father's arrangement.

At this point, life returned to normalcy again.

Before we knew it, the Chinese New Year was here.

On this day, according to the wishes of the palace, I had to take a rest for half a day.

In the morning, even if everyone was in the Yamen, they had no intention of handling official business.

Unless there is something serious that could kill someone, no one can force anyone to work today.

It’s Mother Dute’s New Year’s Eve, so it’s a bit too much to still work!

Not to mention Mr. Hu.

He is a person who usually fishes, but now he simply walks around carrying small packages. “Come on, Lao Zhang, this is the tea I asked my student to send. I’ll give you a copy to celebrate the New Year!”

"Oh, thank you so much for the tea collected by Mr. Hu! Happy New Year to you too!"

"Why are you so polite! Over there, Lao Li, here, you don't have to ask, I've prepared it for you, take it away! Have a good New Year!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Hu, have a great New Year, it has to be you, no one else can get such good tea!"

"Nonsense! How can that be the same? Everyone else is just talking nonsense and letting people do it. No amount of favors from that special girl are enough. I'm the one paying for it!"

"Hey, Mr. Hu, you are no longer the prime minister, but you are getting happier! Hahaha, I admire you!"


Mr. Hu really just walked around in the etiquette department carrying small packages.

When he saw someone he knew well, he threw a package over.

Everything inside is pretty much the same!

It’s all tea!

Moreover, he wasn't kidding, he spent money on it.

This matter can even be found out!

Because he sent money directly and generously to the students through the inn, asking him to help purchase some tea.

Moreover, the price is higher than the local purchase price.

There was nothing he could do about it. Not only did he like the tea, but he also took it to the Ministry of Etiquette to drink it.

That's just right. It's just right to prepare more. It's just right to give as a gift.

Of course, what he didn't say was that he turned to the tea dealers and asked for a "promotion fee"!

When the other party heard his explanation, he was so happy!

As a result, a game in which everyone was winning came to an end.

After wandering around the Ministry of Etiquette for a long time, Mr. Hu returned to his house to take a shower and change clothes.

There was no other way. In the afternoon, Zhu Yuanzhang was going to entertain all the officials in the palace.

To put it bluntly, it is to invite the officials to make a year-end summary, say some light words, reminisce about the past, and build closer relationships.

This will make it easier for him to continue working as a cow and horse for his old Zhu family next year.

When it comes to being a capitalist, Lao Zhu's family is more or less talented.

The way into the palace is very familiar, and the way after entering the palace is even more familiar.

Hu Weiyong has been here countless times.

Even if I don't go to court, I can't help but be called over by Lao Zhu from time to time to chat or something!

Today's banquet was held in Wuying Hall.

Because of this place, not far from the next door is the most serious royal chef, so you can have a meal very close.

When Mr. Hu walked in, he found that he was already late.

Look at all the important officials from the imperial court here. Mr. Hu didn't show any signs of shyness and greeted everyone calmly.

Although he was lying flat, unfortunately, his foundation was still there and his face was still there, so not just any cat or dog could sit with him.

When everyone arrived and the time came for the banquet to begin, Mr. Hu discovered that Zhu Yuanzhang actually softened up.

It’s rare!

Lao Zhu, who usually wanted to make a loud fart when he farted, was really too kind today.

Not only did he have a smile on his face, but he also told some old ministers some interesting stories about how he conquered the world in the past.

After this, many people were actually moved to the point of being moved.

After everyone exchanged cups, it was time for the annual summary.

However, at this time Lao Zhu got into trouble again and suddenly made a suggestion.

"I propose that all of us drink together a glass of wine today!"

"We must respect this glass of wine, even if we are mediocre, we must drink it!"

"Come on, let's raise a toast!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was confused. In fact, Hu Weiyong was even more confused!

what happened?

What do you mean?

This is inexplicable, why is the focus on him?

He just wanted to eat, drink and get in here today!

(End of this chapter)

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