Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 161 The marriage was finally settled by Lao Zhu

Chapter 161 The marriage was finally settled by Lao Zhu

Chapter 161 The marriage was finally settled by Lao Zhu

Seeing Lao Zhu's expectant look, Hu Weiyong wiped his face.

Oh shit!

There is no escape!

Lao Zhu has already said this. If he blocks her again, it will be somewhat disrespectful to Lao Zhu.

This is a rare moment for Lao Zhu to be reasonable. If he continues to deny face, then the other party may not continue to be reasonable.

After all, his profession focuses on being unreasonable.

However, Hu Weiyong also began to think carefully about what happened next.

That fat man Zhu Biao seems to have been around since Hongwu 25 years ago?

If nothing changes, doesn't that mean there are still more than ten years left?

There is a lot to say here.

Since you can't escape, you can only let things go in the direction you expected.

No matter what, Zhu Biao did burp relatively early in history.

But judging from the appearance in front of me, although he is a little fat, it is not scary.

At most it can be considered sub-healthy.

As long as I supervise and supervise the situation properly, and with the medical treatment provided by the Taiyuan Hospital, I can ensure that His Highness the Crown Prince is in good health...

Maybe he wouldn't die so early?


If this is the case, damn it, then everything I know about the Ming Dynasty will be completely messed up.

This impact is too great.

However, when I think about it, maybe this is actually the best thing?

After all, the descendants of Zhu Laosi have produced many strange things.

The carpenter, the general, the emperor who called the clan, the emperor who cultivated immortals...

It can be said that there were many mediocre emperors in the past dynasties, and there were even more mediocre emperors.

But when it comes to playing with flowers, you still have to look at the Ming Dynasty.

All kinds of weird characters can appear!

There are more or less reasons why Zhu Laosi rebelled and rose to power.

After all, he is not an orthodox leader, so he is still a bit murmuring in his heart.

Especially Zhu Laosi, Bei Zheng has almost become his inner demon.

All other things in life can be put aside, anyway, his fat son will take care of it.

But only for the Northern Expedition, it was really fought from the moment he ascended the throne to death.

It’s true that life never stops and fighting never stops.

The most important thing is that the Ming Dynasty had not yet recovered from the war in the late Yuan Dynasty, and then Zhu Laosi's "Fengtian Jingnan" launched another one.

After the Jingnan, Ming Dynasty continued to engage in military warfare for decades at Zhu Laosi's insistence.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t fight!

But Zhu Laosi is a martial artist.

He only knows how to fight!

All internal affairs were left to his fat son, but unfortunately he was not given full power.

Under his arbitrary actions, he caused a lot of mess, and finally asked his fat son to wipe his ass.

Zhu Gaochi is really exhausted.

And he did this just to prove that he was actually a good emperor.

Obviously, Zhu Laosi's rating with Mr. Hu is not high.

If it were just a general leading an army, or even a vassal king, Zhu Laosi would undoubtedly have done a good job.

The achievement of Feng Langju Xu is really something that not everyone can achieve.

But if you look at it from the perspective of the profession of emperor, it feels a bit stretched. If that fat boy Zhu Gaochi hadn't given him all his support from behind, I'm afraid Zhu Laosi would have caused even greater trouble.

In the past, I didn’t feel that deep just by watching TV, movies or even novels.

But when he really reaches this era, he will be able to feel it clearly.

Daming really needs to recuperate.

Population, resources, and national strength all need to be accumulated slowly.

This cannot be changed with one word or policy.

As for Zhu Laosi, he has a bad temper and a lot of ideas, but he doesn't have the patience to make arrangements one by one.

The wolf was sealed, but the territory it conquered could not be slowly converted into the territory of the Ming Dynasty;

They made seven voyages to the Western Seas, but they built such a large fleet and went out only to show off their power, but failed to make enough profits.

Firearms are booming, but despite being the first country in the world to establish a thermal weapons force, the development of firearms has stalled!

One after another, there are of course various reasons such as Zhu Laosi's lack of knowledge and so on.

But in fact, there may not be Zhu Laosi's idea of ​​​​rebellion and quick success.

So, if you become Zhu Biao's father-in-law...

Then hiding behind Zhu Biao, he might really be able to change something.

As long as you don't stand out and come up with ideas from behind, it shouldn't be a taboo, right?

After all, no matter how much you support Zhu Biao, you will not disgust the old Zhu in front of you.

The son belongs to someone else!

At this point, Hu Weiyong finally figured everything out.

He sighed deeply, looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and said softly.

"Your Majesty, how can the beauty of my niece Pu Liu stain the eyes of His Highness the Crown Prince?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he became excited instantly.

good good!

Mom, after struggling for so long, Hu Weiyong's attitude has finally softened.

However, for Zhu Yuanzhang, this is actually good for now.

As long as you don't object so much, the rest is easy to talk about.

To be honest, if Zhu Yuanzhang had not been concerned about Hu Weiyong's face and considered Hu Weiyong's support for Zhu Biao in the future, Zhu Yuanzhang would have issued the order long ago.

"Haha, Wei Yong, my niece is a first-class good girl!"

"I won't lie to you either. The Queen and I have fallen in love with this girl of yours before."

"But, this old boy hasn't let go, so we are too embarrassed to force him."

"Just in time, we also want to see if Biao'er can get along with your girl."

"So, let's ask Biao'er to hold a few more banquets and invite your boy and girl."

"They are all young people. We will know if they are suitable after meeting and chatting."

"I never thought that after this contact, Biao'er is really satisfied!"

"Hahaha, that's why we discuss this matter with you with a shameless face!"

When Hu Weiyong heard this, he was immediately speechless.

Got it!

Yes, you guys from the Zhu family are really capable of causing trouble.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang's ability to reach this point has indeed given him enough face.

Hu Weiyong nodded speechlessly.

"In this case, as long as that girl Xinyue is willing to marry into the royal family, I will not stop her!"

Upon hearing what Hu Weiyong said, Lao Zhu immediately felt relieved and very happy.

In fact, he was also puzzled!

Why is Weiyong so resistant to his niece becoming the crown princess?

He couldn't figure it out even after thinking about it. Wouldn't it be better to be a princess today and a queen in the future?

What is this for?

However, he did not ask Hu Weiyong these questions.

At this time, he planned to show off to Queen Ma first!

After all, Hu Weiyong relented, which meant that the marriage they had longed for was done!

(End of this chapter)

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