Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 162 Is Hu Xinyue really going to become the crown princess?

Chapter 162 Is Hu Xinyue really going to become the crown princess?

Chapter 162: Is Hu Xinyue really going to become the crown princess?

Hu Mansion.

Since today is the New Year's Eve, the entire Hu Mansion is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations and is full of joy.

And Hu Weiyong, who had been hanging out in the government offices and palaces for most of the day, finally returned to Hu Mansion.

Mr. Hu, who looked tired and mentally haggard, came to the main hall without even changing his clothes.

Seeing Hu Renbin and Hu Xinyue sitting at the table, looking at several cold dishes and looking at each other in disbelief, Hu Weiyong showed a rare smile.

"Why, didn't I tell you to eat first?"

"If I am held back by His Majesty sometimes, I really don't know when I will be able to come back!"

"Don't worry about me, just eat first!"

Hu Renbin and Hu Xinyue, brother and sister, waved their hands after hearing this.

He said that on New Year's Eve, when the family is reunited, it is always better to have a meal together.

Seeing the sincere expressions on the two brothers and sisters' faces, Hu Weiyong smiled and shook his head.

Immediately, without saying much, he ordered people to serve the dishes.

Not long after, the food was served, and Hu Weiyong, who had eaten it in the palace, became rarely gentle at this time.

Not only did he bring food to Hu Xinyue, but he also brought some food to Hu Renbin for the first time.

This move made Hu Renbin almost cry on the spot.


It can be regarded as enjoying a father's love for once.

He almost forgot the last time he experienced his father's love.

For a time, the whole main hall of Hu Mansion was filled with warmth and harmony.

Hu Weiyong looked around and was filled with emotion.

Everything has changed!

Hu Renbin, a dandy, doesn’t even have a name in the history books!

I vaguely remember that I fell to death or something!

But now, after being locked up in the house by him for more than half a year and beaten in various ways, he can still be considered a mature person.

At least he knows the sufferings of the people, knows how to be an official, and has mastered some basic skills such as agriculture and accounting.

These alone are already more than 90% of his peers.

Not to mention, his surname is Hu, Hu Weiyong’s Hu!

Adding the two together, his starting point may be the end point of most people's lives.

From this point of view, I did do a good thing.

Let there be less of an ignorant dandy in this world and more of a capable minister.

Anyway, it can be considered as a contribution.

In fact, Hu Weiyong has quite complicated feelings about Hu Renbin.

After all, no matter how unreasonable I dealt with this boy, he always called me daddy from the beginning to the end.

Moreover, this kid has cried out about injustice and suffering, and it is very common for him to cry all over the place.

But he was the only one who never heard complaints from this boy!

Not even once!

For this reason, Hu Weiyong was willing to give this kid some guidance and at least protect him from living out his life honestly and peacefully.

After talking about Hu Renbin, look at what Hu Xinyue said on the other side.

This change is even greater.

As the key person in the history of the marriage of Li Shanchang and Hu Weiyong, two old Huaixi generals.

It can be said that Hu Xinyue is extremely unlucky.

Basically, not long after she got married, she ended up living with both families.

Before you get married, you are unknown, but after you get married, you become a disaster...

It can be said that except for the title of "Hu Weiyong's niece", she did not leave much ink in history, or even in unofficial history.

But such an extremely tragic character has now changed beyond recognition.

Breaking off the engagement, studying, and establishing long-term ambitions... Constant instillation of faith and sufficient learning conditions made Hu Xinyue slowly change from an ignorant girl who wanted to get married to becoming dazzling.

Maybe those female boxing books given by the intermediate system have a certain effect.

But more importantly, this girl can really learn.

Hu Xinyue, who now only thinks about being independent, can take charge of any family no matter where she goes in the future.

Therefore, she actually studied with Hu Renbin.

Accounting, agriculture, commerce, geography...

It can be said that what Hu Renbin is learning, Hu Xinyue is also learning, and Hu Xinyue, who firmly believes in those independent women and female boxing in her mind, studies harder and more deeply than Hu Renbin.

Seeing Hu Xinyue happily eating beside her, Hu Weiyong felt a little emotional for no reason.

This girl doesn't look like she can become the mother of a country.

How could she become a princess in just one moment?

Moreover, it was Zhu Yuanzhang, Queen Ma and Zhu Biao's family who collectively took a fancy to it.

This damn thing leaves no room for rejection.

However, even though it has reached this point today, Hu Weiyong still did not die.

Mr. Hu really likes this obedient and sensible little girl.

He even favored her far more than Hu Renbin's rebellious son.

After all, who is not a daughter slave?

Thinking of this, Hu Weiyong decided to have a good chat with Hu Xinyue after finishing the meal.

As long as my girl is not happy, what will happen if she pushes her away?

Although Mr. Hu believes in lying down, he can't fool around with everything.

After a pleasant meal, the family of three sat happily in the study with a cup of tea.

"Xinyue, Your Majesty told me today that Crown Prince Zhu Biao wants to marry you as Crown Princess. What do you think?"

Hu Xinyue was immediately confused as soon as this nonsense came out.


Marry the prince?

She hadn't thought about this option at all.

As a young girl, she naturally thought about who the partner would be if she wanted to get married, what her family background was, and other information.

But no matter what she thought, the person with the highest family status in her mind was just the head wife of an honorable family.

After all, she is very rational now, but she clearly knows that the Hu family's family background is like this.

It was impossible for her to marry an ordinary person, but that was the best.

As a result, his uncle suddenly gave such news.

This somewhat caught her off guard.

Hu Weiyong looked at Hu Xinyue's confused and staring look, and knew that she was a little hard to accept at this moment, so he simply asked.

"Okay, Xinyue, you have met Zhu Biao recently. How do you feel about being in contact with him?"

"Don't worry, just say it!"

"If you are satisfied, uncle wishes you a perfect match; but if you are not willing, then uncle can help you stop it."

"Even the royal family cannot allow my Xinyue to marry her unwillingly!

Hu Xinyue felt so sweet to the bottom of her heart when she heard this.

She is not a fool. She remembers all the good things her uncle did to her.

After hesitating for a moment, she said carefully.

"Uncle, Xinyue has met the prince a few times recently."

"I'm not overly impressed, but Xinyue thinks the prince is actually pretty good!"

"As for Xinyue's marriage, it all depends on my uncle!"

Looking at the girl's shy look, Hu Weiyong understood that she was willing.

(End of this chapter)

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