Chapter 163 Hu Weiyong’s instructions

Chapter 163 Hu Weiyong’s instructions

It can be said that Hu Xinyue's acquiescence was unexpected by Hu Weiyong, but it was also reasonable.

After all, for girls of this era, joining the royal family is still a matter of becoming the crown prince and concubine.

This is like reaching the sky in one step, or in other words, flying onto a branch and becoming a phoenix.

This kind of transformation is difficult to resist even if one is born like Hu Xinyue.

Perhaps, even if Hu Xinyue puts aside her desire for royal power and fame, Zhu Biao alone is enough to make her acquiesce in this marriage.

After all, even Hu Weiyong had to admit that the fat boy did have pretty good character, ability, and temperament.

Taken together, it seems that Hu Xinyue is more suitable for Hu Xinyue than those little bastards outside who can't feel their pulse?

Forget it, so be it.

In fact, as long as Zhu Biao can solve the problem of burping in advance, there will be no other problems.

For Hu Xinyue, the future is obviously bright.

To be selfish, it would obviously be very beneficial to herself if Hu Xinyue married into the royal family.

Regardless of whether Zhu Biao succeeds to the throne in the future, it is Zhu Xiongying, his legitimate son, or Hu Xinyue's future child.

Because of Hu Xinyue, his identity has been locked up early.

He, Mr. Hu Weiyong, is the close elder of the second generation emperor of Ming Dynasty!

This matter is beyond doubt!

In this way, it can be said that great progress has been made in terms of Mr. Hu's great cause of waiting for death and taking advantage of the situation.

Moreover, with this layer of "fetters", my safety factor can be said to have skyrocketed.

However, after Hu Weiyong thought about it for a while, he felt that he still had to give the little girl a few words.

"Yue'er, come here, uncle has to tell you something!"

"Oh, okay, uncle!"

Upon hearing Hu Weiyong waving there, Hu Xinyue quickly walked up to Hu Weiyong without any hesitation.

Then according to Hu Weiyong's instructions, he sat obediently in the designated seat.

Looking at the little girl in front of him who was looking at him with reverence and trust, Mr. Hu suddenly felt as reluctant as if he wanted to marry his daughter.

He scratched his head irritably and asked reluctantly for the last time.

"Yue'er, my uncle is asking you for the last time, are you really willing to marry that fat man Zhu Biao?"

"You don't have to think too much, just tell me what you think!"

"Don't worry about the rest, anyway, I will take action!"

Listening to her uncle's generous words, Hu Xinyue smiled sweetly.

She is not stupid. During the time she studied with her cousin, she learned a lot about things in the court.

She knows better than those ignorant girls hiding in purdah.

What a price her uncle had to pay for her "freedom".

And this is just a part of her uncle's love for her. How could all the things in the past be less than this?

Thinking of this, Hu Xinyue wrinkled her little nose, looked at Hu Weiyong calmly and smiled.

"Uncle, Yue'er understands!"

"But uncle, there is no need to worry. Even if Yue'er marries the prince, there will be nothing wrong with her!"

"After all, she is a princess, so meeting my uncle in the future will be more convenient than other wives!"

Listening to Hu Xinyue's words, Hu Weiyong nodded instinctively.

Don't tell me, this is really the case.

It seems that as a princess, her status is much more noble than that of ordinary noble and wealthy wives.

But in fact, it is not easy for the wife of a noble or wealthy family to meet her mother's family.

On the contrary, after becoming the Crown Princess, it would not be easy for Hu Xinyue to meet Hu Weiyong.

The main reason is because Hu Weiyong was a frequent visitor to the palace and had a very good relationship with Lao Zhu's family. Before becoming an in-law, entering the palace was like going home, it was extremely relaxing.

Then we will really become relatives, so what’s the problem if we meet again?

Seeing that Hu Xinyue's marriage to the royal family had become a foregone conclusion, Hu Weiyong quickly drove away the irritable emotions in his mind and gave serious instructions.

"Yue'er, if that's the case, then uncle has to give you a few words now!"

"You don't want to tell others, but you have to keep it in your heart, do you understand?"

When Hu Xinyue heard what Hu Weiyong said so solemnly, she quickly straightened her back and nodded seriously with a stern face.

"First, after you get married in the future, you have to be careful about your words and deeds."

"The royal family has its own royal rules, you have to learn to adapt!"

"Remember, first learn the rules and understand the rules. Finally, you can control the rules and make them work for you!"

If Hu Weiyong's first point fell into the ears of others, he would probably be charged with treason on the spot.

After all, he wasn't even hinting, he was telling Hu Xinyue clearly.

How to control the rules in the future and use them to your own advantage.

This is a taboo!

But Hu Weiyong continued without caring at all.

"Secondly, you can use eunuchs and maids, but you can't trust them!"

"Your real enemies are Zhu Biao's concubines, especially the Lu family among them!"

"If you take over the East Palace, you will definitely become a thorn in their side!"

"Those of them have been in the palace for many years, and they are not easy to deal with."

"So, on the surface, you are polite, but secretly, you need to be prepared for what you need to do."

"Besides, uncle wants to tell you that you are different from them, you have someone to rely on!"

"They can only rely on Zhu Biao, but your uncle and I are standing behind you!"

"What's more, you, the Crown Princess, were personally selected by the Emperor and the Empress."

"Of course we don't want to actively bully others, but we must not be bullied by those stupid girls!"

"If you really want to be bullied, don't hesitate to take action. If you have any problems, uncle will take care of it for you!"

Listening to Hu Weiyong's extremely domineering yet extremely delicate instructions, Hu Xinyue suppressed her shame and kept nodding in agreement.

She really took these words to heart.

Because she knew very well that her uncle would never harm her.

After a few more nagging and repeated instructions to Hu Xinyue, Hu Weiyong finally closed his mouth without saying anything.

But when he turned around, he saw Hu Renbin, the rebellious son.

Damn it, Hu Xinyue's major life issues have been resolved now.

But Hu Renbin, the rebellious son, is a bit of a headache!

These days, the marriage in the man's family is even more troublesome.

When Hu Renbin saw the look in his father's eyes, he was immediately excited. He immediately stood up and patted his chest and promised that he would definitely find a good girl.

Seeing Hu Weiyong nodded hesitantly, Hu Renbin breathed a sigh of relief.

Hu Renbin didn't want to be beaten on this big day.

Mr. Hu is very pleased to see Hu Renbin is so sensible!

It's not in vain that I taught this traitor so harshly before.

A filial son emerges from under a stick. The ancients sincerely did not deceive me!

(End of this chapter)

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