Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 175 The Provincial Examination finally begins

Chapter 175 The Provincial Examination finally begins

Chapter 175 The Provincial Examination finally begins

Zhu Yuanzhang's strict demands on officials are extremely rare in history.

It can be said that he is the only person who truly comes from the grassroots, has suffered hardships, been hungry, and has seen the chaotic world where human life is like a piece of grass.

Only then will we truly know what the people want and what officials need to do.

In Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, there is nothing good to say about the lack of livelihood for officials. The real tragedy is the lack of livelihood for the people.

As an official, if you are always aloof, what use will you have?

If you are not feeling well, maybe the people under your command will be better off?

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang actually hoped more than anyone else that the scholars and officials he recruited would be better.

Only excellent officials can govern a party well;

Only outstanding officials can run the world of Ming Dynasty well.

It can be said that Zhu Yuanzhang understood better than anyone how much influence the quality of officials had on a territory.

Therefore, after Hu Weiyong stated his reasons, Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it and nodded clearly.

That's right!

Recruiting talents for the country is still an important examination such as the provincial examination, where one can become an official. So why is it more difficult?

As long as the test is about serious knowledge, then you don't care how the questions come out?

As long as the result is good, isn't that okay?

Otherwise, what else?

Do you have to follow the words of those old and sour scholars?

Take a look at the past imperial examinations and see who was selected.

Not many capable ministers and officials were selected, but in the case of Guo Heng, Zhu Yuanzhang killed more than 30,000 people!

He stayed up all night with red eyes and read through the files one by one, only to find that every one of them had a way to kill himself.

And among the more than 30,000 people, those officials all came out of the imperial examination.

Is it possible that they have worked so hard to recruit talents for the country, and they just gave us these things?

It would be better to let Weiyong take over.

At least we agree with Weiyong’s statement!

As an official, if you have a wooden head, you might as well not come here!

Because after these wooden heads become officials, the only skill they have learned may be to deceive the superiors and deceive the inferiors, and then squeeze the people's fat and anointing.

After these thoughts flew around in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind for a long time, they finally settled down.

And Hu Weiyong has completely passed this level.

However, Hu Weiyong still has some opinions this time.


Those losers in the Ministry of Rites don't dare to confront me face to face in the Ministry of Rites, but instead they will file a complaint?


Now that you have all resorted to such tactics as skipping reports to superiors, don't let Mr. Hu hit you hard one day.

Mr. Hu returned to his house angrily.

He has not forgotten that there are still a bunch of dissatisfied concubines in the house who need his comfort.

And as the rural examination paper was officially finalized, an official from the Ministry of Rites looked at the familiar questions on the examination paper and fell completely silent.


Offended people!

But there is nothing they can do!

There are big bosses above their heads. For them, a little risk is just a breeze, but for them, it is a violent storm and a disaster.

Therefore, they did the stupid thing of reporting to superiors.

It's just for self-protection.

Now it seems that half the success is achieved!

At least His Majesty understands that they are still opposed to this question.

But if the other half fails, then there is nothing to say. They offended Master Hu.

However, they had nothing to think about at the moment.

After all, the provincial examination was about to begin, so why not scratch your head over how to make amends with Mr. Hu?

It's better to think carefully about how we can finish the provincial examination quickly and safely.

After all, they, who had read the test questions in advance, clearly knew how "abnormal" the test questions this time were!

It is estimated that after taking the provincial examination, these students will have to shed their skin even if they die!

At least they, the examiners who saw the test questions in advance, have not figured out how to solve this question even now.

As the time approaches, the provincial examination is finally about to begin.

In front of the gate of Gongyuan in Yingtian Mansion, many candidates held the small baggage in their hands honestly and neatly, and were examined one by one.

Because it is a provincial examination, this examination is much more stringent than the previous examination for children.

Those students who had gone through the Boy's Exam originally thought that the examination in the Boy's Exam was strict enough.

But now it seems that the examination in the boy's examination is really what it means, and this provincial examination is the real effort.

They came in one by one, not only stripping off their clothes for inspection, but even their clothes had to be carefully inspected.

Any snacks in the package that are larger must be crushed and rummaged through carefully.

Not to mention pen holders and other convenient places to hide things, they all have to be turned away to take a good look.

Even the small stove had to be reached in and dug out.

The candidates, however, were helpless in the face of this detailed and rude examination.

They can only endure it with a dark face!

Because if you say a few words, haha, unless your father is famous in Ming Dynasty, otherwise, get out of here!

And after entering the Gongyuan, the candidates were also on tenterhooks.

Because, the real headache for this exam is not these, but the upcoming weird test questions.

In the past year, after three consecutive tortures in the boy test, who among the scholars does not know the name of Mr. Hu?

But this time, all the candidates not only closed their doors but studied in poverty-stricken areas.

I also did a lot of research on forming cliques!

It can be said that the candidates are almost vomiting during this period with regard to numerical questions, interception and matching questions, and various side questions.

It's true that when I'm dreaming, all kinds of strange questions are flying around in my mind.

And their teachers were not idle either, with all kinds of tips and ideas for solving problems that would make one salivate.

The purpose is to enable them to deal with it calmly and pass the provincial examination safely.

However, when this day has finally come, who can not be nervous while sitting in this narrow room?

Seeing the pale faces of the candidates who were shivering and silently reciting the text with their eyes closed, Jie Jin curled his lips speechlessly.

Tsk tsk, look at how nervous these people are.

Those who knew it was a rural examination, but those who didn't know thought that if they failed the examination, they would have to confiscate their homes and exterminate their clans.

What's the use of everyone being so nervous?

Compared with other candidates, Jie Jin, who has no baggage at all, stands out as an outlier.

Not only did he not show any signs of nervousness, he even looked around to watch the excitement.

After all, for him, what is nervous?

Even his father only wanted him to take the test casually and come here to see things, so why should he be nervous?

It was just about watching the excitement and having fun, and that was how he felt at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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