Chapter 176 The candidate’s collapse begins

Chapter 176 The candidate’s collapse begins

Whether it is an ordinary candidate who is trembling with nervousness, or a carefree person like Xie Jin who is participating in the fun.

No matter what kind of emotions you have, at this point, you have to stay in the cell.

Looking at the cramped room and smelling the unpleasant smell in the Gongyuan, slowly, the candidates who were not very nervous at first began to become nervous at this time.

Regardless of the mood of the candidates, when the time came, with the sound of a bang, the entire Gongyuan closed the door and became a completely closed place.

From this moment on, no person or piece of paper is allowed to enter the Tribute Courtyard unless the imperial edict comes.

Not long after, there was another bang and the exam officially began.

The invigilators opened the examination papers that had been sent to Gongyuan for safekeeping and prepared to distribute them to the candidates.

For the examiners at this time, most of them actually don’t know what the exam questions are.

If you didn’t watch it before, it was because you weren’t allowed to watch it.

The kind that sees who dies!

But right now, don't worry about it.

It's all opened, and the test papers don't need to be kept secret, so why don't you take a quick look.

Although everyone is in the officialdom, they passed the exam step by step.

How could he not be interested in Mr. Hu’s much-hated “last question”?

So, without thinking, everyone turned to the end of the test paper.

Then, with just one glance, everyone was dumbfounded.

"No!? What is this!?"

"Haha, isn't this a misprint?"

"No matter how trusted you are by Your Majesty, Mr. Hu, you can't act like this, right?"

"Is this an exam question? Isn't this nonsense?"


Listening to the low-level officials and minor officials, the examiners sitting at the top of the table knocked on the table.

"Okay, stop talking so much!"

"The test paper is in your hands, it's useless to say more!"

"Since this test paper can be printed, the responsibility is not on you, so why do you have to say anything?"

"Instead of talking too much here, why not hand out the papers quickly!"

"If you delay the time, be careful that your hair will be stained!"

A group of officials who had just experienced a nightmare suddenly realized what they were doing and hurried out with their papers in hand.

This is a place inside the Gongyuan that is specially used for examiners to rest and work. Naturally, it is not comparable to the miserable place in the number one room.

Although the conditions are not as good as those in the Rites Yamen, they are still more or less passable.

It’s not like I’m going to stay here forever, so there’s nothing to complain about.

What's more, back then they were all candidates sitting in the next room, but now they are examiners sitting in this office.

How can the emotion inside be figured out in a short while?

But when it comes to the low-level examiners who walk into the examination room to distribute the test papers, every time they hand out the test papers, they look at the candidates who have clear and stupid eyes, and their hearts are full of pity and happiness. .

so far so good!

When they took the imperial examination, Mr. Hu might have been busy with affairs and did not have time to intervene in the imperial examination.

Otherwise, I don’t know whether they would be able to wear this official uniform today.

And these children in front of me are so miserable!

As the test papers were distributed smoothly one by one, basically all the candidates got the test papers.

As "old people" who have passed the exam all the way, they know clearly that what really determines their life or death is actually the last question.

If you win this question or answer it correctly, you will be able to surpass countless people invisibly.

But if you can't solve this problem, you will most likely not be on the list.

After all, compared to Mr. Hu's weird questions, other test questions are simply more pure than little white flowers.

The main theme is a simple and innocent person!

As for the question asked by Mr. Hu later, it is the flower of the high mountain that is both unattainable and unpredictable. All the candidates took a deep breath in unison, and then turned directly to the last question.

Then at one glance, I was completely shocked.

I was really stunned and speechless!

"What is this?"

Countless candidates issued the same soul question in an instant.

Some people were horrified, some were trembling, some were furious, some were crying, some...

It can be said that there are all kinds of makeup on various faces, but I can't see a calm one.

In fact, Mr. Hu really did a big job this time.

The question he asked this time was this.

"When Confucius and Lao Tzu quarreled, who did you help? Why? Write a policy statement."

Countless candidates really want to die at this time!


Lao Tzu?

Two people quarreling?

Who else to help?

Countless candidates were roaring in their hearts at this moment.

"I'll help you!"

"What kind of nonsense is this?"

But after you finish scolding, crying, and getting angry, you still have to do what you have to do.

Unless you don't want to pass the provincial examination at all, then you can just ignore it and just completely fail.

Anyone who still has some ideas about the undergraduate imperial examination will have to rack their brains to figure out the answer to this question.

Otherwise, they don't need to be reminded by others, they themselves know that if they can't do it, the current imperial examination will basically be over.

However, even if they have read it once, when they look at this question again, many candidates still feel that they have nowhere to start.

It's just too abstract.

Who is I?

That was the mentor of the Confucian sage Confucius!

And according to the ranking of the masters of heaven and earth among the core of Confucianism, how to solve this problem?

The key is that Confucius is a Confucian sage and a teacher of all ages.

These two are both legendary and aloof bosses, let’s not say whether they will quarrel with each other.

If there really was a quarrel, how could little trash like them get involved?

The point is, even if they got involved, what would they say?

The most terrible thing is that you have to give a reason.

Can they say this reason?

Policy theory!

Whose strategist was the one to stop the fight?

The more the students thought about it, the more their scalps became numb.

Moreover, when a student thought about it more carefully, he found that there was another pitfall in it.

What this question asks is, who to help!

In other words, you must choose one of Laozi and Confucius to support or not, and you must explain why.

Haha, destroy it!

Many candidates were already pretending to be crazy.

Only then did they realize that Mr. Hu was really kind to them during the boy's trial.

Otherwise, they might not even be able to pass the boy test.

But, can we just say that we failed the provincial examination now?

After all, they really don’t know how to answer this question!

That's right, not just ordinary candidates, even those talented candidates who have long been famous, such as Jie Jin, are also confused at this time.

Xie Jin is talented, but he has never seen such a question before.

He couldn't figure out how this question had anything to do with the Four Books and Five Classics!

(End of this chapter)

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