Chapter 406 It’s time to show real technology
Chapter 406 It’s time to show real technology
There is a saying that this young man's body is built for strength.

Seeing the princes and grandsons running, they were all sweating profusely, but their movements did not change much.

Mr. Hu nodded happily.

Well, it seems that the improvement in the early stage of exercise is indeed obvious.

Moreover, these little brats didn’t yell much today.

It seems that this is the benefit of exercise.

It’s actually normal when you think about it. The very beginning of exercise is when feedback is most timely.

The feeling of receiving positive feedback on your progress almost every day is indeed a bit fascinating.

In his previous life, wasn't it the case that Mr. Hu was seduced and deceived by a fitness girl into buying a card and private lessons?

This is all the experience of being tricked.

However, Mr. Hu still focused on Zhu Xiongying.

This little kid is different from others.

Even if others bumped into each other, it wouldn't actually be a big problem. How could this half-grown kid not bump into each other?

But Zhu Xiongying can’t!

This is Lao Zhu's pet peeve. If something goes wrong, Lao Zhu can explode on the spot.

Fortunately, Zhu Xiongying looks like this. Although he is a little tired, his eyes are firm and he looks good.

Well, that's great.

Moreover, Mr. Hu was very satisfied with this gritted teeth and persistence.

Two lifetimes of experience have taught Mr. Hu that anyone who succeeds must be a determined and stubborn person.

If you don't have the energy to hit the wall and never look back, don't expect to accomplish anything big.

And obviously, this kid, whom Lao Zhu has valued since he was a baby, has some inheritance from his grandfather and father in this aspect.

Well, very good!
After looking at it for a while, Mr. Hu nodded with satisfaction.

He waved to the little eunuch waiting beside him.

"Hurry up and help the princes and grandsons take baths and change clothes. Today's training ends here!"

As soon as these words came out, the little kid laughed out loud on the spot.

Never expected it!

There was a surprise today. They thought they would have to practice for a long time today.

Mr. Hu looked at their happy faces and let them go.

Deep down in his heart, he muttered to himself, "If it weren't for the fact that Zhu Xiongying's body is somewhat unable to bear it, it would be strange if I didn't train you until you can't walk!"

Another half an hour passed, and Mr. Hu, who had a round of tea in the main hall, finally saw everyone who had arrived late.

Looking at the people who were sitting down in an orderly manner, Mr. Hu did not get up. He just sat on the chair and said with a smile while holding a tea cup.

"You are either princes or grandsons of the emperor, so I have already told you that I have to teach you something different!"

"Running laps and exercising are all ways to strengthen your body. It seems that the progress is pretty good now."

"Then let's start enriching your spirit!"

"I won't tell you anything, and I won't tell you anything about benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, and trust!"

"I want to talk to you today about how the dynasty ended!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Can this thing be talked about seriously?

But unlike those surprised princes, Zhu Xiongying was just stunned, and then he smiled with his mouth wide open and his eyes shining.

Even he, who was leaning back in the chair a little sluggishly, straightened his back unconsciously.

Mr. Hu doesn't care what they think.

He just wants to show off!
That's right!

Nothing else!
Just show off!
What could be more pretentious than talking about the rise and fall of a dynasty directly in front of the princes and grandsons?

Mr. Hu took a sip of the hot tea, put down the cup, and said leisurely. "Everyone, let's think about a question first!"

"Since the Qin Dynasty, there have been many unified dynasties, but why do so few dynasties live longer than three hundred years?"

"People always say that this is the mutual support and restraint of the five elements!"

"But this statement is okay for others to say, but if you say it in front of His Majesty, haha."

"Although you are all his sons and grandsons, if you say that he drove out the Tartars, restored China, and established the Ming Dynasty through mutual restraint, see if he scolds you!"

All the princes and grandsons suddenly shrank their necks unconsciously as they thought about that scene.

For these little guys who grew up in the shadow of Lao Zhu, the fear of Zhu Yuanzhang was deep in their bones.

However, it was precisely because of this fear that they began to think along what Mr. Hu said.


Apart from anything else, they didn't know anything about the previous dynasties, but now the Ming Dynasty had just been founded.

The founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, as well as many civil servants and generals who should have founded the country, are still there.

These people know very well how Ming Dynasty was established.

To put it bluntly, it’s just a fight!
Typed out alive!

There is no such thing as ghosts mutually reinforcing each other!

Then...the Ming Dynasty was like this, but what about other previous dynasties?
The kids suddenly became really interested.

Seeing their appearance, Mr. Hu waved his hands with a smile.

"Don't hold it in!"

"There are no outsiders here today, you can feel free to discuss it first!"

"I am not one of those pedantic masters, and I am not afraid of what you may say."

"I just want you to use your brains today!"

"So, let's open up the discussion first!"

All the princes and grandsons have been in contact with Mr. Hu so many times, and they are considered familiar with him.

I know that although this "master" is very strict with his academic requirements, he doesn't have many rules.

It just so happened that this topic was really interesting to them, so they just started chatting.

"How was Qin established and how did it fall? Is this mutual growth and mutual restraint or something else?"

"The remaining six generations of Qin Fen finally unified the six kingdoms, but the first emperor was violent and did not implement benevolent governance, so the second generation died just now!"

Listening to the questions and answers coming from the hall, Mr. Hu's lips curled up slightly.

Let’s chat!

The more you talk now, the more surprised you will be later!

I don't want you to be shocked. Didn't I watch so many "interesting history" videos in my last life?

Reading these things is not just for blowjobs with clients, but also to show off at critical moments.

There is actually nothing much to say about Qin's demise.

At least what Zhu Xiongying just answered is currently the most mainstream statement among scholars.

Others seemed to agree with it, so they simply ignored Qin and asked about Han.

"What about Han? Han is not cruel. We remember the rule of Wen and Jing!"

"Although the Han Dynasty was not cruel, it was not for nothing that the Han Dynasty died by force. They were always resorting to violence."

"Is that so? So they are resorting to military violence to subjugate the country?"

"Well, that seems to be it!"

Listening to these boys talking in a daze, Mr. Hu laughed loudly.

It's time to show the real technology!

(End of this chapter)

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