Chapter 407 Where did the money go?
Chapter 407: Where did the money go?
"Okay, let's calm down for a while!"

Mr. Hu clapped his hands and immediately suspended everyone's discussion.

Seeing that everyone's attention was on him, Mr. Hu smiled and said.

"Have you noticed a problem, that is, judging from the history books, the final years of any dynasty seem to be somewhat similar?"

"Natural and man-made disasters continue, people are displaced, and rebellion against the king is rampant everywhere..."

"It seems that no matter which dynasty it is, when it comes to the end of the year, it always happens like this!"

"Many people attribute this to the last emperor's lack of benevolent governance, but is this really the case?"

"You are the princes and grandsons. Think about it from your perspective. If you were the last emperors, what would you do if you faced such a situation?"

As soon as this question came up, all the princes and grandsons suddenly fell into deep contemplation.

This bunch of brats pondered for a while, and then shook their heads in unison with a look of decadence on their faces.

It's not that they don't work hard, but the more they know and see, the more they realize that in a situation like the last years of the dynasty, no matter how powerful the emperor is, it's useless.

Unless he is really the kind of strong man who can be both literary and military, he will first control the military power and financial resources, then clean up the court and the local area, and then defend the outside world and appease the local area...

Each step requires great wisdom, great luck, and the help of a group of capable ministers and officials. Only then can it be possible to save the broken old mountains and rivers.

Otherwise, everything is in vain.

Ordinary people may not know how difficult this is, but they, the princes and grandsons, know it all too well.

After all, one of their family members did this!
Seeing that they couldn't answer, Mr. Hu was not surprised and said in a deep voice.

"If we talk about the reasons for the collapse of the dynasty, there are naturally many!"

"But in addition to the problems with the court and the emperor, there are actually two main reasons that caused the entire dynasty to be riddled with holes!"

"First, economic collapse, second, class conflict!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was a little confused.

I know all the words, but I really don’t know what they mean!
Never heard of it at all!

Mr. Hu smiled slightly, took a sip of warm tea and started to show off today.

“First, let’s talk about the economic collapse!”

"The so-called economy, for a country, is not just the treasury and fiscal and tax revenue, but also includes the emperor's internal funds and the wealth of the people!"

Seeing that everyone was a little confused, Mr. Hu counted them on his fingers.

"Let's figure it out one by one!"

"First of all, I think you all know the importance of this treasury."

"Disaster relief, raising troops, officials' salaries, building bridges and roads, and repairing cities all have to be allocated from the national treasury."

"It can be said that as long as there is endless money and food in the national treasury, then the national strength cannot be too weak. Even if there is an invasion from outside, it can be endured for a long time, right?"

All the cubs nodded in approval.

Of course they understand this.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Hu raised his second finger.

"Internal money!"

"This is the emperor's private treasury!"

"According to the scholars, this money is what the emperor wants to use extravagantly. Whenever he makes any money, he will be scolded by a bunch of remonstrators!"

"But in fact, this is the money that the emperor can truly hold in his hands."

"Especially when the powerful ministers in the court are in power and party disputes are fierce, a promising emperor can use internal funds to feed his troops and fight for power."

"Even in ordinary times, you can use your internal funds to reward your officials."

Having said this, Mr. Hu then raised his third finger. "You must have understood the importance of the above two sources of wealth, so let's talk about the third point, which is the people's wealth."

"It seems that family wealth has little to do with the end of the dynasty, but in fact, it has a huge relationship!"


"Because people's minds are fixed, as long as the families have more than enough money, they are definitely not thinking about rebellion, but how to have children and buy more acres!"

"If people just live their own lives, there won't be so much chaos in the world."

"But on the other hand, if these people have no food for the night at home, are about to sell their children and daughters, and cannot survive, then even if rebellion is a serious crime of confiscating their homes and exterminating their clans, so what?"

"It's time for everyone to die. They're all going to die anyway, so why not give it a try?"

"So, this is the importance of the third source of wealth. Do you think what I said makes sense?"

All the princes and grandsons pondered thoughtfully along with Mr. Hu's narration, and then nodded in unison.

This matter is actually quite simple.

It's just that they don't expect it on weekdays.

Seeing that the little ones had figured it out, Mr. Hu smiled playfully.

"Then, here's the problem!"

"The so-called economy is the flow of goods."

"There is so much money in this world. At the end of the dynasty, the people's families have no money. They are on the verge of starving to death, and they have to rebel and fight for a way to survive."

“The national treasury is out of money, we can’t pay for the troops, and we can’t buy the weapons;”

"Without the internal funds, we can't recruit troops or give out rewards."

"So, where's the money?"

"Where did the money go?"

All the princes and grandsons were really stunned at this time.


What about money?

You can’t just lose your money in a hurry!
The economics of this era is actually very extensive, and there is even no concept of economics at all.

Even in the minds of many people, there is a certain amount of money in this world. If you take more, others will inevitably take less.

It is precisely because of this point of view that they scratch their heads even more when they think about Mr. Hu.

Where did the money go? ? ?

Seeing that everyone was in a state of distress, Mr. Hu gently rapped his knuckles on the table.

"Haha, of course the money is all in the gentleman's house!"

"This is actually the answer that most people throughout the ages have never noticed, or even if they did, they dare not write it in a book!"

"A large number of squire and official families spread all over the world are constantly making money from ordinary people's families through various means."

"There are too many methods here, especially if these squires and officials join forces with the local magistrate and county magistrate to do it, it will not be too simple."

"It takes almost no effort to force local people to sell their fields first and then their children through various common official methods."

"But these people can eat with their mouths full and their homes filled with food!"

"At the same time, you are trying your best to pay less or not pay taxes at all. Doesn't the money saved in this way mean you earn more?"

"Since then, isn't it true that the people, the treasury, and the internal funds are all running out of money?"

"After all, the money has been withheld!"

As soon as this statement came out, the entire main hall was in an uproar!
(End of this chapter)

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