Chapter 408 Class Division

Chapter 408 Class Division

The naked reality was placed in front of all the princes and grandsons.

This was somewhat unacceptable to them.

All of them were anxious and pale-faced. They wanted to retort something, but they still couldn't say it.

Their shallow knowledge and their inherent worldview make them almost helpless about such things.

But following Mr. Hu's "speculation" and thinking about it, they couldn't even think about it in a hurry.

Zhu Xiongying suddenly stood up and bowed to Mr. Hu.

"I hope Mr. Hu will not hesitate to teach me!"

As Zhu Xiongying stood up, the other princes, whether proactive or passive, all stood up and bowed at the same time.

"I hope Mr. Hu will not hesitate to teach me!"

Mr. Hu smiled and waved his hand.

"Hey, you little kids, why are you so arrogant?"

"I'm here to teach you, how could I just ignore you halfway through teaching?"

"So, just sit down and listen!"

After Mr. Hu's words, all the kids stopped, but their interest in Mr. Hu's class also became more and more intense.

Mr. Hu took another sip of tea before speaking slowly.

"This is the second reason why the dynasty is coming to an end, class conflict!"

"First of all, we need to know something, that is, what is class?"

"According to the most widely circulated saying, they are scholars, farmers, industry and merchants!"

"That's what you think! People in the world are divided into four classes, namely scholars, farmers, industry and merchants!?"

Everyone nodded, obviously that's what they thought.

Mr. Hu smiled contemptuously, knocked lightly on the small table beside him, and then said.


“The first time the term scholar, farmer, industry and commerce was mentioned was said by Guan Zhong.”

"But at that time, when Guan Zhong talked about scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, he was not talking about classes, but social division of labor."

"Furthermore, there is also a misunderstood part here, and that is that the scholars at that time were called scholars, peasants, industrialists, and merchants, and they were not scholar-bureaucrats."

"That's when I was talking about sergeant!"

"Guan Zhong's suggestion of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce means that people in the world can engage in these four industries respectively!"

"But once Confucianism rose to prominence, it secretly wanted to drive others into dust and keep itself aloof."

“So the scholar-peasants, industry and merchants who had social division of labor became the scholars, peasants, industry and merchants with different classes.”

“Shi, which originally meant sergeants, has become scholar-officials!”

All the little boys were also wide-eyed at this moment.

Is this actually the case?
Especially Zhu Xiongying.

As the grandson of the emperor who grew up with Zhu Yuanzhang, his political literacy is the highest among all people.

Therefore, even though he was just a little carrot head, he still keenly felt the deep malice in what Mr. Hu just said.

However, he did not speak first.

On the contrary, he looked at Mr. Hu more and more eagerly, and at the same time he was secretly amazed in his heart.

'The teacher that Grandpa Huang hired this time is really amazing! '

"Hu Gong is worthy of being an old minister who can be the prime minister and still escape unscathed, and he has a close relationship with the emperor's grandfather. This level and vision are different!" '

Putting aside Zhu Xiongying's admiration for the moment, Mr. Hu continued to tell.

"After talking about the knowledge just now, let's look back and see what class conflict was in the past dynasties!"

"We have just talked about the general concept of class, so let's think about it carefully, taking the current Ming Dynasty as an example, what classes exist?" This question is a bit out of scope, so Mr. Hu does not expect these brats to be able to answer it. come out.

He simply said with his fingers.

"The first is the royal family. Our surname is Zhu. This is the surname of the country. The whole world belongs to your family!"

"Since His Majesty established the Ming Dynasty, the Zhu family has been destined to share the rise and fall of this country."

"You and Daming are deeply tied together!"

"Secondly, there are the nobles. The nobles all started their careers through military service. They are usually arrogant and domineering, bullying men and women, but in fact they stand with the royal family."

"Because nobles are like the royal family, their titles are also passed down through blood."

"As long as the Ming Dynasty is still there, and as long as they have not committed any crime of confiscating the family and exterminating the clan, then they will definitely pass on the title from generation to generation."

"So, they are also bound to Daming!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Hu suddenly changed the subject and raised his third finger.

"This third class is the common people!"

"The common people are the largest class in the world, but they are also the most ignored class."

"They are honest, hard-working and don't complain. They just want to have enough to eat and wear warm clothes so that they can work safely."

"But once they have no way of survival, they can turn into the most brutal rebels!"

"Your Majesty, this is how you were forced to do it step by step!"

"Most people in this class only have enough land to make a living, but they have to bear the heaviest taxes."

"It can be said that the previous royal family and noble class were actually supported by the huge common class."

When Mr. Hu said this, he stopped and looked at everyone with a playful smile.

"Do you think this is all nonsense?"

"The really tough ones are at the back!"

"The last level is also the answer to the question raised by me before."

"Where did the money go?"

"Into the pockets of the last remaining class, of course."

"There are many variations of this class. In the Tang Dynasty, they were members of aristocratic families with five surnames and seven hopes;"

"They occupy the most fertile land, build the strongest fortress, and possess the most advanced knowledge. It can be said that in their eyes, the royal family is nothing more than a second-class family."

"This is also the reason why Li Shimin wanted to marry his crown prince Li Chengqian to a legitimate daughter with the fifth surname and Qi Wang, but was rejected mercilessly by the other party."

"Because in their eyes, it's wrong to be from the wrong family, and they look down upon Li Shimin's background!"

As soon as these words came out, all the brats who were royals were completely shocked.

Be nice!

They didn't know there was such a thing.

No one told them!

The five surnames and Qi Wang knew vaguely.

But they never knew that Qi Wang, the fifth surname, had ever been so arrogant.

You know, that's Li Shimin!
The majestic Emperor Taizong Li Shimin!

Or ask for marriage for your own prince!
Just for this, you can be looked down upon by others!

Then wouldn't these royal bastards be even more miserable in the eyes of those people?

Mr. Hu looked at everyone's performance and did not continue to talk about the Tang Dynasty in depth. Instead, he continued to talk about it.

"Since the Song Dynasty, the prosperity of scholars and the development of national power have finally led to the rise of the scholar-bureaucrat class."

"And they have become the truly largest beneficiary class in all dynasties!"

"And the money you asked for before was taken away by them!"

(End of this chapter)

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