Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 409: Just after the founding of the country, it headed towards the road of national subjugat

Chapter 409: Just after the founding of the country, it headed towards the road of national subjugation.

Chapter 409: As soon as the country was founded, it was on the road to national subjugation.


"Are those scholars?"

"They are the ones who benefit the most?"

"How can this be?"

All the brats couldn’t believe it!
Even Zhu Xiongying was a little suspicious at the moment.

He always felt that there was some other knowledge hidden here.

Otherwise, why had he never heard of this kind of knowledge before?

This is a bit too amazing.

But no matter what these little brats do, Mr. Hu always looks on with a smile.

Let them vent their panic.


In Mr. Hu’s opinion, this is panic!

After all, for a person who is clearly born into the royal family and is a true nobleman, it stands to reason that his life's glory and wealth will have been decided long ago.

But when they turned around, they were told that they had actually just eaten some leftovers.

The ones who really eat meat in large quantities are the scholars who they usually don't pay attention to at all?
Mr. Hu is still smiling.

Seeing that everyone's emotions slowly calmed down, he spoke slowly.

"You guys! You underestimate the power of scholar-bureaucrats!"

"First of all, you must know that the development and growth of the royal family and nobles depend on the inheritance of blood."

"In other words, only if the heirs are prosperous can the royal family and the noble family be passed down."

"At the same time, if the royal family and nobles want to prosper, then the royal family needs the country's national strength to further prosper, and the nobles need to kill enemies and perform meritorious service in wars!"

"But what about the scholar-bureaucrats?"

"In their class, inheritance relies on blood on the one hand, but at the same time, they also have another way of inheritance, which is called teachers and students."

"A scholar can easily teach dozens of disciples in his lifetime, even if he takes a few lessons."

"And his disciples will still have disciples in the future!"

"In this way, after decades of hard work, a small group of brothers from the same discipline can be formed!"

"Coupled with the relationship between being from the same hometown and the same age, what kind of terrifying network does this add up to?"

Mr. Hu looked at the surprised cubs and said to the point.

"The most terrifying thing is that the royal family and nobles cannot blindly improve their strength, because there are not so many wars for nobles to perform meritorious service, and national power cannot continue to grow."

"But the imperial examination, which is held every three years, has to be carried out as usual!"

"Then, think about it, will the power of the scholar-bureaucrat class continue to expand rapidly?"

No matter how aggrieved everyone looked, they still had to nod honestly at this moment.

Because they have to admit that this is reality!
Seeing that these brats had listened, Mr. Hu threw a piece of snack into his mouth again. After eating a few bites, he said with a smile.

"After the officialdom was controlled by scholar-bureaucrats, then these scholar-bureaucrats began to make profits."

"After all, who doesn't want to do something good for their family?"

"No, it doesn't matter if the local parents in my hometown are brothers in the same sect or the same age or have some other relationship. We can all contact him anyway."

"Then, with a little care, planning a few thousand acres of land for your family won't be too simple."

"And for those officials, this kind of thing is a no-brainer."

"Because you are an official in my hometown and you help me, then I will ask your parents to be officials in your hometown to help you!"

"It's just a little favor exchange, and the benefits will be taken advantage of!"

"The key is, because these people are all veterans of officialdom, if the emperor hadn't sent special personnel to carefully investigate, you wouldn't have known what was going on there." "Because on the surface, everything is absolutely stable and there is no problem."

When Zhu Xiongying heard this, his little fists were so clenched that they were almost full of water.

His whole body was tense, and his little face was clearly filled with anger.

But Mr. Hu continued to speak leisurely as if he couldn't see it.

"Then, after occupying the land and paying less or not paying taxes at all, this class turned its attention to the royal family and nobles."

"After all, just bullying the people will eventually come to an end!"

"Moreover, after suppressing the royal family and nobles, they will be able to reap benefits more easily!"

"What a coincidence, 90% of the people in this court are scholar-bureaucrats!"

"They controlled the speech channel and kept saying that military attachés are bullshit and that a military emperor is not a good emperor."

"At the same time, he kept preaching about frivolous corvee and low taxes, the emperor's rule and so on!"

"What's the final result?"

"That means Wen Tian, ​​Wu Xi and the Emperor have completely turned into a statue of a Bodhisattva made of clay and wood!"

"The military attaches dare not take care of it and have no ability to take care of it. The emperor can't take care of it at all and he doesn't even know what the real situation in the world is like!"

"In the end, these bunch of bottomless scholar-officials were allowed to make a lot of money, make complaints, and starve to death all over the place!"

"Will they regret it at this time?"

"No, they will stand up and persuade the emperor, issue an edict to punish themselves, and then reduce taxes and provide disaster relief!"

"With this move, the emperor's reputation was completely lost. On the contrary, the tax exemptions and disaster relief money went into their pockets."

"In the end, after the country is destroyed and the species is destroyed, they will still be officials under another emperor!"

"It's never been better than this in all dynasties!"

"Just like there are still people in the court who were officials from the Yuan Dynasty, there are also many people in the scholarly community who remember the Yuan Dynasty?"

"Why are they like this?"

"Because when they were in the Yuan Dynasty, their lives were more comfortable than they are now. Why don't they miss the Yuan Dynasty?"

When Zhu Xiongying heard this, he couldn't bear it anymore and stood up directly and asked with a straight face.

"Mr. Hu, is this the case for Ming Dynasty as well?"

"Doesn't that mean that if things continue like this, our country, Ming Dynasty, will also be on the road to national subjugation?"

These words are quite unflattering and mean to the point of death.

Moreover, you might not dare to say such words even at home, let alone in the palace.

But coincidentally, one of the two people asking questions was Zhu Yuanzhang's most beloved grandson, and the other was Zhu Yuanzhang's children, in-laws, and old brothers.

The main thing here is one who dares to ask and one who dares to answer.

Therefore, Mr. Hu replied without hesitation.

"Yes, it seems like everything is calm now, but in fact, it is like that!"

"Sooner or later, Ming Dynasty will embark on this path!"

"It's inevitable!"

"The reason has been mentioned by me just now. You can't refuse the imperial examination which is held every three years, right?"

"The tax benefits your emperor gives to scholars are tax-free!"

"There is no need to pay taxes on the fields under their names!"

"Then there will definitely be problems with Ming's finance and taxation in the future."

"In addition, these officials cooperated with the local parents in their hometown to extort taxes and deceive the superiors and subordinates. Isn't this a reversal of past dynasties?"

As soon as Mr. Hu said these words, Zhu Xiongying was completely at a loss.

The Ming Dynasty has just been founded, is it heading towards the end of the country?
(End of this chapter)

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