Chapter 420 Royal Reversal and Arrangement
Chapter 420: Royal Reversal and Arrangement
"...If you don't cultivate your virtues, you will have no talent or appearance. If you don't cultivate your virtues, you will have no talents or appearance. You are really not worthy of such a royal noblewoman!"

"Besides, I'm already helping my rebellious son find a suitable marriage."

"Therefore, this matter is dropped. Thank you Your Majesty for your kindness!"

"...The above are the exact words Master Hu asked the old slave to relay to His Majesty! The old slave resigns!"

Song Li relayed Mr. Hu's original words almost word for word, and then quickly stepped back and slipped aside when he saw the opportunity.

They are all big guys, and there is no one here that he can afford to offend.

It's better to retreat quickly.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma, after listening to what Song Li relayed, looked at each other and were somewhat speechless.

"Chongba, are you being too careful when you say this is mediocre?"

"I've met Renbin before. I can't say he stands out from the crowd, but he can still be called a young talent."

"The result is now in Weiyong's mouth. Look, how low it has been reduced to by him."

"What exactly are you trying to test?"

Queen Ma was still somewhat complaining at the moment.

After all, my daughter fell in love with the eldest son of the Hu family, but the Hu family was so disgusted with the marriage that they resisted even if they degraded their eldest son to such an extent.

This somewhat makes the royal family a little embarrassed.

Zhu Yuanzhang was actually a little embarrassed at the moment.

He scratched his head and replied with some annoyance and apology.

"Hey, how do we know that Weiyong is so direct?"

"No, if something really happened in the past, if he had any objections, wouldn't he always come to the palace to discuss it with us?"

"Why are you so direct this time?"

"Sister, An Qing really has a crush on the Hu boy?"

Queen Ma looked at Zhu Yuanzhang who was still arrogant and said angrily.

"What are you thinking about?"

"If I hadn't confirmed this matter, would I have agreed to your arrangement for Song Li to test it?"

"But what about the result? This is the result you found?"

"Anqing, since Chongning told me about it, I also took a look and confirmed that Anqing is indeed interested in Renbin."

"It may be a bit too much to say that love is deeply rooted, but this matter is definitely not groundless!"


Hearing what Empress Ma said, Zhu Yuanzhang felt an even greater headache.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang was also sighing at this moment.

"Not to mention, looking at it now, Weiyong is really low-key and sensible!"

"He actually also knows that his family has given birth to a prime minister and then a crown princess. It has become a situation where flowers are blooming and fire is cooking oil."

"If there is another prince-in-law, it would naturally be a bit too much."

"So, he refused on the spot without letting anyone else speak!"

"Hey, only a smart person like Wei Yong can see it so clearly."

"Sister, believe it or not, if it had been anyone else, we wouldn't even say nine out of ten, ten out of ten wouldn't have refused so bluntly."

"Either he is just trying to get the honor of marrying our daughter and becoming a relative of the emperor and the country;"

"Either, even though I know the impact here is not very good, I still worry about our face, so it's not convenient to speak directly."

"That's just mediocrity. I don't care about anything. Just say it out and reject it first!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang said this, he shook his head and sighed.

What he just said was not random.

Doesn’t he himself know what Zhu Yuanzhang’s reputation is now? To put it bluntly, even if there is a sober person who knows that his family can no longer handle any more "Holy Familiar", but he is concerned about Zhu Yuanzhang's terrifying reputation, he will politely refuse.

But Mr. Hu doesn’t!

I will give you an honest and open rejection right on the spot.

Even for this reason, he did not hesitate to reduce his only son who had already entered the official career to the dust.

You know, this is a message to the emperor.

As a result, he belittled his own child so carelessly, so what if Zhu Yuanzhang believed him?
Does that mean that this kid should stop thinking about making any achievements in the officialdom in the future?

In the final analysis, in Zhu Yuanzhang's opinion, this move is the essence of the three methods of stability, accuracy and ruthlessness.

This response is worthy of praise.

If other officials and nobles could be as knowledgeable as Mr. Hu, then Zhu Yuanzhang's life would be much more comfortable.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's anger at being rejected by Master Hu subsided a lot for a while.

He smacked his lips, hesitated for a moment, and then spoke slowly.

"Sister, you see, this Weiyong is now well versed in the ways of being an official, and his main character is to be low-key and honest."

"And now not only does he have little contact with those old disciples, but his official position is also incomparable to what it was before."

"In this case, don't we need to be so wary of him?"

"Can we still consider this marriage?"

Queen Ma was startled when she heard this, and then glared at Zhu Yuanzhang angrily.

"You were the one who said I should be wary of it, but now it's you who say no, aren't these all your words?"

"You won't say that my harem is involved in politics now?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

No, my mother-in-law is angry.

Don't look at how Zhu Yuanzhang is usually domineering and arrogant.

But when Queen Ma lost her temper, glared and said something mean, Zhu Yuanzhang thought that it was definitely a lie if he said there was no disturbance at all.

No, seeing Queen Ma's temper rising, he rolled his eyes and hurriedly comforted her.

"Sister, sister, hey, why are you so angry!"

"In this case, what we are thinking about is just for our family!"

"In this case, since Weiyong is so righteous and honest enough now, we agree to the Anqing matter!"

"Let's let Mao Xiang make the arrangements. First let the Jin Yiwei go check on that boy Hu Renbin!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's voice gradually became louder unconsciously.

"Then isn't Hu Renbin a county captain in Shangyuan County?"

"Just look it up and you'll find out!"

"If being an official is acceptable, what will happen if we recognize this prince-in-law?"

"But if this bastard is just a loser who can't stand up on the stage, then don't say that he is not a consort, we might have to be cruel!"

When Queen Ma heard this, she nodded thoughtfully.

"If you say that, it's not impossible!"

"Then you make arrangements. I'll go say hello to Anqing first!"

"We can't hide this from our daughter, lest it accidentally comes out in the future and the child will complain about us!"

After saying that, regardless of whether Zhu Yuanzhang agreed or not, he turned around and thumped out of Jinshen Palace and went straight to Anqing Palace.

Not long after, the blushing Princess Anqing finally felt relieved after listening to her mother's teachings.

It's okay, okay, it's not a direct objection, but just checking it out, then it's nothing.

It’s not in vain to worry about it!
(End of this chapter)

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