Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 421 The old Zhu family is completely attracted to Xiao Hu

Chapter 421 The old Zhu family is completely attracted to Xiao Hu
Chapter 421: Lao Zhu’s family is completely attracted to Xiao Hu
As a supervisory agency directly under the royal family, Jinyiwei may be slower to investigate other places and other matters.

But Zhu Yuanzhang personally handed over the task, and the commander Mao Xiang personally led the team. The one who wanted to investigate was an official in the suburbs of Yingtian Mansion?
Is this inappropriate to hold on to with your hands?
For Jinyiwei, it is easiest to check Yingtian Mansion and its surrounding areas.

Nothing else, mainly because the main office of Jinyiwei is in Yingtian.

That is naturally the place with the most manpower.

Not to mention, it was officials who were investigating.

Haha, although the Jin Yiwei is nominally monitoring the world.

But all fools know that when Zhu Yuanzhang came up with this thing in the first place, he went after the officials.

Therefore, for officials, especially those from wealthy families, Jin Yiwei can be said to have intervened early.

It's just that, maybe in daily life, the inspection is not so strict.

Now, when Zhu Yuanzhang spoke, Mao Xiang was still leading the team, so naturally he had to quickly pull out all the information that had been found before.

In addition, after a new look in Shangyuan County, we collected a wave of official voices and related information.

In just one day, Jin Yiwei handed a thick stack of reports to Zhu Yuanzhang's desk.

Zhu Yuanzhang gave instructions without raising his head while flipping through the information in his hand.

"Well, there are a lot of things here, Mao Xiang, tell us, what is this Hu Renbin like?"

After Mao Xiang pondered for a moment, he said seriously.

"Your Majesty, according to what I have investigated this time, although Hu County Lieutenant was born in the Hu Mansion, Yuan County actually does not know his origin at all."

"It's not just the people who don't know, the officials also just suspect that he has a way in Yingtian Mansion, but they never thought that he was born in the Hu Mansion."

"On weekdays, as a county lieutenant, Hu County Lieutenant has to patrol the streets for half a day almost every day, and then spends half a day at the county government office to handle official duties."

"It can be said that Lieutenant Hu County is worthy of his heroic words when he took office in Shangyuan County."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the information in his hand, listened to Mao Xiang's narration, nodded subtly, and twitched the corners of his mouth covertly.

Obviously, he is quite satisfied with Hu Renbin's performance in this regard.

Lao Zhu, for nothing else, just likes people who can work hard for his Lao Zhu family and can also make profits for the people in a down-to-earth manner.

This kind of person is a good official in his eyes.

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang did not raise any objection, Mao Xiang continued.

"It is precisely because Hu County Wei usually keeps a low profile that his official reputation in the local area is very good."

"Even the people in Shangyuan County think that Captain Hu is just an ordinary person from a poor family."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't understand the sufferings of the people so well."

"Not only has he handled the matters within his jurisdiction, but if people find him on weekdays, even if it is not something he is in charge of, if he can ask a few questions or handle something, he will actively take action."

"During the last flood, Shangyuan County's relief funds were obtained by Hu County Lieutenant from the Ministry of Household Affairs."

"After all, although Hu County Lieutenant did not display the banner of Mr. Hu in the Household Department, there are quite a few people in the Household Department who know Mr. Hu and Hu County Lieutenant."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he didn't feel strange or blame anyone.

This kind of thing is too common in official circles.

Whether it is official or private affairs, it can be said that this has become an indispensable process in the officialdom.

Correspondingly, private matters are handled by the public.

Many things were obviously public affairs, but they were settled through private relationships while chatting over the wine table.

Without him, those officials relied on these things to maintain their friendship.

You can't say he is wrong, because they are all "serving the public good"!

Besides, since Hu Renbin didn't take the initiative to do anything under the banner of Hu Weiyong, he can't be blamed for being recognized. Although he, Zhu Yuanzhang, can't rub dirt into his eyes, he is not the kind of person who is so picky that he can't even see the slightest bit of dirt.

"Well, Hu Renbin did a good job in this matter!"

"There is no need to blame the Ministry of Revenue. There is only so much money in the treasury. Sometimes we have to sort things out based on our likes and dislikes, so there is no need to be harsh."

"It's just that we really didn't expect that a young man who can't lift his shoulders or carry his arms would actually become a good official who makes decisions for the people as a county captain?"

"Mao Xiang, are you trying to trick us?"

After hearing this, Mao Xiang knelt down with a thud.

"Your Majesty, how dare I!"

"In this investigation, I will tell you what I found out. I honestly did not dare to tamper with or conceal anything at all. I just sorted it out and reported it."

"Actually, if your Majesty had the opportunity to summon Captain Hu, you would know that he has lost a lot of weight and darkened a lot now, and that is all due to his busy work!"

"Furthermore, Hu County Lieutenant's reputation in the local area is not accumulated by him giving porridge or doing good deeds. It is really achieved by doing one thing at a time!"

"This matter will be reported accordingly when the officials take merit examinations. Why should I commit fraud?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was actually just tapping casually.

He didn't think Mao Xiang had the guts to fool himself on such a matter;
In fact, Mao Xiang also knew that what he was doing was not Hu Renbin at all, let alone flattering Mr. Hu.

He is just an honest errand boy.

As the supervisory agency directly under the emperor, the Jinyiwei should listen to the emperor's words, receive the emperor's rewards, and handle the emperor's errands. This is the right thing to do.

As for the other people in the court, even if they are as good as Mr. Hu, what do they actually have to do with Jin Yiwei?

Basically, it’s just that the well water does not interfere with the river water, okay!
Zhu Yuanzhang took a rough look at the investigation report and looked at the clearly recorded questions from so and so's mouth.

What is the evaluation, and where has the matter involved been investigated and confirmed by evidence collection?

It can be said that Mao Xiang really put all his effort into this report.

It is precisely because of this that Hu Renbin, the young master, becomes increasingly valuable.

He seems to be sincerely interested in being a good official.

Since then, Lao Zhu is completely relieved.

very good!

Mr. Hu is very low-key now and has no interest in court or anything else.

Now it seems very good.

There will be no need to promote Mr. Hu in the future.

Just hang around with this loose title, and it just goes with his wishes.

But this Hu Renbin, it seems now, is a good prospect.

Not only is he a good candidate to be an official, but he is also a good son-in-law.

Then it’s settled!
As Lao Zhu nodded and passed, everyone was happy.

Queen Ma was happy because she could find a suitable wife and consort for her daughter;

Princess Anqing was also happy, she had chosen this sweetheart of her own.

But on the other side, looking at the old housekeeper in front of him and the letter written by his father in his hand, Hu Renbin was somewhat confused.

ah? ! !
Didn't I just mention this during the Chinese New Year?

Why did you get married so quickly?
(End of this chapter)

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