Chapter 422 The marriage was quickly finalized
Chapter 422 The marriage was quickly finalized
Mr. Hu usually always fishes for fish, but once he gets excited, people feel different almost instantly.

He first changed into an official uniform and went to the Ministry of Etiquette.

In any case, matters such as weddings and funerals must not go around the Ministry of Etiquette.

However, the Ministry of Etiquette was responsible for all major weddings and funerals in the Ming Dynasty.

But... Mr. Hu knew clearly that the Ministry of Rites actually had relevant information, that is, information on men and women of appropriate age in the entire Ming Dynasty officialdom and honor system.

This thing is not for ordinary people.

It was prepared for the royal family of the Ming Dynasty, that is, the princesses and vassal kings of the age of the old Zhu family.

The information is very simple, just basic things like date of birth and place of origin.

After all, the Ministry of Rites does not have the ability of Jinyiwei to jump out to check people's background.

But for Mr. Hu, having such a thing would be very useful.

He only needs to have a rough understanding of the other person's family background, age and other things.

For the rest, he, Mr. Hu, travels around the world, usually just avoiding suspicion.

When you really need it, it's just asking someone for information. What's the big deal?

No, it didn't take much effort for Mr. Hu to get the roster he wanted.

Mr. Hu didn't hide anything. He copied it directly in front of the officials of the Ministry of Rites and spoke carelessly.

"The rebellious son of my family has now reached the age of starting a family and starting a business."

"As a father, I can't just ignore everything!"

"As the saying goes, marry a virtuous wife. My daughter-in-law of the Hu family does not ask for her to be well-matched, but she must not be the kind of person who loves to toss!"

Mr. Hu's words were not hidden at all, and he seemed to make it clear that his family did not lack power and status.

But the officials from the Ministry of Rites on the side nodded naturally when they heard this.

"What Mr. Hu said is a golden and good thing."

"If the lower official has Hu Gong's power, there is no need to consider whether he is a good match."

"Being able to live a peaceful and harmonious life is better than anything else!"

"It's a pity that Xianguan's family doesn't have a suitable daughter, otherwise I really want to be one or two higher up!"

Mr. Hu didn't answer directly, he just laughed and continued to copy the directory.

Not long after, Mr. Hu, who had a thick stack of records in his hand, said goodbye to the official of the Ministry of Rites and strolled back to his house.

Sitting in the study, the first thing Mr. Hu looked at was the background of each woman on the list.

That's right, Mr. Hu, who keeps saying that he doesn't care about being in the same family and has absolutely no family background, the first thing he cares about is his background.

It's just that unlike other people, their eyes only look upward and only focus on those nobles and high-ranking officials.

On the contrary, Mr. Hu only looked at those whose official positions did not exceed the fourth rank.

The bigger the official and the more famous he is, the less he wants it.


These guys are already doing well, but what if they become in-laws with me and cause trouble for me?
After all, not everyone is like me. They only want to be an old salted fish despite being successful and famous.

Each of them is an example of courageously striving to be the first and strive for the top.

God knows what they will think after getting married!
Now that I have finally reached this situation, how can I allow others to destroy it?

Therefore, Mr. Hu did not hesitate to search among those small officials.

Officialdom is essentially a pyramid-shaped structure with fewer people at the top and more people at the bottom.

Therefore, after searching like this, we really found many suitable candidates. Looking at the list compiled in his hand, Mr. Hu frowned and began to think about it.

"Well, I definitely don't want to be an official. I'll cross out these..."

"Well, I seem to have a strong impression of this name. It belongs to the parents of students from Jiangsu and Zhejiang who like to make trouble, right? Cross it out..."

"Tsk, what the hell is this? This is not a special relative of the old Zhu family. I can't have it, I can't have it..."

"Good guy, who is this, Huang Zicheng's family? Damn it, I definitely can't have it!"

"Wu Xun? Why did the Wu Xun family appear in what I copied? No, no, no..."


After this round of deletions, Mr. Hu finally selected a few suitable backup candidates.

Immediately, he asked people to start asking around.

There is no need to be secretive about this matter, it is an upright matter.

Hu Renbin's rebellious son, as the future heir to the Hu family, it was time to start a family and start a business.

I'm just looking for someone, there's nothing to hide.

However, others just felt that Mr. Hu was a little anxious in his actions.

I didn't feel any objection.

After all, most people are willing to become in-laws with the Hu family.

Therefore, if the "backup candidates" circled by Mr. Hu face the matchmaker who directly spends a lot of money from the Hu family, it is called polite.

Mr. Hu was also very generous, spending money to get more than a dozen matchmakers to attack separately.

My only request is that you give me the most real situation.

Including the other person's family background, parents' situation, the daughter's temperament, appearance, etc., these must be the most real.

It would be best to ask around to find out about the family's character and reputation.

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. If Mr. Hu spends money like this, the result will naturally not be too bad.

No, in just two days, Mr. Hu selected a company that he thought was very suitable.

The Imperial College pays tribute to the restaurant’s daughter!
Those who work in education are honest people with a good reputation. If such a person has any problems in the future, he will be dismissed from his job at most.

Isn't this much better than the ambitious people in the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the Ministry of Rites?
Well, pretty good!

It just so happened that his daughter was also well-educated and good-looking.

Then book it!
If both parties are interested, it will naturally go very quickly!

Immediately, Mr. Hu made the decision and when the other party agreed, he went through the work through the smiling matchmaker who was holding a lot of reward money.

The series of processes of accepting, asking for names, accepting, accepting, applying for appointments, and welcoming in person went so fast!
No, preliminary estimates suggest that everything will be ready in ten days.

At this point, Mr. Hu finally breathed a sigh of relief and sent people to rush to Shangyuan County.

It's time to bring back that traitor who is still chattering.

Your father arranged it for you, how could you refuse it?

He actually asked someone to send a letter back saying that he had some official duties at hand and needed to be handed over before he could go home?

I'm afraid you don't know what your father's reputation is in official circles, right?
Mr. Hu, who was used to being arrogant, didn't care about that at all, just one sentence.

Bring that traitor back and get married!

(End of this chapter)

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