Xiao An faced the camera and said: "Everyone, you have seen the situation. I know that people on the earth must be the same as us here. Some people agree to help, and some don't agree to help. Let's vote now to decide whether we want to help or not. "

Voting begins.

"Of course we have to help. We can't just ignore them, otherwise we're no better than animals."

"I'm afraid that these people will cause trouble when they come to the earth. If a dove takes over the magpie's nest, it will be troublesome."

"I don't think we should help. Whether they die or not is none of our business."

"That's right, our earth is still wandering."

"This is a matter of little effort. It has nothing to do with whether the earth wanders or not."

"Everyone encounters difficulties sometimes, let alone when someone is in a desperate situation. It's really unjustifiable if they don't help."

"If we don't help when things like this happen, are we still human? I'm going to vote for help anyway, and no one can stop me."


People cast their votes.

During this period, Tassen just looked at Huang Mengqiu and his group quietly, his eyes flickering from time to time without saying a word.

Half an hour later, the voting ended.

As many as 76% agreed to help, while only 24% disapproved of helping.

This shows that most people on earth put the kindness in their hearts into action.

Those who don't agree to help can't be said to be unkind, they just have various concerns.

Seeing such a voting result, Xiao An was not surprised.

During this period of contact with Huang Mengqiu and others, he already had some basic understanding of human beings.

Although humans sometimes have many bad things, there are more things that are worthy of praise.

Xiao An informed Tassen of the result, and Tassen immediately showed gratitude: "Thank you, thank you, we will always remember your kindness, you are our saviors."

Xiao An said: "Well, let them go outside, and I will contact our planet and ask them to send a spaceship to take you to our planet. By the way, our planet is called the Earth, and it is now heading to a livable place. .”

Tassen said: "Okay, I understand, Earth, this is a good name."

Afterwards, Huang Mengqiu and his party left the cave first and went outside.

Tassen is gathering people to move to Earth, but they still need to tidy up.

When Huang Mengqiu and his party arrived outside, Xiao An immediately contacted Commander Feng and asked him to send a spaceship over.

Commander Feng watched the live broadcast and naturally knew what was going on, so he immediately dispatched a spaceship large enough to accommodate more than 10,000 people.

There are spaceships, more than one, and they are not located at the mountain base behind the manor. Lu Rong told Commander Feng all these things.

Xiao An also asked Commander Feng to build a simple house near the high-tech base as a settlement place for these aliens.

Originally, even the Hua Kingdom, known as the infrastructure madman, would have taken at least a day to complete this kind of thing.

But with the existence of robots, it only takes one hour to do it.

It can accommodate more than 10,000 people.

This is not a place to live for a long time either.

When people like Tassen gradually become familiar with the earth, they can choose where to live.

These are things for the future.

More than half an hour later, a huge spaceship landed in front of Huang Mengqiu and his party.

Not long after, Tassen came out with more than 10,000 people.

They all looked very excited when they saw the spaceship.

With this thing, you can leave and reach a new planet to live on.

"Everyone, please get on the spaceship." Huang Mengqiu greeted.

A group of people expressed their gratitude and boarded the spacecraft.

An hour later, the spacecraft took off and headed for Earth.

Huang Mengqiu and his party were also in this huge spaceship, and the small spaceship was following behind.

They want to be with people like Tassen, for fear that these people are not familiar with them, they will not be used to it when they arrive on Earth, and they will be afraid or something. Studio.

"Haha, aliens have come to our earth."

"I didn't expect such a result. I thought a war would break out."

"This incident shows that humans and aliens can coexist peacefully."

"This is just an example. The planets of these aliens have been destroyed. They can only survive by relying on us. This is a last resort choice."

"That's right, don't get too happy too early. You still need to be cautious. It is necessary to monitor these aliens."

"It's really too much to worry about. If you do this, people will be disgusted."

"Whether you are disgusted or not, you should take such measures. This is to prevent problems before they happen."

"These aliens are only about 1.2 meters tall. I don't know if other aliens are this tall."

"When these people settle down, we can ask them. They will definitely know."

"Not necessarily. Didn't you hear what they said? Their planet was destroyed ten thousand years ago, and their generation must have never seen people from other planets. Of course, they have seen us now."

"You're stupid. Even if they haven't seen it, their ancestors will still talk about it. It will definitely be passed down."

"That is, what is the inheritance of civilization? This is the inheritance of civilization."


Facing the arrival of aliens, some people are happy and some are sad.

But no matter what, aliens finally entered the earth.

This is an unchangeable fact.

The spacecraft entered the earth and came to a stop in an open space next to the high-tech base.

Many new houses have been built here, with all living facilities available.

The aliens got off the spacecraft with excited smiles on their faces.

Tassen burst out laughing.

Seeing this, the other aliens also laughed.


"I know you are excited, but there is no need to be so excited."

"It's understandable to be excited about coming to a living planet again and being able to live a good life."

"I would do the same thing if I were there, no big deal."

"Am I the only one who thinks these aliens' agitation is a bit strange?"

"What's weird? There's nothing weird about it."

"Yeah, what's weird?"

"I understand that they are excited, but when they laugh like this, they don't seem to be excited about being able to survive."

"What's that for?"

"I can't tell. Anyway, I feel something is wrong."

"What a fuss. There's nothing wrong with it. For someone like you, it seems like you can't show your intelligence if you don't offer different opinions."

"That's it, if you can't tell what's wrong, just shut up and don't affect everyone's mood by chattering here."

"Well, I hope I'm worrying too much."

"It's not hope, you are just worrying too much. Don't say such things again in the future."

"Damn it, look, those aliens seem to be changing!"

"Let me go, what is this situation and why has it changed?"

"Did it mutate in the new environment?"

"It's impossible. How could it mutate after entering a new environment? Our earth is so suitable for survival, how could it mutate?"

"Who knows, maybe the earth is suitable for us humans to survive, but not for aliens." (End of Chapter)

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