More than 10,000 aliens, amidst laughter, experienced changes.

Their faces turned livid, their teeth became sharp, and the fingers on their hands turned into sharp blades.

These aliens soon turned into green-faced fangs.

It is no longer the kind-hearted person I saw just now, but has become very vicious.

Huang Mengqiu and others at the scene changed their expressions when they saw this change in the alien.

"How could this be?"

"Why did it become like this?"

"Did our earth's environment cause them to mutate?"

"I have a bad feeling. Maybe this is their original appearance, their previous appearance, just to deceive us and let us bring them to Earth."


Xiao An said: "Tassen, what are you..."

Tassen continued to laugh a few more times, then stopped and said to Xiao An: "Thank you for bringing us to your planet. In order to repay you, I declare that your earth belongs to our Tarot people, and you earthlings will become our Tarot people." Slaves of the Luo people, rejoice in becoming slaves of our great Tarot people!”


Upon hearing this, Huang Mengqiu and others' expressions changed drastically.

They didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

"I just said, don't bring them here. It's okay now. This is the true face of these aliens."

"It's luring the wolf into the house, it's really luring the wolf into the house."

"We are still too kind. The other party just says a few words casually and looks pitiful, and we believe it."

"What's the use of talking about it now? Who knew the other party was so good at pretending that he could even deceive us old guys."



"It's a dream that these people want to use us as slaves."

"Fuck us, make us their slaves, and make us cheer, sick."

"It can be heard that this guy feels that their Tarot people are great, as if any effort to become one of them is an honor."

"What great Tarot people, a bunch of garbage, ungrateful things, still dare to claim to be great."

"What I was worried about still happened. I told you not to save people casually. It's okay now. As soon as they arrived, their true colors were revealed."

"You bastard, we pitied them just now, but now it seems we are really stupid."

"It's not that we are stupid, but that we are too kind, and the other party took advantage of this."

"Good people don't get rewarded. Things like Mr. Dongguo and the wolf, and the farmer and the snake happened."

"Do these aliens think they can dominate the earth after becoming like this? It's really ridiculous. They don't know what we have on earth."

"It's better if they reveal their true colors now and kill them all to avoid trouble in the future."

"Yes, with the technology given to us by the boss, what should we be afraid of?"

"They just have sharper teeth and sharper fingers, nothing more."

"It's scary to look like this. When faced with the weapons of our boss Lu Rong, he is just scum."

"No matter what, we can't just believe in aliens from now on."

"This is a lesson, and it is not a bad thing for us. In the future, we will be more cautious when dealing with aliens and can live longer."

“Now I can only comfort myself like this.”   …

Tassen glanced at Huang Mengqiu and others, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and then said: "I want to eat you and make you our first food. You should feel honored."

Huang Mengqiu and others were frightened and quickly took a few steps back.

"Bad people, you bad people, I'm not afraid of you!"

Lu Panpan, who was in the arms of Sister Huang Mengqiuqiu, had a look of anger on his face.

Originally she was happy to be friends with aliens.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the kind aliens would turn into this, into vicious villains.

"Haha, little one, you were the first one to agree to bring us to Earth. I will be the first to eat you later!" Tassen stared at Lu Panpan with a ferocious smile.

Huang Mengqiu's heart sank and she hugged Lu Panpan tighter.

Lu Panpan was not afraid at all: "Bad guys, I'm not afraid of you!"

She is really not afraid.

Because she has confidence in the clothes her father gave her, she also has confidence in her father, and feels that work clothes can protect herself.

Even at this time, she still had a little hope in her heart, looking forward to destroying these bad aliens.

The last time I used the technological features of work clothes to fight dinosaurs, I wasn’t satisfied.

You must have fun this time and let these bad aliens know how powerful you are.

That is to say, she was held tightly by Huang Mengqiu, otherwise she would have rushed over.

"Okay, it's good not to be afraid. I like people who are not afraid to eat." The smile on Tassen's face became even more ferocious.

At this time, Xiao An said: "I want to know, which of what you told us before are true and which are false?"

No matter what, let's find out the truth of the matter.

"Now, does it matter which ones are true and which ones are false? Since you Earthlings are already our slaves, why do you still care about these things? You might as well care about how to be a good slave. We are not for everyone. We also need slaves to do things. Smart slaves will listen to us and live a better life." Tassen said.

"These are very important to us. No matter how things develop, we hope to find out the truth of the matter." Xiao An said.

"Okay." Tassen said, "Since you insist, I will meet your needs and let you understand."

"First of all, we are not from that planet, we are from the Tarot planet."

"The people on that planet were wiped out by our Tarot star. No one is left. The resources on the planet were plundered by us Tarot people."

"We are criminals from the Tarot Planet. We are criminals who cannot be pardoned and commit all kinds of evil. We were sent to that planet just to see if we can still find some resources."

"If it can be found, we will be taken back. If not, we will fend for ourselves here."

"We searched over and over on that planet, but we couldn't find any useful resources."

"That leads to, we're going to die there."

"However, we still used some scattered resources on that planet to build a signal transmitter. We hope that someone passing by nearby can receive our signal and come to investigate."

"Fortunately, we have really waited for you, but you seem to have no intention of coming. We will use the last remaining energy on that planet to pull your planet over."

"You all know the last thing. We successfully deceived you and asked you to bring us to Earth."

"Hahaha, this planet is so beautiful. We have never seen such a beautiful planet. We don't want to go back. From now on, we will be the kings of the earth, hahahaha!"

At the end of the sentence, Tassen burst into hearty laughter again. (End of chapter)

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