People on Earth were a little confused at first when they heard Thor's words.

I don’t know what Thor wants to use Zhang Wenbin’s armor for research.

I soon understood what Ter's real meaning was.

"Who does this guy think he is? He wants to steal Officer Zhang's armor!"

"He thinks he is from a higher civilization planet. We can't do anything to the Sapphire Star."

"I said I was borrowing it, and the words sounded better than the songs. Didn't I just fall in love with Officer Zhang's armor? Just put it bluntly."

"Officer Zhang, kill him directly."

"When I look at this guy's smile, I feel like he deserves a beating."

"If I didn't say anything, I'd kill him directly."

"When he died, I don't know if he could laugh."

"It's too easy to kill him directly. Let's turn him into a human stick first."

"Officer Zhang, don't talk nonsense to him. Turn him into a stick first. I'll see if he can still laugh."

"Again you become a human stick? You are so cruel, but I like it, hahaha!"


Zhang Wenbin looked gloomy: "What if I say I don't want to borrow it?"

Thor smiled lightly: "Mr. Zhang, I advise you to borrow it. Your earth is an indigenous planet, and our Sapphire Planet is a highly civilized planet. If you don't borrow it, I'm afraid your earth will end badly."

Zhang Wenbin smiled coldly: "Really? I really want to know how miserable the fate of our earth will be."

The earth is not afraid of any planet.

Anyone who comes to trouble the earth is seeking death.

This guy thinks that the Sapphire Star is a highly civilized planet, the Earth is an indigenous planet, and the Sapphire Star can crush the Earth at will.

In fact, the other party knows nothing about the earth.

The earth is a indigenous planet.

But the weapons are not at the level of indigenous planets, but at the level of advanced civilized planets.

Some even surpass the planets of advanced civilizations.

Take the earth's protective shield, for example. According to Xiao An, many advanced civilization planets cannot build it.

And the armor on his body cannot be made by a higher civilization planet.

It can be said that the other party threatened the earth, and it was really wrong.

Thor frowned: "Mr. Zhang, I advise you to think carefully and not to harm you and the people on your planet."

Zhang Wenbin sneered and said: "This is exactly what I want to tell you. Did you think carefully before you came to threaten me? Do you know that your actions will harm you and the people on your planet?"

Thor naturally did not think that what Zhang Wenbin said was true, and his face darkened: "Mr. Zhang, I am here to negotiate with you to give you face. Don't be shameless. If you take action, your earth will be destroyed in an instant. Will be destroyed!"

Zhang Wenbin was too lazy to talk to the other party anymore. A lightsaber appeared in his hand and slashed directly at Thor.

Thor was shocked.

He had seen the power of this lightsaber with his own eyes, and he quickly tried to avoid it, but in the end it was still a step too late.

He wanted to hide, but his body's reaction couldn't keep up with his brain's reaction, and one arm was cut off directly from the shoulder.

"You..." Thor endured the severe pain and looked at Zhang Wenbin in shock and anger.

Zhang Wenbin didn't want to listen to Thor's nonsense at all. The lightsaber in his hand turned into a pistol and shot Thor's broken arm. The arm immediately exploded into powder and disappeared.

After putting away the pistol, Zhang Wenbin said coldly: "You have seen with your own eyes what happened to that Jordan. If you speak rudely again, I don't mind making you like him."

Hearing this, Thor shuddered.

To become like Jodson, wouldn't it mean to become a human stick?

No, Jordan was killed by Zhang Wenbin in the end. That is to turn him into a human stick first, and then kill him.

"Okay, okay, just wait for me, your earth is waiting to be destroyed."

Thor gritted his teeth, said a harsh word, turned around and left.

Watching Thor leave and return to the Jade Star, Zhang Wenbin sneered and returned to Earth.

People on Earth felt that what Zhang Wenbin did this time was a bit unsatisfactory.

"Officer Zhang just cut off one of the guy's hands. It was really merciful."

"He is so cheap. If it were me, I would definitely turn him into a human stick."

"Officer Zhang should have considered doing this."

"Officer Zhang probably doesn't want to cause a war between the two planets."

"What is the cause, is we still afraid of the jade star?"

"Star Wars is no joke. The entire planet is destroyed, and there are countless casualties. If you can't help it, don't fight."


Zhang Wenbin returned to the control room.

Huang Mengqiu said: "I thought you would kill him."

Zhang Wenbin shook his head and said: "First, give him a lesson, and also give Sapphire Star a warning. If the other party still doesn't know what to do and wants to cause trouble again, I won't be polite anymore. If the other party directly takes action and starts a war between the two planets, Then we can’t be lenient.”

Commander Feng said: "Officer Zhang did the right thing. If the other party still refuses to let go after such a warning, then it's no wonder we are responsible."

Huang Mengqiu looked outside and said: "It seems that the other party is really unwilling to give up and has come back with his people."

Everyone looked outside.

Thor was found arriving with nine men.

Each of these nine people is fully armed and wearing the armor of a future warrior.

Of course, it is much inferior to Zhang Wenbin's armor. At least from the appearance, the texture is not as good as Zhang Wenbin's armor.

As for Thor, his broken arm has been repaired and replaced with a mechanical arm.

Zhang Wenbin frowned: "You really don't want to give up? Do you really want to die?"

Commander Feng said: "It seems that they either want to start a war between the two planets, or they don't know what they want to do."

Zhang Wenbin said: "Just take a look and you'll know. If it's still the same as before, I won't let them leave."

After saying that, Zhang Wenbin left the control room and flew outside.

Everyone on earth is already angry.

"This guy has a broken arm, and he doesn't know whether to live or die. He wants to provoke him again. He is simply seeking death. I suggest Officer Zhang kill him directly."

“I don’t know yet whether it’s a provocation or not, but I’ll have to wait and see before talking.”

"It's not a provocation. It's obvious that he brought those people to regain the situation."

"Actually, this guy is just a clerk. The decision was made by the commander-in-chief of Jade Star. I don't blame him."

"Are you showing off your brains upstairs? Don't blame him. If he hadn't reported our situation, would their commander-in-chief have taken action against us?"

"I think Sapphire Planet is a rogue planet. When dealing with such a planet, I think we have to be more rogue than them."

"If you ask me, there is no need to talk nonsense with them, just kill them directly. If they start a Star Wars and directly destroy their planet, we will cross this plain immediately, otherwise we will stay here. Who knows what will happen later? What dangers could arise?”

"I agree with the person above. If we cross the plain now, nothing will happen. But if we stay here for a long time, danger will come, and it will be a danger that we cannot deal with. That will be tragic. Even if we can destroy the Jade Star , what’s the use.”

"It's a pity that we are not the ones to make the decision. Let's see what Officer Zhang does."

"No matter what Zhang Wenbin does, we should support him." (End of Chapter)

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